Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 88(5), 2023
Page numbering for English/Russian version
REVIEW: Glucocorticoids Orchestrate Adult Hippocampal Plasticity: Growth
Points and Translational Aspects

Recombinant Human Cyclophilin A in Combination with Adoptive T-cell
Therapy Improves the Efficacy of Cancer Immunotherapy in Experimental
in vivo
O-Acetylhomoserine Sulfhydrylase from
difficile: Role of Tyrosine Residues in the Active Site

Effect of Neurodegenerative Mutations in the
NEFL Gene on Thermal
Denaturation of the Neurofilament Light Chain Protein

MINI-REVIEW: Blood Oxylipin Profiles as Markers of Oncological Diseases

Prediction of Adverse Effects of Drug–Drug Interactions on
Cardiovascular System Based on the Analysis of Structure–Activity

Nucleoid-Associated Proteins HU and IHF: Oligomerization in Solution and
Hydrodynamic Properties

REVIEW: Biochemical Features of X or Y Chromosome-Bearing Spermatozoa
for Sperm Sexing

Glutaredoxin 1 from Evolutionary Ancient
Hydra: Characteristics
of the Enzyme and Its Possible Functions in Cell

Detection of Specific RNA Targets by Multimerization

Mechanism of D-Cycloserine Inhibition of D-Amino Acid Transaminase from
Haliscomenobacter hydrossis

Adsorption of Acylhydroperoxy-Derivatives of Phospholipids from
Biomembranes by Blood Plasma Lipoproteins

Femtosecond Exciton Relaxation in Chlorosomes of the Photosynthetic
Green Bacterium
Chloroflexus aurantiacus

Display of Oligo-α-1,6-Glycosidase from
sibiricum on the Surface of
Escherichia coli Cells