Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 71 (2006), Issue 2
Page numbering for English/Russian version
Biochemical Characterization of Human Enteropeptidase Light Chain

REVIEW: Structural and Functional Mapping of

Toxin-Binding Proteins from Midgut Epithelium Membranes of
stephensi Larvae

Accelerated Protein Aggregation Induced by Macrophage Migration
Inhibitory Factor under Heat Stress Conditions

Intracellular Localization and Content of YB-1 Protein in Multidrug
Resistant Tumor Cells

A False Note of DNA Polymerase Iota in the Choir of Genome Caretakers in

Identification and Isolation from Breast Milk of
Ceruloplasmin-Lactoferrin Complex

Properties of Hexahistidine-Tagged Organophosphate Hydrolase

Protein Composition and Native State of Pigments of Thylakoid Membrane
of Wheat Genotypes Differently Tolerant to Water Stress

Prolactin Receptors in Rat Cholangiocytes: Regulation of Level and
Isoform Ratio Is Sex Independent

Putrescine as a Modulator of the Level of RNA Polymerase
sigmaS Subunit in
Escherichia coli Cells under
Acid Stress

Doxorubicin-Induced Thiol-Dependent Alteration of Cardiac Mitochondrial
Permeability Transition and Respiration

3´-5´ Exonuclease Activity of Human Apurinic/Apyrimidinic
Endonuclease 1 towards DNAs Containing dNMP and Their Modified Analogs
at the 3´ End of Single Strand DNA Break

Regulation of 2-Oxoglutarate Metabolism in Rat Liver by NADP-Isocitrate
Dehydrogenase and Aspartate Aminotransferase

Investigation of Conformational Changes Induced by Binding of Pancreatic
RNase to Anti-RNase IgG Derived F
ab Monomer Using Optical

Handbook of Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology and Medicine (2nd
Edition, Cseke, L. J., Kaufman, P. B., Podila, G. K., and Tsai, C.-J.
(eds.) CRC Press, Boca Raton-London-New York-Washington, D.C., 2004,
580 p.)

Notable and Anniversary Dates in Biochemistry for 2006