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REVIEW: Peptide-Based Inhibitors of the Induced Signaling Protein Interactions: Current State and Prospects

Vladimir Y. Toshchakova

Sirius University of Science and Technology, 354340 Sirius Federal Territory, Krasnodar Region, Russia

Received January 5, 2024; Revised February 29, 2024; Accepted March 12, 2024
Formation of the transient protein complexes in response to activation of cellular receptors is a common mechanism by which cells respond to external stimuli. This article presents the concept of blocking interactions of signaling proteins by the peptide inhibitors, and describes the progress achieved to date in the development of signaling inhibitors that act by blocking the signal-dependent protein interactions.
KEY WORDS: Toll-like receptors, TIR domains, signaling complexes, peptide inhibitors of protein interactions

DOI: 10.1134/S000629792405002X

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