BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 10 2023
In conclusion, this study revealed new interactions
between the plasma membrane and chloroplasts, which
are mediated by ion fluxes mobilized due to the elec-
trical cell signaling. Hyperpolarization of the plasma-
lemma in the K
-conductive state leads to noticeable
changes in F′ and F
′ of Chl fluorescence pointing to
the existence of regulatory mechanisms that differ from
previously discovered pathways triggered by the AP gen-
eration. Our experimental observations are consistent
with the notion that the K
exchange on the inner
envelope membrane has a regulatory impact not only in
the long-term experiments (e.g., in plants grown at el-
evated salinity), but also in the case of relatively short-
term treatments. Further studies are needed for deeper
understanding of the intracellular interactions underly-
ing the effect of electrical events at the plasmalemma on
the photosynthetic performance of chloroplasts.
Contributions. A.A.B. designed the study, conduct-
ed experiments, and wrote the draft manuscript; S.YuSh.
carried out experiments and processed raw data; A.V.A.
discussed the results and supervised the study.
Funding. This work was supported by the Rus-
sian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) (project
no.20-54-12015NNIO_a) and carried out as part of the
Scientific Project of the State Order of the Government
of the Russian Federation to the Lomonosov Moscow
State University (no.121032500058-7).
Ethics declarations. The authors declare no con-
flict of interest. This article does not contain descrip-
tion of studies with human participants or animals per-
formed by any of the authors.
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