Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 88(10), 2023
In Memory of Lel A. Drachev (Special Issue)
Guest Editor Alexey Yu. Semenov
Page numbering for English/Russian version
REVIEW: Lel A. Drachev and the Direct Electrometric Method

Generation of Electric Potential Difference by Chromatophores from
Photosynthetic Bacteria in the Presence of Trehalose under Continuous

REVIEW: Electron Transport in Chloroplasts: Regulation and Alternative
Pathways of Electron Transfer

Electrical Signals at the Plasma Membrane and Their Influence on
Chlorophyll Fluorescence of
Chara Chloroplasts
in vivo

REVIEW: Ion Channels in Electrical Signaling in Higher Plants

REVIEW: Changes in Activity of the Plasma Membrane H
as a Link Between Formation of Electrical Signals and Induction of
Photosynthetic Responses in Higher Plants

REVIEW: Generation of Membrane Potential by Cytochrome

REVIEW: Investigation of the Mechanism of Membrane Potential Generation
by Heme-Copper Respiratory Oxidases in a Real Time Mode

REVIEW: Similarities and Differences in Photochemistry of Type I and
Type II Rhodopsins

REVIEW: Features of the Mechanism of Proton Transport in ESR, Retinal
Protein from
Exiguobacterium sibiricum

REVIEW: Channelrhodopsins: From Phototaxis to Optogenetics

Retinal-Based Anion Pump from the Cyanobacterium

Femtosecond Dynamics of Excited States of Chlorophyll Tetramer in
Water-Soluble Chlorophyll-Binding Protein BoWSCP

REVIEW: Mitochondrial Network: Electric Cable and More

REVIEW: Role and Molecular Mechanisms of Alternative Splicing of
Th2-Cytokines IL-4 and IL-5 in Atopic Bronchial Asthma

REVIEW: Biomarkers of the End-Stage Renal Disease Progression: Beyond
the GFR

REVIEW: Catalytic and Electrocatalytic Mechanisms of Cytochromes P450 in
the Development of Biosensors and Bioreactors

A Novel Two-Domain Laccase with Middle Redox Potential: Physicochemical
and Structural Properties

Proteomic Approach to Investigating Expression, Localization, and
Functions of the
SOWAHD Gene Protein Product during Granulocytic