Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 70 (2005), Issue 3
Page numbering for English/Russian version
REVIEW: How Does a Cell Repair Damaged DNA?

Molecular Cloning of Kunitz-Type Proteinase Inhibitor Group B Genes from

Digestive Proteinases of Yellow Mealworm (
Tenebrio molitor)
Larvae: Purification and Characterization of a Trypsin-Like Proteinase

Cloning and Expression of Mistletoe Lectin III B-Subunit

Effect of Salicylic Acid on Protein Composition of Tatar Buckwheat
Fagopyrum tataricum Calluses with Different Ability for

Inhibition of Peroxidase-Catalyzed Oxidation of
3,3´,5,5´-Tetramethylbenzidine by Aminophenols

Sialoside-Binding Macrophage Lectins in Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Bodies

Role of Thiamine Thiol Form in Nitric Oxide Metabolism

Comparative Study of Carrageenans from Reproductive and Sterile Forms of
Tichocarpus crinitus (Gmel.) Rupr (Rhodophyta, Tichocarpaceae)

Engineering of Proteolytically Stable NADPH-Cytochrome P450 Reductase

Study of the Hydrogen Bond in Different Orientations of Adenine-Thymine
Base Pairs: an
ab initio Study

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004. The Mechanism of ATP-Dependent
Degradation of Proteins Involving Ubiquitin

Essentials of Apoptosis. A Guide for Basic and Clinical Research (Yin,
X.-M., and Dong, Z., eds., Humana Press, 2003, 259 p.)

Francis Harry Compton Crick