Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 89(7), 2024

Pharmacological Doses of Thiamine Benefit Patients with the Charcot–Marie–Tooth Neuropathy by Changing Thiamine Diphosphate Levels and Affecting Regulation of Thiamine-Dependent Enzymes

Use of qPCR to Evaluate Efficiency of the Bulky DNA Damage Removal in Extracts of Mammalian Cells with Different Maximum Lifespan

REVIEW: Genetic Features of Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Arctic Peoples

Mechanism of PARP1 Elongation Reaction Revealed by Molecular Modeling

REVIEW: Extracellular Vesicle miRNAs in Diagnostics of Gastric Cancer

Dermal Fibroblast Cell Line from a Patient with the Huntington’s Disease as a Promising Model for Studying Disease Pathogenesis: Production and Characterization

Content of Primary and Secondary Carotenoids in the Cells of Cryotolerant Microalgae
Chloromonas reticulata

Structural Basis for Evasion of New SARS-CoV-2 Variants from the Potent Virus-Neutralizing Nanobody Targeting the S-Protein Receptor-Binding Domain

Cardiac Myosin and Thin Filament as Targets for Lead and Cadmium Divalent Cations

REVIEW: Multi-Directional Mechanisms of Participation of the
TRIM Gene Family in Response of Innate Immune System to Bacterial Infections

Dose-Dependent Alterations of Lysosomal Activity and Alpha-Synuclein in Peripheral Blood Monocyte-Derived Macrophages and SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cell Line by upon Inhibition of MTOR Protein Kinase – Assessment of the Prospects of Parkinson’s Disease Therapy

Femtosecond Dynamics of the Excited Primary Electron Donor in Reaction Centers of the Purple Bacterium
Rhodobacter sphaeroides

Mechanism of Stimulation of Myogenesis under the Action of Succinic Acid through the Succinate Receptor SUCNR1

Differences in the Effect of Beta-Hydroxybutyrate on the Mitochondrial Biogenesis, Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Markers in Tissues from Young and Old Rats