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REVIEW: Role of Microtubule Cytoskeleton in Regulation of Endothelial Barrier Function

I. B. Alieva

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, 119992 Moscow, Russia; fax: +7 (495) 939-3181; E-mail: irina_alieva@belozersky.msu.ru

Received May 23, 2014; Revision received May 28, 2014
Cytoplasmic microtubules are an obligatory component of the cytoskeleton of all types of cells. Microtubules are involved in many cellular processes including directed transport of vesicles and signaling molecules and changes in cell shape during its spreading, polarization, and movement. The intracellular organization of the system of microtubules and their dynamic properties are different in different types of cells because they play a key role in the implementation of a variety of cell and tissue functions, including the regulation of the endothelial barrier function. This review presents an overview of current studies on the properties of endothelial microtubules, their interaction with other components of the cytoskeleton and cell adhesion structures, and the role of microtubules in the regulation of the endothelial barrier function.
KEY WORDS: endothelial barrier function, cytoskeleton, microtubules, dynamics of microtubules

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297914090119