ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 11, pp. 1930-1937 © The Author(s) 2024. This article is an open access publication.
Behavioral Features and Blood Enzyme Activity
in Offspring of Rats Conceived
from an Alcohol-Intoxicated Father
Sergey K. Sudakov
*, Natalya G. Bogdanova
, Galina A. Nazarova
and Nikolai N. Zolotov
Departement of Normal Physiology, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Federal Research Center for Innovator and Emerging Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Technologies,
P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology, 125315 Moscow, Russia
Received May 22, 2024
Revised July 16, 2024
Accepted August 6, 2024
AbstractQuite often, conception of a child occurs after consuming small doses of alcohol. However, effect of
this factor on offspring has not been studied at all. The aim of this study was to examine the level of motor
activity, anxiety-like and depressive-like behavior, sensitivity to analgesic effect of ethanol, as well as activity
of the enzymes DPP-IV, PEP, and ADG in the blood of rats whose fathers received ethanol immediately before
mating. As a result of the conducted experiments, it was found that the males conceived by the intoxicated
fathers have significant differences in behavior compared to control animals. Thus, motor activity in the rats
conceived by males under the influence of alcohol was 2-2.5 times less intense; they exhibited decreased sever-
ity of the anxiety-like and depressive-like behavior. In such animals, activity of DPP-IV and ADG was increased
and activity of PEP in the blood was reduced. In the rats conceived by the fathers under the influence of
alcohol, analgesic effect of ethanol was decreased, and there was also reduction in response of the activities
of ADG, DPP-IV, and PEP enzymes to ethanol administration. It is assumed that a single use of ethanol by
male rats immediately before mating leads to the decrease in methylation of the paternal inherited genes in
offspring. As a result, activity of a number of enzymes could change, which leads to the change in the balance
of neuropeptides involved in mediation of animal behavior.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924110075
Keywords: ethanol, offspring, alcohol dehydrogenase, peptidases, blood plasma, fluorimetric analysis, open field,
elevated plus maze, hot plate
Abbreviations: ADG, alcohol dehydrogenase; DPP-IV, dipep-
tidyl peptidase-IV; PEP, prolyl endopeptidase.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
It has been shown that alcohol consumption
during pregnancy negatively affects behavior of the
offsprings  [1,  2]. There are also data that significant
and persistent overconsumption of ethanol by the fa-
ther prior to conception could affect behavior of the
offsprings. In particular, offsprings of the alcoholised
mice exhibited attention deficit and hyperactivity  [3],
hypoactivity  [4], learning disabilities  [5], decrease of
the anxiety level  [6], decrease of sensitivity to ethanol
[7], and decrease of alcohol craving  [8]. According to
unofficial data no less than 20% of all conceptions
in the world, and in Russia especially, occurs after
consumption of moderated doses of ethanol. How-
ever, effects of this factor on behavior of the future
offsprings have been not investigated sufficiently.
We have found only two studies devoted to the effects
of consumption of a single moderate dose of ethanol
by the male before mating. It has been reported that
the offsprings demonstrated developmental prob-
lems  [9], as well as that the offsprings demonstrated
much less of the risk-assessment behavior and were
more aggressive that the ‘normal’ animals [10].
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
Behavior of humans and animals is determined
mainly by the processes mediated by neuromediators
and neuromodulators in the central nervous system.
Neuropeptides play an important role in these pro-
cesses with their levels depending significantly on
activity of the enzymes of their degradation. In par-
ticular, dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) participates
in degradation of such peptides as growth factors,
chemokines, incretins, neuropeptides, and vasoactive
peptides. It has been shown that DPP-IV is involved in
formation of ethanol tolerance and dependence [11].
Prolyl endopeptidase (PEP) participates in degra-
dation of numerous peptide hormones and neuropep-
tides. Role of PEP in effects of ethanol on organisms
of humans and animals is still poorly investigated.
Activities of DPP-IV and PEP could serve as mark-
ers of aggressive behavior  [12], levels of anxiety  [13]
and depression[14]. It was shown that the individuals
diagnosed with alcoholism have extremely low levels
of DPP-IV and PEP [15].
Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADG) is the enzyme cleav-
ing endogenous and exogenous ethanol. Role of this
enzyme in formation of ethanol sensitivity has been
investigated in great detail [16].
Based on the information presented above, goal
of this study was investigation of the level of motor
activity, anxiety-like and depression-like behavior,
sensitivity to analgesic effect of ethanol, as well as
activity of the DPP-IV, PEP, and ADG enzymes in the
blood of rats conceived by the fathers that consumed
ethanol immediately prior to mating.
Animals. Wistar rats obtained from Stolbovaya
Laboratory Animal Facility (Moscow, Russia) were used
in the study. Animals were kept in ventilated Tecniplast
green line 1500U cages (Tecniplast, Italy) with natural
corn bedding (Zolotoy Kot, Russia), 4-5 animals per
cage with free access to water and combined food
(3 kcal/g; Profgryzun, Moscow, Russia) at average tem-
perature 21°C, average humidity 20%, with illumina-
tion (90lux) from 20:00 to 08:00.
Mating procedure. Rats with body mass 210-240  g
(males) and 170-200  g (females) at the age of 2-3months
were used in the experiments. Three groups of males
and females (4 animals of each sex per group) were
formed with equal average level of motor activity in
the groups. A female in the estrus state was placed
with a male for 24  h. At the time of mating each cage
contained 1 male and 1 female.
Males of the 1st (control) group were adminis-
tered water intragastrically. Males of the 2nd and 3rd
groups received immediately prior to mating a 20%
ethanol solution at a dose 0.5 or 1.5  g/kg intragastri-
cally through a gastric tube. Males received solution
immediately after they started exhibiting mating be-
havior, and were placed back to the cage after ethanol
administration. Female rats did not receive anything.
In each group, three females out of four produced
Examination of offsprings. As a result of mat-
ing of control animals 15 males and 16 females were
born. Mating of the fathers that received 0.5  g/kg
of ethanol produced 16 males and 16 females. Only
males were used in further experiments. Behavior of
the 46 males conceived under conditions described
above was examined from the age of 2 months to the
age of 3  months. Levels of motor activity was tested
sequentially every 3-5 days, as well as their behaviour
in the open field test, elevated plus maze test, and tail
suspension test was examined. And finally, sensitivity
of the rat offsprings to analgesic effects of ethanol was
tested in the hot plate test. Seventy-two hours after
administration of ethanol and determination of its
analgesic effect, animals were decapitated and blood
samples were taken for biochemical tests.
Determination of the level of motor activity.
Rats were individually placed into experimental
Phenomaster chambers (TSE Systems, Germany) for
60  min, where their total horizontal motor activity was
determined automatically, as well as motor activity in
the center and number of rearing during 60min with
10 min intervals. The experimental chambers were
identical to the housing cages in which rats were
kept to minimize effects of stress. Experiments were
carried out from 11:00 to 15:00 in the absence of il-
lumination. Simultaneously 8 Phenomaster chambers
were used.
Open field test behavioral assessment. “Open
field” comprised a round 98-cm diameter arena sur-
rounded with 31-cm high walls (OpenScience, Russia,
model TS0501-R). Arena was separated with lines into
7 central and 12 peripheral sectors. Arena was illu-
minated uniformly with a medical lamp (arena sur-
face illuminance 450 lux). At the beginning a rat was
placed into the center of arena and horizontal motor
activities were monitored (total number of crossed
sections), number of rearings, and number of center
location within five minutes.
Determination of anxiety-like and depression-
like behavior in the elevated plus maze test (EPM).
“The Elevated Plus Maze” apparatus (Columbus In-
struments, USA) was used in the study. It comprises a
cross-shaped platform with four arms (length– 50cm,
width – 15  cm). Two opposite arms have non-trans-
parent high walls, while other two are open. Height
of the walls in closed arms is 43  cm. Labyrinth is
raised to the height of 75  cm. Surface area of the
central part of the apparatus is 15  cm
. Illumination
of the labyrinth surface is 90  lux. A rat was placed
SUDAKOV et al.1932
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
for 5 min into the platform and number of crossing
from section to section was measured, as well as
time spent in the center, in the closed and open arms
of the apparatus.
Determination of the level depression-like and
in the tail suspension test. The test involves hanging
a rat with adhesive tape and special attachment up-
side down by the tail for 6  min (TSE Systems, Tail Sus-
pension Monitor, 303590 series). Duration(s) and num-
ber of immobilization periods and passive movements
were detected. Energetic whole-body movements and
rotation around the axis were considered as active
movement. Slow movements with one or two paws
and head movement, such as swaying and whisker
twitching were considered as passive movements. All
other motion-fewer periods were considered as immo-
bilization periods.
Determination of sensitivity to analgesic effect
of ethanol. Animals from all three groups for this
test were randomly classified according the level of
motor activity and separated into two subgroups:
20% ethanol solution at the dose 1.5  g/kg was intra-
gastrically administered to the rats from the first sub-
group 30  min prior to the test. Rats from the second
subgroup received isotonic solution of sodium chlo-
ride. Each animal was placed onto the surface of
a“Hot plate” instrument (TSE Systems) heated to 56°C.
Latency period until animal started licking paws was
Determination of enzyme activity. Sample prepa-
ration. Activities of ADG, PEP, and DPP-IV were deter-
mined in blood plasma samples collected into tubes
with EDTA. Samples were centrifuged for 10  min
at 3000 rpm. Plasma samples were transferred into
clean tubes and stored at –70°C before use in the ex
Fluorometric method for determination activity
of PEP and DPP-IV. Method is based on fluorometric
determination of released in the course of enzymatic
reaction 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (AMC) from the
peptide Z-Ala-Pro-AMC (for PEP) or from the peptide
Gly-Pro-AMC (for DPP-IV), which has different fluores-
cence spectrum from the fluorescence spectra of the
peptides. Hydrolysis of the substrates was recorded af-
ter 30-min incubation at 37°C using a LS-5B spectroflu-
orimeter (Perkin-Elmer, USA). Amount of the released
7-amino-4-methylcoumarin was determined from the
level of fluorescence. Specific activity of enzymes was
calculated using equation (1):
A = [(E−C)/(S−B)]*t–1*v–1, (1)
where E – fluorescence of the sample (380/460  nm);
C – fluorescence of the mixture containing 0.05ml of
each substrate and enzyme, 1.9  ml of Tris-HCl-buffer
(prepared from Tris base Serva, Germany) (pH 8.0)
supplemented with 1  mM of each EDTA-Na
Hungary), dithiothreitol (Serva) and NP-40 (Sigma,
USA) and 1  ml of acetate buffer (pH  4.0); B – fluores-
cence of the mixture containing 0.05  ml of substrate
solution, 1.95  ml Tris-HCl-buffer (pH  8.0) supplement-
ed with 1  mM of each EDTA-Na
, dithiothreitol, and
NP-40 and 1  ml of acetate buffer (pH  4.0); S– fluores-
cence of the mixture containing 0.05  ml of substrate
solution, 1.93  ml of Tris-HCl-buffer (pH  8.0) supple-
mented with 1  mM of each EDTA-Na
, dithiothreitol,
and NP-40, 1  ml of acetate buffer (pH  4.0), and 0.02  ml
of 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin solution (2  nmol, Serva).
Reaction was stopped by addition of 1 ml of acetate
buffer (pH 4.0) to the incubation mixture.
Spectrophotometric method for determination of
ADG activity. Activity of ADG in blood plasma was
determined with the modified method suggested by
Mezey et al.  [17]. For this a 50-µl plasma samples
were mixed with 400  µl of glycine buffer (pH8.8), 3%
ethanol solution, and NAD solution (3  mg/ml, Fluka,
Switzerland); next each sample was incubated in a
water bath for 60  min at 37°C followed by measuring
optical density at 340 nm with a DU-50 spectropho-
tometer (Beckman, USA). Activity of ADG (µmol NADH/
ml*min) was calculated using molar extinction coef-
ficient of the reduced form of pyridine nucleotides
(6.22  mmol/ml/cm).
Statistical data processing. Statistical data pro-
cessing was carried out according to algorithms of
Statistica 13.0 program with testing normality of data
distribution using Shapiro–Wilk test. In the case of
normal distribution one-way ANOVA test was used to
compare mean values of several independent data sets
with following comparison of the mean values using
Duncan’s test; in the case of non-normal data distribu-
tion non-parametric one-way Kruskal–Wallis test was
used followed by post  hoc analysis using non-para-
metric Mann–Whitney U-test. Data are presented as a
M  ±  SEM, where M– is a mean value, SEM– standard
error of the mean.
Behavioral changes. It was shown that the males
conceived by the fathers in the state of intoxication
exhibited significant differences in behavior in com-
parison with the normal animals. In particular, mo-
tor activity of the rats conceived by the fathers in
the state of intoxication was 2-2.5-fold less intense:
U  =  36.00, p =  0.000997 in comparison of the ‘Control’
group with the ‘Ethanol 0.5  g/kg’ group and U  =  62.00,
p =  0.001642– in comparison with the ‘Ethanol 1.5g/kg’
group (Fig. 1a).
It was also found out in the ‘Open field’ test that
the rats conceived by the ethanol-affected fathers
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
Fig. 1. Changes in behavior of rat males conceived by the fathers in intoxicated state. a) Motor activity (arb. units) in ex-
perimental chambers Phenomaster; b) horizontal motor activity (arb. unit) in the ‘open field’ test; c) vertical motor activity
(rearing) in the ‘open field’ test; d)duration of staying in open arms of EPM(s); e) duration of rat immobilization in the tail
suspension test (s). Significant differences from the control are presented (non-parametric Mann–Whitney U-test).
exhibited lower horizontal motor activity (significant
difference from the control, U  =  19.50, p =  0.000027 for
the group ‘Ethanol 0.5  g/kg’; U  =  33.50, p =  0.000018 for
the group ‘Ethanol 1.5  g/kg’, Fig.  1b) and vertical mo-
tor activity (significant difference from the control,
U  =  32.50, p =  0.000478 for the group ‘Ethanol 0.5  g/kg’;
U  =  78.00, p =  0.00995 for the group ‘Ethanol 1.5  g/kg’,
Fig. 1c).
Time spent in the open arms of the elevated plus
maze (EPM) by the males conceived by the fathers
exposed to 1.5  g/kg of ethanol increased more than
5-fold (U  =  14.50, p =  0.00001) (Fig. 1d).
In the ‘Tail suspension test’, the rats conceived
by the fathers intoxicated with alcohol demonstrated
reduced immobilization time (significant difference
from the control, U  =  49.50, p =  0.007544 for the group
‘Ethanol 0.5  g/kg’; U  =  77.50, p =  0.008991 for the group
‘Ethanol 1.5  g/kg’, Fig. 1e).
It was revealed that pain sensitivity of the rats
conceived by the fathers under effect of alcohol
SUDAKOV et al.1934
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
Fig. 2. Latency of paw licking in the ‘Hot plate’ test.
Table 1. Activity of the ADG, DPP-IV, and PEP enzymes in rat blood plasma
ADG (µmol/mg/min)
Control Ethanol 0.5 g/kg Ethanol 1.5 g/kg
Saline 19.073 ± 0.91 19.475 ± 0.70
21.798 ± 0.96*
MS = 4.2465, df = 42.0
p = 0.0428
Ethanol 1.5 g/kg
17.896 ± 0.77
MS = 4.2465, df = 42.00
p = 0.0027
16.969 ± 0.61
MS = 4.2465, df = 42.00
p = 0.0104
19.819 ± 0.71
DPP-IV (nmol/mg/min)
control ethanol 0.5 g/kg ethanol 1.5 g/kg
Saline 2.694 ± 0.15 2.943 ± 0.14
3.269 ± 0.09*
U = 12.00,
p = 0.0379
Ethanol 1.5 g/kg
3.077 ± 0.2
U = 13.00,
p = 0.0488
3.134 ± 0.11 3.355 ± 0.12
PEP (nmol/mg/min)
control ethanol 0.5 g/kg ethanol 1.5 g/kg
Saline 0.946 ± 0.04 0.955 ± 0.03
0.789 ± 0.01*
U = 7.00,
p = 0.0069
Ethanol 1.5 g/kg
0.774 ± 0.02
U = 6.00,
p = 0.0046
0.804 ± 0.03
U = 5.00,
p = 0.0029
0.799 ± 0.01
Note. *  Significant differences between the groups of offsprings conceived by the fathers exposed to ethanol and
conceived by the fathers that received water; # significant differences between the animals that received saline
and ethanol in each group of offsprings.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
does not differ significantly from the control rats.
Administration of 1.5  g/kg of ethanol resulted in signif-
icant increase of the latency of paw licking (analgesia)
both in the control animals and in the rats conceived
by the fathers exposed to 0.5  g/kg of ethanol. However,
no analgesic effect of ethanol was observed in the rats
conceived by the fathers that received ethanol at the
dose 1.5 g/kg (Fig. 2).
Changes in enzyme activities. Activity of ADG
in the animals conceived by the fathers exposed to
1.5  g/kg of ethanol was significantly higher than in the
animals of all other groups. Activity of ADG signifi-
cantly decreased after ethanol administration in all
groups (Table 1).
Activity of DPP-IV in the animals conceived by the
fathers exposed to 1.5  g/kg of ethanol was significantly
higher than in the animals of all other groups. Follow-
ing ethanol administration activity of DPP-IV increased
significantly only in the control animals (Table 1).
Activity of PEP in the animals conceived by the
fathers exposed to 1.5  g/kg of ethanol was significantly
lower than in the animals of all other groups. Follow-
ing ethanol administration activity of PEP decreased
significantly in the animals of the control group and
in the animals conceived by the fathers exposed to
ethanol at the dose 0.5  g/kg. No decrease of the activ-
ity of PEP after ethanol administration was observed
in the rats conceived by the fathers exposed to 1.5  g/kg
of ethanol (Table 1).
Comparison of the activities of ADG was carried
out using one-way ANOVA, which followed by the
comparison of mean values of dispersion complex us-
ing Duncan’s test. Comparison of activities of other en-
zymes was carried out using non-parametric one-way
dispersion analysis using Kruskal–Wallis test followed
by posterior paired analysis based on Mann–Whitney
We demonstrated pronounced differences in the
behavior of male rats with fathers exposed to minor
or moderate doses of ethanol prior to mating. In par-
ticular, decrease of the level of motor activity was ob-
served both in the Phenomaster apparatus and in the
‘Open field test’. Previously hypoactivity of mice was
shown for the animals with fathers exposed to long-
term action of ethanol prior to mating  [4]. We also
showed increase of the time spent in the open arms of
the elevated plus maze by the animals with intoxicat-
ed fathers, which indicates reduced levels of anxiety.
This phenomenon was also described previously for
the offsprings with fathers chronically exposed to eth-
anol prior to mating  [6]. In addition, the results of our
experiments demonstrated that administration of eth-
anol at the dose 1.5  g/kg to the fathers prior to mating
results in producing offspring with reduced depres-
sion-like response to stress and decrease of sensitivity
to analgesic effect of ethanol. Decrease of sensitivity
to ethanol was also shown previously for the offspring
of chronically intoxicated mice  [7]. Effects on depres-
sion have not been demonstrated previously. Hence,
administration of a single minor or moderate dose of
ethanol to the rat males immediately prior to mating
cause the same behavioral changes as in the offspring
of the fathers with chronic exposure to alcohol.
Activity of ADG in the blood of animals with fa-
thers under the influence of alcohol was higher than
in the control rats. It has been shown that ADG could
participate in the mechanisms of analgesia induced
by administration of ethanol  [18], hence, decrease of
sensitivity to analgesic effect of ethanol in the ani-
mals conceived by the intoxicated fathers could be
explained by this fact.
The results of our experiments do not allow re-
vealing causative association between the activity of
enzymes and behavioral changes. However, we could
suggest that the increase of activity of DPP-IV and de-
crease of activity of PEP in the blood of animals con-
ceived by the fathers under the alcohol influence facil-
itate changes of the ratio of regulatory neuropeptides
and peptide hormones, which, in turn, could cause be-
havioral changes. In order to find out what particular
changes occur with the changes in activities of DPP-IV
and PEP, further experiments are required. Neverthe-
less, certain suggestions could be made. In particular,
decrease of the activity of PEP in blood could result
in increase of the level of thyrotropin-releasing hor-
mone in blood, which exerts an antidepressant effect
[19,  20]. It was shown previously in the experiments
with mice that the synthetic inhibitors of PEP have an
antidepressant activity [21].
Increase of the DPP-IV activity in offspring males
could indicate decrease of concentration of the sub-
stance  P (SP) affecting perception of pain via modula-
tion of SP concentration at the periphery and activation
of the peripheral NK1 receptors by the peptide  [22].
Endomorphin-2 is another important substrate of
DPP-IV  [23]. It is likely that DPP-IV modulates analgesia
induced by endomorphin-2. The third important sub-
strate of DPP-IV is neuropeptide  Y (NPY)  [24], which
plays a very important role in regulation of affective
state, reaction to stress, and pathogenesis of a number
of diseases, including depression.
In addition, we have found out that the offspring
males conceived by the fathers under alcohol influ-
ence exhibit suppression of the reaction of enzyme
activities on ethanol administration. While in the con-
trol animals’ administration of ethanol results in in-
crease of the DPP-IV activity and decrease of the PEP
activity, the offspring of the intoxicated fathers do not
SUDAKOV et al.1936
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
exhibit such response. This could be manifestation of
the general trend: offspring of the males exposed to
ethanol prior to mating are less sensitive to most of
the ethanol effects [7].
It was shown that chronic consumption of eth-
anol by the mouse males results in the decrease of
methylation of imprinted genes in spermatozoa, in-
cluding genes of neurotrophic factors  [25]. This could
result in the change of functioning of limbic system in
the brain and, as a result, to the change in animal be-
havior. Considering that the single-dose administration
of ethanol exerts the same effect as the chronic one,
it cannot be ruled out that the observed in this study
changes in the offspring of the intoxicated fathers
could be associated with this epigenetic mechanism.
As a result, activity of a number of enzymes could
change, which, in turn, could result in the change of
the balance of neuropeptides participating in media-
tion of the animal behavior.
Contributions. S.K.S. concept and supervision of
the study; N.G.B. and G.A.N. conducting experiments;
S.K.S. and N.N.Z. discussion of the results and writing
text of the paper; N.G.B. editing text of the paper.
Funding. This work was supported by ongoing in-
stitutional funding. No additional grants to carry out
or direct this particular research were obtained.
Ethics declarations. All applicable international,
national, and/or institutional guidelines for the care
and use of animals were followed. The authors of this
work declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Open access. This article is licensed under a Cre-
ative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s)
and the source, provide a link to the Creative Com-
mons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Theimages or other third party material in this article
are included in the article’s Creative Commons license,
unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the mate-
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Commons license and your intended use is not permit-
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