ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 11, pp. 1904-1910 © The Author(s) 2024. This article is an open access publication.
Association of Peripheral Markers of Oxidative Stress
with Clinical Parameters and Inflammatory Factors
in Alcoholic Patients
Valentina D. Prokopieva
*, Tamara P. Vetlugina
, Elena V. Epimakhova
Anastasiya S. Boiko
, and Nikolay A. Bokhan
Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences,
634014 Tomsk, Russia
Tomsk State University, 634050 Tomsk, Russia
Received May 29, 2024
Revised July 26, 2024
Accepted August 24, 2024
AbstractOne of the fundamental problems in studying addiction is elucidation of mechanisms of alcohol
dependence(AD) development. Disturbances of cellular redox balance and inflammation play an important role
in AD pathogenesis. Deciphering associations between biological and clinical indicators can elucidate molecular
mechanisms of disease pathogenesis. The aim of the work was to study peripheral markers of oxidative stress
in patients with AD during early abstinence period and to identify their relationship with clinical parameters of
the disease and inflammatory factors. In total, 84 patients with AD were studied (average age, 44.3 ±  8.2 years).
The analyzed clinical parameters included patient’s age, age of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) formation,
disease duration, and AWS duration. The markers of oxidative stress determined in the blood plasma were
oxidation products of proteins (protein carbonyls, PCs), lipids (thiobarbituric acid-reactive products, TBA-RPs),
and DNA (8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine, 8-OH-dG). The content of inflammatory mediators, such as proinflam-
matory cytokines (IFNγ, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17A, TNFα) was determined in the blood serum. Blood samples of
80 conditionally healthy men (average age, 40.9±9.6 years) were used as a control. Patients with AD demon-
strated an increase in the content of PCs, TBA-RPs, and all analyzed cytokines (but not 8-OH-dG) compared
to the control individuals. There was a direct correlation between the TBA-RP content and disease duration
and inverse correlation of the PC content with the age of AWS formation and AWS duration. The content of
PCs demonstrated an inverse correlation with the IL-6 concentration in the blood plasma. We also observed a
positive correlation between 8-OH-dG and IL-6, TBA-RPs and IL-8, and TBA-RPs and TNFα. Therefore, the early
abstinence period in patients with AD was characterized by a pronounced oxidative stress and inflammation.
The obtained results expand the knowledge on the integrative contribution of oxidative stress and inflamma-
tory factors to the AD pathogenesis and can be used in the development of new therapies.
DOI: 10.1134/S000629792411004X
Keywords: oxidative stress markers, proinflammatory cytokines, alcohol dependence
Abbreviations: 8-OH-dG,8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine); AWS, alcohol withdrawal syn-
drome; AD,alcohol dependence; IL, interleukin; LPO, lipid peroxidation; IFNγ, interferon gamma; PC, protein carbonyl;
TBA-RP, TBA-reactive product; TNFα, tumor necrosis factor alpha.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
The studies of addiction have shown that simi-
larly to many pathological conditions, alcoholism (in
particular, alcohol dependence, AD) is accompanied by
the development of oxidative stress. Beside general
mechanisms of oxidative stress emergence, alcoholism
is characterized by specific sources of free radicals,
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
including reactive oxygen species (ROS), associated
with the transformation of ethanol and its main me-
tabolite acetaldehyde in the body [1-3].
Alcohol passes through the blood-brain barrier,
which causes activation of microglia and leads to the
increased production of proinflammatory cytokines,
development of neuroinflammation in the central ner-
vous system, and impairment of neuroimmune com-
munications, thus affecting behavioral responses of
alcoholic patients  [4-6]. Long-term alcohol consump-
tion also weakens the intestinal barrier and promot-
ing release into the blood of bacterial components,
e.g., lipopolysaccharides (LPSs), that activate immune
system mainly through immune cell receptors (TLR4).
Activation of immune system causes increase in the
levels of circulating cytokines and promotes develop-
ment of inflammation and alcohol-mediated damage
to internal organs [7].
Because activated immune cells generate ROS,
the inflammatory process is always accompanied by
oxidative stress  [8,  9]. Impairments in the functioning
of antioxidant and immune defense systems caused
by the long-term alcohol consumption contribute to
the formation of concomitant somatic pathologies in
patients, which significantly reduces the efficacy of
standard treatment. New therapeutic approaches have
been developed based on the existing data on mo-
lecular mechanisms underlying the damaging effect
of ethanol on the cells of body organs and put into
practice. In particular, they include supplementing a
standard therapy with drugs aimed at the molecular
targets involved in the toxic effects of ethanol in or-
der to increase the efficacy of used treatment [10].
An information on the fundamental processes involved
in AD pathogenesis is essential for the improvement
of already existing and development of new treat-
ment methods. It can be obtained by studying oxida-
tive stress at different stages of AD and identifying its
clinical and biological associations.
The aim of this work was to investigate periph-
eral markers of oxidative stress in AD patients in the
early abstinence period and to identify their relation-
ship with AD clinical parameters and inflammatory
Eighty-four male patients with alcoholism admit-
ted to the clinic of the Research Institute of Mental
Health with a diagnosis coded by ICD-10 as “mental
and behavioral disorders as a result of alcohol con-
sumption (dependence syndrome F10.21 and with-
drawal syndrome F10.30)” were studied. The patients
were 30 to 60 years old (average age, of 44.3 ±  8.2
years), with the disease duration of 13.6 ±  8.0 years.
Diagnostic assessment and clinical verification of di-
agnosis were performed by physicians of the Depart-
ment of Addictive States. For each patient, a stan-
dardized description card was filled that contained
general identifying data, clinical parameters, such as
patient’s age at the time of examination, age of the
alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) formation, dis-
ease duration (calculated as a period of time from the
AWS formation to the date of examination), and du-
ration of AWS after alcohol withdrawal. As a control,
we used blood samples of 80 conditionally healthy
men (average age, 40.9 ±  9.6 years) who did not have
problems with alcohol consumption, as well as chron-
ic somatic diseases in the acute stage or symptoms of
acute infectious diseases. Thirty-seven control blood
samples were used to obtain plasma for the assess-
ment of oxidative stress markers; the other 43 samples
were used to obtain blood serum for the assessment
of inflammatory mediators.
Blood from alcoholic patients was collected on
days 3-5 of their admission to the hospital after alcohol
detoxification performed to remove toxic substances
from the body and to reduce the symptoms of AWS.
Peripheral venous blood from AD patients and control
individuals was collected in the morning on an empty
stomach using a sterile one-use holder Vacutainer sys-
tem (Becton Dickinson, USA) in heparin-coated tubes
(for plasma) or tubes containing coagulation activator
(for serum). The blood was centrifuged; serum and
plasma were aliquoted and stored at –80°C until use.
The content of protein oxidation products in
blood plasma was evaluated from the concentration
of protein carbonyls (PCs; nmol/mg protein) using a
method based on the reaction of PC derivatives with
2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (Panreac, Spain) with the
formation of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones [11]. Total
protein concentration (mg/ml) was determined using
a Total Protein 120 kit (Cormay, Poland). The content
of LPO products were assessed from the concentra-
tion of thiobarbituric acid-reactive products (TBA-RPs;
nmol/ml) using a TBA AGAT kit (Agat-Med, Russia).
The content of the oxidative DNA damage product
8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) was measured
with a DNA Damage Competitive Elisa Kit (Thermo
Fisher Scientific, USA) and expressed in ng/ml. Theop-
tical density of the oxidation products was determined
with an EPOCH spectrophotometer (BioTek Instru-
ments, USA).
Blood serum was analyzed for the concentration
(pg/ml) of the following proinflammatory cytokines:
interferon gamma (IFNγ); interleukin-1β (IL-1β); in-
terleukin-6 (IL-6); interleukin-8 (IL-8); interleukin-17A
(IL-17A); tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). The as-
says were carried out with a MAGPIX multiplex analyz-
er (Luminex, USA) (Medical Genomics Center for Col-
lective Use, Tomsk National Research Medical Center)
PROKOPIEVA et al.1906
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
using MILLIPLEX MAP Human Cytokine/Chemokine
Magnetic Bead Panel reagent kits (Merck, Germany).
Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS
v. 23.0 for Windows; the data were presented as me-
dian and interquartile range Me [Q
], except for
the age of study participants and disease duration
that were presented as mean  ±  standard deviation
(M  ±  SD). The data were examined for the normality
of distribution using the Shapiro–Wilk test. The Mann–
Whitney test was used for the between-group com-
parison. Correlation analysis was performed using the
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Correlations
and differences between the groups were considered
significant at p <  0.05.
Table 1 shows the clinical data for the patients
in the study.
The study was performed in alcoholic patients
during the early abstinence period after alcohol de-
Table 2 shows the results of comparative study of
peripheral oxidative stress markers in patients with
AD and healthy individuals.
Table 3 shows the concentration of proinflamma-
tory cytokines (inflammatory mediators) in alcoholic
The primary objective of our study was to identi-
fy the relationship between the oxidative stress mark-
ers, clinical parameters, and content of inflammatory
cytokines in the blood of patients with AD. The results
of correlation analysis are shown in Table 4.
Assessment of peripheral markers of oxidative
stress (products of lipid, protein, and DNA oxidation
in blood plasma) in patients with alcoholism in the
early abstinence period revealed the development
of a pronounced oxidative stress, as the concentra-
tions of PCs and TBA-RCs in the plasma of alcoholic
patients were significantly higher than in the control
individuals (Table2). A similar increase in the content
Table  1. Clinical parameters of alcoholic patients
(n = 84); Me [Q
Parameters Value
Age, years 44.50 [38.00-50.00]
Age of AWS formation, years 30.00 [25.00-35.00]
Disease duration, years 12.50 [7.00-19.00]
AWS duration, days 4.00 [2.00-4.00]
Table 2. Peripheral markers of oxidative stress in the plasma of alcoholic patients and healthy individuals;
Me [Q
Oxidative stress marker Alcoholic patients, n =84 Control, n=37 p between-group
PCs, nmol/mg protein 0.42 [0.35-0.49] 0.33 [0.27-0.39] <0.001
TBA-RPs, nmol/ml 2.97 [2.50-3.55] 2.40 [2.10-2.80] <0.001
8-OH-dG, ng/ml 13.30 [9.84-16.08] 12.84 [11.16-16.45] 0.908
Table 3. Concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines in the blood of alcoholic patients and healthy individuals;
Me [Q
Inflammatory cytokine Alcoholic patients, n =31 Control, pg/ml; n=43 p-value
IFNγ 32.46 [29.36-35.44] 3.07 [0.88-5.47] p< 0.001
IL-1β 5.56 [4.91-6.41] 0.68 [0.25-2.46] p< 0.001
IL-6 5.96 [4.74-10.47] 1.26 [0.35-4.06] p < 0.001
IL-8 26.38 [19.72-40.53] 8.59 [5.69-13.78] p < 0.001
IL-17A 24.27 [22.53-27.82] 2.83 [1.07-5.17] p< 0.001
TNFα 30.03 [28.55-38.67] 9.75 [7.00-12.49] p < 0.001
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
Table 4. Correlation of peripheral oxidative stress
markers with clinical parameters and content of
inflammatory cytokines in alcoholic patients
Spearman’s rank
coefficient (r
TBA-RP and disease
0.201 0.049
PCs and age of AWS
–0.245 0.025
PCs and AWS duration –0.246 0.024
PCs and IL-6 –0.620 0.003
8-OH-dG and IL-6 0.433 0.044
TBA-RPs and IL-8 0.457 0.049
TBA-RPs and TNFα 0.468 0.037
of peripheral oxidative stress markers, such as mal-
ondialdehyde (LPO product) and PCs in the serum
of patients with alcoholism has been reported in the
works of other authors [12, 13].
At the same time, the content of 8-OH-dG (product
of DNA oxidation) in AD patients did not differ from
the control (Table 2). Previously, we reported an in-
creased concentration of 8-OH-dG in the blood plasma
of AD patients with the AWS upon their admission to
the hospital [14]. Alcoholic patients with the AWS or
after 1 week of detoxification were also demonstrated
an increased level of 8-OH-dG [15]. This discrepancy
can be explained by the fact that the studies were con-
ducted in patients with different stages of the disease,
as well as by a variety of mechanisms that can affect
the level of DNA oxidation products in human blood
plasma. Chernikov et al.  [16] analyzed the reports
on the biomedical properties, mechanisms of action,
and possible therapeutic effects of such DNA metabo-
lites [16]. More than 30 oxidation products of nitrog-
enous bases are known, the most studied of which
are 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxo-dG) and 8-OH-dG.
Formation of 8-oxo-dG is the most common type of
oxidative damage of nucleic acids  [17], while 8-OH-dG
is one of the main oxidative stress biomarkers [15, 18].
Free 8-oxo-dG has been shown to act as a mediator
of stress signaling in cells that triggers and potenti-
ates inflammatory and immune responses in order
to maintain homeostasis upon the action of external
agents. 8-OH-dG also exhibits pronounced anti-inflam-
matory and antioxidant properties  [16]. Marmiy and
Esipov in their review  [19] on the biological role of
8-oxo-2′-dG and, in particular, its antioxidant and an-
ti-inflammatory properties, cited a number of reports,
in which the content of 8-oxo-2′-dG first increased un-
der the action of stress factors, but then returned to
the normal values or even decreased. The activity of
antioxidant and DNA repair enzymes significantly in-
creases during the compensation period. The question
whether DNA oxidation products upregulate expres-
sion of such enzymes or activation of the correspond-
ing genes is caused by some other factors remains
open. However, beside the fact that 8-OH-dG has been
successfully used as an oxidative stress marker for a
long time, there is evidence suggesting involvement of
this compound in the regulation of gene expression,
DNA repair, control of inflammatory and autoimmune
responses, and triggering of the antioxidant defense
[19]. In view of this, the absence of differences in the
levels of 8-OH-dG in the plasma of patients with AD
and control subjects in our study is quite understand-
able. This metabolite not only accumulates in the body
during oxidative stress, it is actively involved in the
regulation of metabolic processes, which, in turn, can
affect its concentration in blood plasma.
Assessment of proinflammatory cytokine levels
showed that the concentrations of all studied inflam-
matory mediators in the blood serum of alcoholic pa-
tients were significantly higher than in the control in-
dividuals (p <  0.001 in all cases). The highest increase
(by more than an order of magnitude) was found for
the concentration of IFNγ (Table  3). Previously, the
studies of spontaneous production of cytokines (IFNγ,
IL-17A, IL-1Ra, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, and TNFα) by im-
munocompetent cells revealed a significant increase
in the concentration of cytokines in the supernatants
of blood samples from patients with AD compared
to healthy individuals [20]. There was a correlation
between the spontaneous production of cytokines by
blood cells of patients with AD and products of pro-
tein and lipid oxidation in the blood plasma of these
patients [21], which indirectly indicated a stimulating
effect of ethanol and its metabolic products on immu-
nocompetent cells in vivo. At the same time, the prod-
ucts of ethanol-induced oxidative stress can modulate
the synthesis of cytokines differently, as was demon-
strated in the alcohol consumption model in rats by
assessing the role of alcohol-induced oxidative stress
in the modulation of cytokine production in hepa-
tocytes and liver Kupffer cells [22]. The effect on the
synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines
was mediated by the activity of NF-κB transcription
factor, histone acetylation, and impaired mRNA sta-
bility. Thus, hydrogen peroxide (H
) stimulated LPS-
induced cytokine/chemokine production in Kupffer
cells, while 4-hydroxynonenal displayed the inhibitory
Studying the correlations between oxidative stress
markers and clinical characteristics of AD revealed
negative associations of PC concentration with the
PROKOPIEVA et al.1908
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 11 2024
age of AWS formation and AWS duration after alco-
hol withdrawal (Table4). Since mechanisms of AD for-
mation and development involve multiple molecular
pathways, it is impossible to explain the identified re-
lationships unambiguously. Nevertheless, we can defi-
nitely say that PCs participate in these mechanisms.
We also found a direct relationship between the
level of LPO products (TBA-RPs) and disease duration.
It is known that aging is associated with the increased
amounts of biomacromolecule oxidation products
[23-25]. Spiteller [25] provided evidence that LPO are
formed as a result of processes induced by changes
in the structure of cell membrane that occur in aging,
as well as under the influence of adverse factors, in
particular, systematic long-term alcohol consumption.
Structural changes in biological membranes under
the action of ethanol lead to the activation of mem-
brane-bound phospholipases, which induces the influx
of Ca
ions and activation of lipoxygenases. Lipoxy-
genases convert polyunsaturated fatty acids into lip-
id hydroperoxides that can be degraded by enzymes
into signaling compounds. This induces non-enzymatic
LPO, and the process of TBA-RP accumulation contin-
ues [24]. We found a correlation between the content
of TBA-RPs and disease duration in patients with AD.
The correlations between the oxidative stress
markers and the content of proinflammatory cyto-
kines found in our study confirm a close relationship
between inflammation and oxidative stress  [8,  9].
The relationship between the oxidative stress mark-
ers and IL-6 is of special significance, since IL-6 is the
most important inflammatory mediator that induces
the synthesis of acute phase proteins. We noted that
the strongest associations among identified correla-
tions were the inverse relationship between PCs and
IL-6 and direct relationship between 8-OH-dG and IL-6
(Table  4). As already mentioned, 8-OH-dG has been
found to exhibits pronounced antioxidant properties
[16,  19]. One of the explanations for the observed as-
sociations may be the following: the inflammatory
process upregulates IL-6, as well as promotes oxida-
tion of plasma macromolecules, including DNA, with
the formation of oxidation products (8-OH-dG), thus
leading to the direct relationship between the levels
of IL-6 and 8-OH-dG. Since 8-OH-dG has the antiox-
idant effect, its accumulation in the blood prevents
protein oxidation and reduces the concentration of
PCs in the blood, which leads to the negative correla-
tion between the IL-6 content and PC concentration
observed in our study.
Our explanation for the association of oxidative
stress markers with AD clinical parameters and in-
flammatory mediators is still a hypothesis. Further
research and more data are needed to identify the
relationship between the metabolic pathways at dif-
ferent stages of AD development.
We found that the early abstinence period in AD
patients is accompanied by a pronounced oxidative
stress and accumulation of products of protein and
lipid oxidation in the blood.
We also revealed the correlation between the
levels of oxidative stress markers and disease dura-
tion, age of AWS onset, and AWS duration, as well
as between the contents of PCs, TBA-RPs, 8-OH-dG,
and proinflammatory cytokines, the concentrations
of which were significantly increased in patients
with AD.
It was demonstrated that the studied peripheral
oxidative stress biomarkers reflect a combined contri-
bution of oxidative stress and inflammation to the AD
pathogenesis. The obtained data expand the knowl-
edge about pathogenesis of alcoholism and might be
helpful in the development of new treatment methods
that will include therapeutic agents aimed at normal-
izing the oxidative status and reducing inflammation.
Contributions. V.D.P., T.P.V., and N.A.B. developed
the concept and supervised the study; E.V.E. and A.S.B.
conducted the experiments; V.D.P., T.P.V., and E.V.E. dis-
cussed the study results and prepared the manuscript;
T.P.V. and N.A.B. edited the manuscript.
Funding. The study was carried out as part of
the State task no. 075-00712-24-00; research topic
Ethics declaration. All procedures performed
in human subjects met the ethical standards of the
National Research Ethics Committee and the Helsinki
Declaration of 1964 and its subsequent revisions or
comparable ethics standards. Voluntary informed con-
sent was obtained from each involved participant.
Thestudy was approved by the Local Ethics Commit-
tee at the Mental Health Research Institute of Tomsk
National Research Medical Center. The authors of this
work declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Open access. This article is licensed under a Cre-
ative Commons Attribution4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s)
and the source, provide a link to the Creative Com-
mons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Theimages or other third party material in this article
are included in the article’s Creative Commons license,
unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the mate-
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Commons license and your intended use is not permit-
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