ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 10, pp. 1711-1726 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2024.
Placental Transport of Amino Acids in Rats
with Methionine-Induced Hyperhomocysteinemia
Yulia P. Milyutina
*, Gleb O. Kerkeshko
, Dmitrii S. Vasilev
, Irina V. Zalozniaia
Sergey K. Bochkovskii
, Natalia L. Tumanova
, Anastasiia D. Shcherbitskaia
Anastasiia V. Mikhel
, Gulrukhsor H. Tolibova
, and Alexander V. Arutjunyan
D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Medicine, 199034 St.Petersburg, Russia
I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences,
194223 St.Petersburg, Russia
Received December 2, 2023
Revised April 11, 2024
Accepted May 2, 2024
AbstractMaternal hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) is a risk factor for intrauterine growth restriction presumably
caused by a decrease in the placental transport of nutrients. We investigated the effect of experimental HHcy
induced by daily methionine administration to pregnant rats on the free amino acid levels in the maternal and
fetal blood, as well as on morphological and biochemical parameters associated with the amino acid transport
through the placenta. HHcy caused an increase in the levels of most free amino acids in the maternal blood on
gestational day 20, while the levels of some amino acids in the fetal blood were decreased. In rats with HHcy,
the maternal sinusoids in the placental labyrinth were narrowed, which was accompanied by aggregation of
red blood cells. We also observed an increase in the neutral amino acid transporters (LAT1, SNAT2) protein
levels and activation of 4E-BP1, a downstream effector of mTORC1 complex, in the labyrinth zone. Maternal
HHcy affected the placental barrier permeability, as evidenced by intensification of the mother-to-fetus transfer
of Evans Blue dye. The imbalance in the free amino acid levels in the maternal and fetal blood in HHcy may be
due to the competition of homocysteine with other amino acids for common transporters, as well as a decrease
in the area of exchange zone between maternal and fetal circulations in the placental labyrinth. Upregulation
of the neutral amino acid transporter expression in the labyrinth zone may be a compensatory response to an
insufficient intrauterine amino acid supply and fetal growth restriction.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924100055
Keywords: maternal hyperhomocysteinemia, placenta, placental transport, placental barrier, amino acids, mTOR,
amino acid transporters
Abbreviations: 4E-BP1, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1; 5-HT, serotonin; AA, amino acid;
FPP, fetal-faced placental part; GD,gestational day; HHcy, hyperhomocysteinemia; Hcy, homocysteine; LAT, L-type amino
acid transporter; MPP,maternal-faced placental part; mTOR,mammalian target of rapamycin; mTORC1,mammalian target
of rapamycin complex1; S6, ribosomal proteinS6; SNAT,sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter; STB,syncytiotro-
phoblast; TGC,trophoblast giant cell.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
One of consequences of the elevated content of
the non-proteinogenic amino acid homocysteine (Hcy),
an intermediate metabolite of methionine, in the moth-
ers blood during pregnancy is fetal growth restriction
and reduced birth weight [1-3]. The negative effects of
maternal hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) on the fetal
growth and development likely associated with the tox-
ic effects of high Hcy levels are still poorly understood.
Placenta plays a key role in the regulation of nu-
trient distribution between mother and fetus during
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BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
pregnancy, as it integrates the signals on the maternal
and fetal nutrient availability [4]. The main placental
sensor of the nutrient level in the mothers blood is
the mTORC1 complex containing mammalian target
of rapamycin (mTOR) as a catalytic unit [5,6]. Mater-
nal nutritional deficiencies, stress, and placental hy-
poxia result in reduction of the mTORC1 activity in
the placenta and cause a corresponding decrease in
the expression of placental nutrient transporters [7].
An excess of nutrients in the maternal blood, on the
contrary, results in the activation of placental mTORC1
accompanied by an increase in the number of placen-
tal transporters [8]. It has been suggested that in ad-
dition to signals from the maternal side, the transport
function of the placenta is regulated by nutrition sta-
tus-related signaling from the fetal side, which allows
to compensate a decrease in the available nutrients in
the fetal blood by increasing expression and activity of
placental transporters [7,9].
An adequate placental transport of amino ac-
ids(AAs) from mother to fetus is vital for fetal growth
[10]. The rate of AA transport through the placen-
ta is determined by the rate of maternal placental
blood flow, surface area of the exchange zone be-
tween the maternal and fetal circulations, and activ-
ity and number of AA transporters in this zone [10].
In rodents, such an exchange zone and at the same
time a placental barrier is a continuous two-layered
syncytiotrophoblast (STB) lining sinusoids filled with
maternal blood in the labyrinthine region of the pla-
centa. The expression and activity of the neutral AA
transporters on the STB membranes are controlled by
the mTORC1 complex [11].
Experimental studies have shown that HHcy is ac-
companied by changes in the free AAs profiles in the
blood and cerebral spinal fluid of male mice, as well
as in the blood of pregnant rats and brains of their
fetuses [12-16]. It has been hypothesized that Hcy can
inhibit the mother-to-fetus neutral AA transport by
competing with AAs for common transporters on the
STB membranes [17, 18], and, consequently, affect the
levels of AAs in the maternal and fetal blood. Methi-
onine and, possibly, Hcy are able to change the activi-
ty of mTORC1 by modulating the intracellular content
of mTORC1 activator S-adenosylmethionine [24, 25].
Thestudies conducted on brain tissues or neural cells
have demonstrated that elevated Hcy levels can influ-
ence the mTORC1 activity [19-23]. At the same time, the
effect of maternal HHcy on the activity of mTORC1 and
levels of AA transporters in the placenta remains poor-
ly studied. No changes in the activity of mTORC1 under
the influence of increasing Hcy concentration were ob-
served in primary human trophoblast cells [26]; on the
other hand, administration of methionine to animals in-
creases the activity of mTORC1 and upregulated expres-
sion of AA transporters in the placental tissues [27,28].
Thus, HHcy can affect the transport of AAs from
mother to fetus via the competition of Hcy with other
AAs for common placental transporters, and through
the change in the activity of the mTORC1 complex and
mTORC1-regulated expression of AA transporters on
the STB membranes. On the other hand, due to the pre-
sumed existence of fetal feedback, the compensatory
increase in the expression and/or activity of placental
AA transporters may occur in response to the decreas-
ing of fetal blood AA concentrations and fetal growth
retardation. Furthermore, the possibility of direct tox-
ic effects of high Hcy levels on placental cells, which
could result in the delay in placental development
and the decrease of its transport and barrier function,
should be also considered. In order to test these hy-
potheses, we investigated the effects of methionine-in-
duced HHcy on the free AAs content in the blood of
pregnant rats and their fetuses, placental mTORC1 sig-
naling and neutral AA transporters expression in the
placental labyrinth, as well as on the morphology of
placenta and placental barrier integrity.
Animals. Female 3 to 4-month-old Wistar rats
(n= 33; Rappolovo Animal Facility, Russia) with the
initial body weight of 220-290 g and stable estrous
cycle of 4 days, were used in the experiments. Thean-
imals were housed at the animal facility with a forced
ventilation and controlled 12-h light/dark cycle (day-
time, 7.00-19.00; nighttime, 19.00-7.00) at a constant
temperature of 20-21°C and 75-85% humidity. Therats
received a standard feed for laboratory animals
(Provimi, Russia) and filtered water ad libitum. All ex-
periments were conducted in accordance with the Di-
rective of European Union (86/609/EEC) on protection
of animals used in experimental studies.
Model of maternal HHcy. Experimental mater-
nal HHcy was induced by chronic methionine admin-
istration to pregnant animals according to the meth-
od previously developed in our laboratory [29, 30].
The day after detection of spermatozoa in the vaginal
smear was considered as the gestational day1 (GD1).
Pregnant animals were divided into control (n = 15)
and experimental (HHcy; n= 18) groups. Experimen-
tal animals received daily 1ml of aqueous solution of
L-methionine [AJI92, USP30 (TLC); Khimmed, Russia]
prepared ex tempora. L-Methionine was administered
perorally at 0.6 g/kg of animal body weight via oral
gavage from GD4 to GD19. Control animals received
1 ml of water administered the same way for the same
period oftime.
Evaluation of weight gain in pregnant rats.
In order to determine the total weight gain, female
rats were weighted prior to mating and on GDs 4, 10,
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
14, and 20. The obtained data were used to plot the
dependence of body weight on the gestation period
for each animal. The slopes of the obtained plots were
compared for the control and experimental groups.
Animals with total number of fetuses between 11 and
16 were included in the analysis. The average number
of fetuses in the animals from the control and experi-
mental groups did not differ.
Tissue collection for analysis. Pregnant rats
from both groups were sacrificed by decapitation with-
out anesthesia using a guillotine for laboratory rodents
(Open Science, Russia) on GD20, 24 h after the last
administration of methionine, and their trunk blood
was collected. Fetuses and placentas were isolated
and weighted. The fetuses were decapitated and their
trunk blood was collected (blood from the entire litter
of each dam was pooled together). Placentas for his-
tology examination were immediately placed into 10%
neutral buffered formalin solution (pH7.2) (Sintakon,
Russia). Blood serum was obtained by centrifugation
(10min at 2300g). Blood serum samples and placenta
tissues for biochemical analysis were stored at –80°C.
HPLC analysis of the free AAs in the maternal
and fetal blood serum was carried out according to the
method described by Askretkov et al. [31]. An AccQ-
Fluor Reagent Kit (Waters, USA) was used for AA deri-
vatization. Standard solution of the 17 AA (Ala, Arg,
Asp, Cystine, Glu, Gly, His, Ile, Leu, Lys, Met, Phe, Pro,
Ser, Thr, Tyr, Val) (Waters), individual standard solu-
tions of Asn, Gln, Trp, and internal standard alanyl-glu-
tamine peptide were used. Analysis was carried out
with a Dionex Ultimate 3000 HPLC system (Thermo
Fisher Scientific, Germany) equipped with an FLD-3100
fluorescence detector. To analyze biological samples,
50 µl of the internal standard and 50 µl of the blood
serum were mixed. To precipitate proteins, acetonitrile
was added to a sample at a 1 : 1 ratio and the mix-
ture was centrifuged for 5 min at 10,000g. An aliquot
(10 µl) of the supernatant was mixed in a vial with
70 µl of AccQ-Fluor Borate Buffer (Waters) from the
derivatization reagent kit and 20µl of 10mMsolution
of 6-aminoquinoline-N-hyroxysuccineimidyl carbamate
(AQC; Waters) in acetonitrile; the mixture was incubat-
ed for 1min at room temperature and then for 10min
at 50°C. The vials were placed into an autosampler of
the chromatograph and AAs were separated on a re-
versed-phase AccQ-Tag column (3.9 × 150 mm; particle
size, 4 µm; Waters) in a gradient mode at a mobile
phase flow rate of 1 ml/min (injected sample volume,
2 µl; column temperature, 37°C). Detection was car-
ried out based on the fluorescence intensity at 395 nm
= 250 nm). The obtained chromatograms were pro-
cessed using the Chromeleon7.0 chromatography data
system (Thermo Scientific, USA) and Microsoft Office
Excel. The content of the following 17 individual AA
in maternal and fetal serum was determined: His, Ile,
Leu, Lys, Met, Phe, Thr, Trp, Val, Asn, Asp, Gln, Glu, Gly,
Ser, Tyr, and Pro (the method used did not allow sepa-
rate quantification of Ala and Arg, hence, a combined
content Ala + Arg was determined). The ratio of fetal
blood content to maternal blood content for each AA
was also calculated.
Immunoblotting was used to investigate the ef-
fect of maternal HHcy on the content of neutral AA
transporters in the placenta and on the activation of
signaling pathways controlled by the mTORC1 complex.
One placenta from each dam in the group was used for
analysis. Prior to analysis, frozen placenta tissues were
washed from blood with cold 10mM phosphate buffer
(pH7.4) and separated into two parts: maternal-faced
placental part (MPP) including the basal zone (spon-
giotrophoblast) with thin layer of decidua basalis, and
fetal-faced placental part (FPP) containing the laby-
rinth zone. Placental tissues were homogenized with a
glass Dounce homogenizer at a 1 : 2 (w/v) ratio in RIPA
buffer [50 mM Tris-HCl (pH8.1), 1% TritonX-100, 0.1%
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 0.5% sodium deoxycho-
late, 1 mM EDTA, 150 mM NaCl] supplemented with a
protease inhibitor cocktail (S8820; Sigma-Aldrich) and
phosphatase inhibitor cocktail (P5726; Sigma-Aldrich)
and centrifuged for 20 min at 16,000g and 4°C; the re-
sulting supernatant was used for analysis. Total pro-
tein concentration in the samples was determined us-
ing Bradford protein assay[32] with a NanoDrop One
spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific). The samples
(50µg of protein) were separated by electrophoresis in
10% PAAG under denaturing condition according to the
Laemmli procedure in a Mini-Protean Tetra Cell (Bio-
Rad, USA) with a PowerPac HC power source (Bio-Rad)
and transferred onto a PVDF membrane (Bio-Rad) in a
semi-dry Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer System (Bio-Rad).
The membranes were blocked with 3% bovine serum
albumin (Sigma-Aldrich) in TBST buffer [50 mM Tris-
HCl; 150 mM NaCl; 0.1% (v/v) Tween 20; pH 7.5] and
incubated overnight at 4°C with the specific primary
antibodies against SNAT1 [SNAT1 (H-9) mouse mAb;
sc-137032, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, USA; 1 : 1000]
(55 kDa); SNAT2 [SNAT2 (G-8) mouse mAb; sc-166366,
Santa Cruz Biotechnology; 1 : 1000] (60 kDa); LAT1
[LAT1 (D-10) mouse mAb, sc-374232, Santa Cruz Bio-
technology; 1 : 1000] (45 kDa); LAT2 [LAT2 Rabbit Ab,
ab75610, Abcam, UK; 1 : 1000] (58 kDa); mTOR [mTOR
(7C10) rabbitmAb, 2983S, Cell Signaling, USA; 1 : 1000]
(289 kDa); phospho-mTOR [phospho-mTOR (Ser2448)
rabbit Ab, 2971S, Cell Signaling; 1 : 1000] (289 kDa);
4E-BP1 [4E-BP1 (53H11) rabbitmAb, 9644S, Cell Signal-
ing; 1 : 1000] (15-20 kDa); phospho-4E-BP1 [phospho-
4E-BP1 (Thr37/46) (236B4) rabbit mAb, 2855S, Cell
Signaling; 1 : 1000] (15-20kDa); S6 [S6 ribosomal pro-
tein (5G10) rabbitmAb, 2217S, Cell Signaling; 1 : 1000]
(32 kDa); and phospho-S6 [phospho-S6 ribosomal
protein (Ser235/236) (D57.2.2E) rabbit mAb, 4858S,
MILYUTINA et al.1714
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
Cell Signaling; 1 : 1000] (32 kDa). Next, the membranes
were incubated with the corresponding secondary goat
antibodies conjugated with horseradish peroxidase
(HRP) (1 : 1000; Bio-Rad), and the proteins were visu-
alized using a Clarity Western ECL Substrate (Bio-Rad).
The membranes were scanned with a ChemiDoc™
Touch Imaging system (Bio-Rad); the band intensity
was determined with the ImageLab5.2.1 software. The
obtained data were normalized either to the level of
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
[GAPDH (14C10) rabbit mAb, 2118S, Cell Signaling;
1 : 1000) or to the total protein content in the gel [33]
determined with the help of stain-free technology (Bio-
Rad) according to the manufacturers instructions.
Light microscopy. Placentas were fixed in 10%
neutral formalin solution for 24 h. Tissue dehydra-
tion was carried out with a vacuum infiltration pro-
cessor Histo-Tek VP1 (Sakura, Japan); paraffin blocks
were formed with a TES99 paraffin embedding cen-
ter (Medite, Germany). Tissue sections (3-4µm thick)
were prepared with a Rotary 3002 microtome (PFM,
Germany) and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Light
microscopy was used for examination of the placen-
tal labyrinth, basal zone (spongiotrophoblast), layer of
trophoblast giant cells (TGCs), and blood cells. Micro-
photographs were acquired at 200× and 400× magnifi-
cation with a system consisting of a light microscope
Olympus CX43 (Olympus, Japan), color digital camera
VideoZavr Standart VZ-18C23-B, and the VideoZavr
Catalog database (ATM-praktika, Russia). Images with
tissue defects, staining defects, and artefacts were
eliminated from analysis. Quantitative morphometric
analysis was carried out with the VideoTest-Morphol-
ogy5.2 program (Videotest, Russia). The trophoblastic
septa (tissue between the maternal sinusoids and fetal
capillaries) cross-sectional area in the placental laby-
rinth, as well as TGCs nuclei cross-sectional area were
determined in each section in 5-7 fields of view, and
the relative area of the investigated component (ratio
of the component area to the total sample area) was
calculated according to equation(1):
S (%) = (S component/S total) × 100. (1)
Analysis of the cross-sectional area of erythrocyte
aggregates in the labirynth zone was carried out in the
areas of 1mm
in 3-4 fields of view. Individual blood
cells were not included in analysis; maternal and fetal
blood spaces were not differentiated.
The thickness of the basal zone and placental la-
birynth was evaluted in the whole placenta cross-sec-
tions performed at the level of umbicial cord attach-
ment. The ratio of the basal zone thickness to the
labirynth zone thickness was determined.
Electron microscopy. Placenta tissues were
washed with physiological saline to remove blood,
immersed into a fixing solution (0.1 M PBS, pH 7.4,
containing 1% glutaraldehyde and 1% formaldehyde)
for2h, and then additionally fixed in 1% OsO
for1 h.
Tissue samples were contrasted with uranyl acetate,
dehydrated, and embedded into an epon resin accord-
ing to the protocol described in our previous studies
[34, 35]. Ultrathin sections (thickness, 50 nm) were
prepared with a Leica ultramicrotome (Leica Microsys-
tems, Germany) and examined with a transmission
electron microscope FEI Tecnai Spirit V2 (FEI, USA).
Two placentas (each from different animal) from each
group (control and experimental) were analyzed.
Placental barrier permeability was evaluated
using a technique based on fluorometric detection of
the amount of Evans Blue dye penetrated into the fetal
tissues [36,37]. Pregnant rats in the control and exper-
imental groups were injected under Zoletil anesthesia
(Zoletil 100; Virbac, France; 30 mg/kg of body weight)
with solution of Evans Blue (45 mg in 0.5 ml of water)
through the tail vein catheter on GD20 (3 h prior to de-
capitation). The animals were decapitated, the fetuses
were taken out, and their brains and abdominal cavity
organs (intestine, stomach, pancreas, etc., with excep-
tion of liver) were isolated for further investigation.
Samples of isolated organ were immersed into forma-
mide (6 ml per 1 g of organ weight), homogenized in
this solution, and incubated for 18 h at 60°C to extract
Evans Blue. The homogenates were centrifuged for
30 min in at 10,000 rpm using a Microspin12 centri-
fuge (BioSan, Latvia), and the supernatants containing
formamide with extracted Evans Blue were collected.
Fluorescence intensity of each sample was measured
in two replicates with a CLARIOstar plus plate read-
er (BMG Labtech, Germany) at the excitation wave-
length of 620 nm and emission wavelength of 670 nm.
The average fluorescence value for each sample was
corrected for the control sample (pure formamide)
fluorescence. To eliminate the possibility of erroneous
measuring tissue autofluorescence, the homogenates of
the corresponding fetal tissue from animals injected
with 0.5 ml of physiological saline without Evans Blue
were used as a negative control.
Statistical data processing. The differences be-
tween the groups were evaluated with the STATISTICA
10.0 and GraphPad Prism 8 programs. The outliers
were identified using the Grubbs test. Thedata were
examined for the normality of distribution using the
Shapiro–Wilk test; the homogeneity of dispersions
was analyzed with the Levene’s test. Depend ing on
the type of parameter distribution in the datasets,
control and experimental groups were compared
using the Student’s t-test (normal distribution, ho-
mogeneous dispersions), Welch’s t-test (normal dis-
tribution, non- homogeneous dispersions), or non-
parametric Mann–Whitney U-test (non-normal distri-
bution). Significance threshold p-value was set at 0.05.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
The study results inthe figures and tables are present-
ed either as mean ±standard error of mean (SEM) or
median and quartiles (Me(Q
Effect of methionine-induced HHcy on the body
weight of pregnant rats and weight of their placen-
tas and fetuses. The methionine load did not cause
any significant changes in the weight gain of pregnant
rats. The slopes of the curves describing the depen-
dence of body mass on the gestational period were
5.20 ± 1.17 and 5.30 ± 1.24 in the control and experi-
mental group, respectively. At the same time, maternal
HHcy caused a significant reduction in the weight of
fetuses and placentas on GD20 (Table 1).
Changes in the content of free AAs in the blood
of female rats and their fetuses in methionine-
induced maternal HHcy. Pregnant rats with the me-
thionine-induced HHcy demonstrated an increase in
the serum level of the majority of essential (His, Ile,
Val, Lys, Phe, Trp) and non-essential (Ala+ Arg, Asp,
Gln, Tyr, Pro) AAs on GD20, which was also manifest-
ed as an increase in the total AA content (Table 2).
On the contrary, the concentration of Asn in the ma-
ternal blood under the HHcy conditions is decreased.
Fetal serum levels of some essential (Met, Trp) and
non-essential (Gln, Ser) AAs were reduced in the case
Table 1. Effect of maternal HHcy on the fetal and pla-
cental weight on GD20
Fetal weight (mg) Placental weight (mg)
Control HHcy Control HHcy
Note. The data are presented as mean±SEM for the average
mass of all fetuses or placentas in a litter from each dam;
n= 13, dams in the control group, n= 16, dams in the group
with HHcy; ***p<0.001, Student’s t-test.
Fig. 1. Effect of maternal HHcy on the free AAs serum levels in pregnant rats and their fetuses, and on the ratio of fetal to
maternal AAs serum content on GD20. Changes are shown as percent relatively to the control group; the data are present-
ed as Me (Q
; Q
); n = 11, dams in the control group; n = 10, dams in the HHcy group; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
in comparison with the control; t-test or Mann–Whitney U-test.
MILYUTINA et al.1716
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
Table 2. Serum concentrations of free amino acids (µmol/liter) in pregnant rats and their fetuses on GD20 under
normal conditions and in the case of methionine-induced maternal HHcy
Essential AAs
Maternal blood Fetal blood
Control HHcy Control HHcy
His 27.4±3.0 40.4±3.7* 69.0±12.2 84.9±10.1
Ile 90.1±4.5 132.1±7.5*** 255.5±15.2 262.9±15.2
Leu 107.3±8.6 120.3±5.8 249.3±14.9 295.1±11.6*
Val 117.1±9.6 153.5±11.3* 373.7±19.5 445.8±11.6**
Lys 462.1±28.4 552.2±24.8* 867.2±45.1 1023.4±38.5*
Met 44.4±1.6 42.9±1.2 133.9±5.8 102.4±4.5***
Thr 530.5±28.2 619.0±46.3 1063.4±51.7 1133.1±45.1
Phe 58.0±2.8 65.6±2.5* 247.6±11.3 241.5±10.6
Trp 51.1±6.7 74.4±6.7* 143.1±9.9 102.9±5.1**
Branched-chain AAs
301.2±17.7 405.9±23.1* 878.4±43.7 1003.7±31.7*
Total essential AAs 1434.0±69.7 1800.4±98.8* 3402.5±86.2 3682.9±105.1*
essential AAs
Ala+Arg 845.0±28.4 993.6±43.3* 1464.0±55.6 1562.2±78.7
Asp 22.2±2.8 36.7±3.0** 68.6±5.6 55.4±3.3
Asn 79.5±2.7 50.3±3.6** 103.2±6.3 123.3±9.4
Glu 120.7±9.8 131.9±7.0 362.4±25.8 339.8±21.6
Gln 859.3±31.9 1069.5±54.6** 1655.9±79.1 1377.3±90.9*
Gly 170.9±11.3 201.2±15.1 356.5±24.2 355.1±24.2
Ser 290.1±12.4 314.5±4.8 441.3±18.4 380.8±13.2*
Tyr 30.2±2.0 40.1±2.7* 171.7±18.7 172.9±7.6
Pro 206.4±9.9 317.0±15.3*** 536.4±18.9 559.7±25.0
Total non-essential AAs 2624.2±68.3 3154±86.5** 5160.0±163.1 4926.5±205.6
Total AA concentration 4109.7±127.5 4955.1±115.5*** 8562.5±203.8 8618.2±245.3
Note. The data are presented as mean± SEM; n= 11, dams in the control group; n=10, dams in the HHcy group; *p<0.05,
**p<0.01, ***p<0.001 in comparison with the control; t-test or Mann–Whitney U-test.
of maternal HHcy, while the content of essential AAs
Val and Lys was increased. The total content of essen-
tial AAs in the serum of these fetuses was higher than
in the control; at the same time, the total amount of
non-essential AAs, as well as the total amount of all
AAs did not change significantly. In the case of ma-
ternal HHcy, the ratio between the fetal and maternal
concentrations of AAs was decreased (Ile, Met, Trp,
Asp, Gln, Pro) or not changed (Asn was an exception,
as the ratio for this AA was increased) (Fig.1).
Effect of methionine-induced maternal HHcy
on the neutral AA transporters content in the la-
birynth zone of rat placenta. In the case of methi-
onine-induced HHcy, we observed an increase in the
content of the sodium-dependent neutral AA transport-
er2 (SNAT2; p< 0.01) and the L-type AA transporter1
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
Fig. 2. Effect of maternal HHcy on the neutral AA transporters content in the labyrinth zone of rat placenta on GD20. The
contentof SNAT1, SNAT2, LAT1, and LAT2 proteins in the FPP in the control and HHcy groups(a), and representative immu-
noblot(b); y-axis, intensity of protein bands in immunoblots, arbitrary units; the data are shown as mean±SEM; n=4-8 dams
in each group; *p<0.05, Mann–Whitney U-test; **p<0.01, Student’s t-test.
Fig. 3. Effect of maternal HHcy on mTORC1 signaling in different parts of rat placenta on GD20. The content of mTOR,
4E-BP1, and S6 proteins and their phosphorylated forms p-mTOR
, p-4E-BP1
, and p-S6
in the control and
HHcy groups in the MPP (a) and FPP (c), and representative immunoblots/gels for MPP (b) and FPP (d); y-axis, intensity of
protein bands in immunoblots, arbitrary units; the data are shown as mean ± SEM; n= 10 dams in each group; **p< 0.05,
Welch’s t-test; ****p<0.001, Student’s t-test.
of large neutral AAs (LAT1; p< 0.05) in the FPP (la-
birynth zone) in pregnant rats on GD20 in comparison
with the control animals (Fig.2,a andb). At the same
time, the level of the SNAT1 and LAT2 transporters in
the FPP in the experimental and control animals did
not differ significantly(Fig.2,a andb).
MILYUTINA et al.1718
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
Fig. 4. Morphological changes in the placenta in rats with maternal HHcy on GD20. a,b) Labyrinth zone of placenta with
trophoblastic septa (TS) and maternal sinusoids (MS) in the control (a) and HHcy (b) animals. Insets show the components
which relative areas were calculated: TS and erythrocyte aggregates (EA); hematoxylin-eosin staining; magnification, ×200.
c) Relative area (S%) of TS in the controland HHcygroup. d-f) TEM images of placenta in the control (d) and HHcy (e and f)
animals; mb,maternal blood in maternal sinusoid; fc,fetal capillary; er,erythrocytes in maternal sinusoids (d and e) and fetal
capillary (f); en, fetal capillary endothelium. g) Area of EA in the labyrinth zone of placenta in the control and HHcy group.
h, i) Trophoblast giant cells (TGCs) in the control (h) and HHcy (i) animals; hematoxylin-eosin staining; magnification, ×400;
TGCs nuclei are shown with arrows. j) Relative area (S%) of TGCs nuclei in the control and HHcy group. k) Thickness of
the labyrinth zone(LZ) and basal zone (BZ) of the placenta. l) BZ thickness to LZ thickness ratio. All data are presented as
mean±SEM. In panels (c) and (j), n= 3 placentas from 3 dams in the control group, n= 14 placentas from 4 dams in the HHcy
group; in panels (g), (k), and(l), n= 9 placentas from 5 dams in the control group, n= 18 placentas from 6 dams in the HHcy
group; ** p< 0.01, Student’s t-test.
Effect of methionine-induced maternal HHcy
on the activity of mTORC1 signaling in different re-
gions of rat placenta. The content of mTOR protein
was increased (p< 0.05) in the MPP (contains mainly
the bazal zone of placenta) in rats with the exper-
imental HHcy on GD20; however, no changes in the
phosphorylated mTOR or downstream components of
the mTORC1 signaling cascade were observed (Fig. 3, a
and b). HHcy did not affect the extent of mTOR phos-
phorylation or the content and phosphorylation lev-
el of the ribosomal protein S6 (downstream effector
of the mTORC1 complex) in the FPP (labirynth zone);
however, we observed activation of eukaryotic trans-
lation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1),
another downstream target of mTORC1, which was
manifested as an increase in its phosphorylation at
Thr37/46 (p< 0.001; Fig.3,c andd).
Structural changes in placental tissues in ma-
ternal HHcy. The placental labyrinth (corresponding
to FPP) is an exchange zone between the maternal and
fetal circulations. In control on GD20 it composed of
a branched network of thin intersecting trophoblas-
tic septa which contain the trophoblast cells and fe-
tal blood capillaries, and the wide maternal sinusoids
filled with maternal blood (Fig. 4,a andb). In animals
with HHcy, the trophoblastic septa in the labyrinth
zone were thickened in comparison with the control
(p< 0.01; Fig. 4,b andc); correspondingly, the relative
area of the sinusoids was decreased. Narrowing of ma-
ternal sinusoids was accompanied by the blood stasis
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
Fig. 5. Effect of maternal HHcy on the ultrastructure and permeability of rat placental barrier on GD20. a-c) TEM images of the
exchange zone between the maternal and fetal circulatory systems in the placental labyrinth; mb,maternal blood in maternal
sinusoid; fc, fetal capillary; placental barrier layers: I,cytotrophoblast layer in contact with maternal blood, II and III, two
STB layers; bm,basal membrane lining the fetal capillary endothelium(en); er,erythrocyte in the vessel lumen; arrow, tight
contact between endothelial cells; arrowhead,fenestra in the fetal capillary endothelium. d) Fluorescence of Evans Blue dye
in the tissues of fetal abdominal organs and brain 3h after dye injection to rat females; n= 12 placentas from 2 dams in the
control group, n= 15 placentas from 2dams in the HHcy group; *** p< 0.001, Welch’s t-test.
and erythrocyte aggregation (Fig. 4, a and b). Accumu-
lation of erythrocytes in the lumen of the smallest
maternal sinusoids and fetal cappilaries has been also
observed during examination of the labyrinth zone
ultrastructure (Fig. 4, d-f). The increase in the eryth-
rocyte aggregates area in the labyrinth zone was also
confirmed by the morphometric data (p< 0.01; Fig. 4g).
The basal zone of the placenta contains three
types of cells: spongiotrophoblasts, glycogen cells, and
trophoblast giant cells (TGCs) forming a thin layer at
the border between the basal zone and decidua basa-
lis and performing the endocrine function. In the con-
trol group, TGCs formed a layer with a thickness of
2-3 cells with the oxyphilic cytoplasm, roundish-oval
nuclei, and uniform chromatin distribution (Fig. 4h).
In the group with maternal HHcy, the TGCs layer was
thinner and consisted of 1-2 cells that demonstrated
vacuolar degeneration (Fig. 4i). In some samples from
the experimental animals, TGCs lacked the nuclei; some
individual cells displayed karyolysis. The relative area
of TGCs nuclei decreased in HHcy (p< 0.01;Fig.4j).
Animals with maternal HHcy on GD20 demon-
strated reduction in the thickness of the labyrinth zone
(p< 0.05; Fig. 4k), while the thickness of the basal zone,
as well as the ratio of the basal zone thickness to the
thickness of the labyrinth zone did not change signifi-
Effect of maternal HHcy on the permeability of
placental barrier. The ultrastructural studies of the
exchange zone between the maternal and fetal circu-
lation in the placental labyrinth showed that in some
rats with HHcy, there was a disintegration of the three
layers comprising the placental barrier (I,cytotropho-
blast layer in contact with maternal blood; II,first STB
layer, and III, second STB layer in contact with the
basement membrane of fetal capillary endothelium),
which resulted in the formation of gaps between their
membranes (Fig.5,a andb). The number of fenestrae
closed by the diaphragms in the fetal vessels endotheli-
um is increased (Fig. 5c). Penetration of Evans blue dye
through the placental barrier was significantly higher
in animals with HHcy, which was manifested as an in-
creasing of the dye fluorescence in the fetal abdominal
organs and brain in the experimental group in com-
parison with the control (p< 0.001; Fig.5d).
Currently, administration of methionine, either
with food and drinking water or via an oral gavage,
is the most popular method for modeling HHcy in ani-
mals [38, 39]. In comparison with direct administration
of Hcy, it ensures higher intracellular levels of Hcy typ-
ical for clinical HHcy cases in humans [40]. However,
an unavoidable feature of this model is that, in addi-
tion to the increasing of the Hcy blood level, it leads
to simultaneous elevation of the methionine blood
content, which can affect the balance of free AAs in
blood [41]. In our previous study, we examined the dy-
namics of Hcy content in the blood of female rats and
their fetuses in our HHcy model that involved daily
administration of methionine through a gastric tube to
rat females [29]. The concentration of Hcy in the blood
of pregnant rats on GD20 (5.7 ± 0.2 µmol/liter before
the treatment) increased to 87.2 ± 24.2 µmol/liter al-
ready 1 h after oral administration of methionine and
was maintained at an approximately same high level
(81.4 ± 31.3 µmol/liter) for 6 h after its administration.
This was followed by a gradual decrease in the Hcy
content, which, however, remained significantly higher
(34.1 ± 14.7 µmol/liter) than in the control up to 18 h
after methionine loading and reached the level close
to the normal one (6.6 ± 0.5 µmol/liter) only after 24 h,
right before the next methionine administration [29].
Similar changes in the Hcy concentration were observed
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BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
in the fetal blood after methionine administration to
mothers[29]. An increase in the Hcy level in the blood
after methionine administration should be preceded
by methionine transport into cells, its metabolic trans-
formation into Hcy, and export of the formed Hcy back
into the blood. Due to this, the level of methionine it-
self reaches its peak in the blood and returns to the
normal values prior to the corresponding changes in
the Hcy content [42]. Hence, the absence of increase
in the methionine concentration in the blood of rat fe-
males and their fetuses 24 h after methionine admin-
istration in our study is quite natural. We hypothesize
that in our model, the effects of the increased Hcy con-
tent, as a more long-term acting factor in comparison
with the short-term increase in the methionine level,
overcome the effects of methionine.
Consumption of AAs with food at the doses sig-
nificantly exceeding the requirements for these com-
pounds causes toxic effects in animals [43]. Moreover,
the adverse effect of the methionine excess in the diet
is more pronounced in comparison with the excess of
other AAs and is manifested primarily as a decrease
in food intake and organism growth suppression [43].
The fetuses of pregnant animals receiving food with
the excess of methionine also demonstrated growth
restriction [13, 44]. In our study, the weight gain in fe-
male rats exposed to methionine was the same as in
the control animals, which indicated the absence of sig-
nificant differences in the food consumption between
the groups. The toxic effect of methionine-induced
HHcy was manifested as a reduction in fetal weight,
which was in agreement with the results of our earlier
studies [29, 30].
We found that chronic administration of me-
thionine increased the content of the majority of es-
sential (His, Ile, Val, Lys, Phe, Trp) and non-essential
(Ala + Arg, Asp, Asn, Gln, Tyr, Pro) AAs in the blood of
female rats on GD20, which was also reflected as an in-
crease in the total level of essential and non-essential
AAs. Indeed, it has been reported before that the blood
content of AAs was increased in animals with HHcy
caused by genetic defects in enzymes involved in Hcy
metabolism or in those consuming food enriched with
methionine [12, 14-16]. Methionine-enriched diet con-
taining only 1.6-fold excess of methionine caused an
increase in the Hcy level in the mouse blood, while in
order to increase the concentration of methionine and
other AAs in the blood, the content of methionine in
food had to be increased up to 7-10-fold [16]. This fact
implies the existence of adaptive mechanisms aimed
at eliminating an excess of methionine in the blood,
primarily via its transformation into Hcy, which em-
phasizes the significance of Hcy as a key toxic agent
in the case of methionine loading.
It is possible that the increase of the level of free
AAs during methionine loading is mediated by some
metabolic mechanisms. For example, methionine ca-
tabolism through Hcy involves enzymes (propionyl-
CoA carboxylase) and intermediate products (propi-
branched-chain AAs catabolic pathways [45]. Anexcess
of one or several intermediates formed in the course
of methionine metabolism, could slow down the ca-
tabolism of other AAs sharing these pathways with
methionine. However, in our study, we observed in the
maternal blood increased levels not only of branched-
chain AAs, but also of other essential and non-essen-
tial AAs, whose metabolism is not directly associated
with the metabolism of methionine and Hcy. It has
been assumed that the excess of methionine and Hcy
in the blood could reduce the transport of other AAs
by competing with them for common AA transporters
[16, 17, 46]. Our data supports the hypothesis that me-
thionine-induced HHcy can cause the downregulation
of AA transport to the maternal cells and/or to the fetal
circulation through the placenta resulting in AAs accu-
mulation in the mothers blood.
The total level of all AAs in the fetal blood did
not change in HHcy. Although the concentration of two
essential AAs (Val and Lys) in the fetal blood from the
HHcy group increased (similar to the maternal blood),
the content of Met, Gln, Trp, and Ser in the fetal blood
was significantly lower in comparison with the con-
trol. Moreover, the fetal/maternal blood content ratio
of Pro and Ala + Arg levels in the experimental group
was also decreased in comparison to the control.
The AAs, which levels was reduced in the fetal blood
under the HHcy condition, are the substrates of the
placental transport systems L(Met, Gln, Trp, Ala, Ser),
A (Met, Gln, Ala, Ser, Pro), and y
L (Arg, Gln, Met)
[17, 47]. It has been suggested that Hcy could be the
substrate of transporters of the system A (SNAT1,
SNAT2 and SNAT4), L (LAT1, LAT2), and y
L (y
LAT2) [17, 18], hence, the reduction in the aforemen-
tioned AAs content in the fetal blood is in agreement
with the hypothesis on the competitive inhibition of
their placental transport in maternal HHcy.
Gln and its precursor Glu are vital for fetal growth
and development. The concentration of Gln in mater-
nal and fetal blood, as well as the rate of its mother-
to-fetus transport, are the highest among other AAs
[48, 49]. The required levels of Gln and Glu in the fetal
blood are maintained due to the ability of these AAs to
interconvert and recirculate between the placenta and
fetal liver [48]. The observed decrease in the Gln level
in the fetal blood could be caused by its increased con-
sumption to compensate for the fetal growth restric-
tion in maternal HHcy.
Negatively charged AAs (Asp and Glu) are trans-
ported from mother to fetus by the excitatory amino
acid transporters of the EAAT group that belong to the
transport system X
[47]. With methionine loading,
an increase in the Asp concentration in the mother’s
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
blood was observed, which was accompanied by a de-
crease in the ratio of the Asp level in the fetal blood
to its content in the mothers blood. Methionine and
Hcy are not the substrates of the EAAT transporters;
hence, changes in the Asp level cannot be caused by
the competition with Met and/or Hcy for the common
transporters. The increase in the Asp level with simul-
taneous decrease in the Asn content in the maternal
blood in HHcy can be associated with the decrease in
the Asn synthesis from Asp. Considering that the syn-
thesis of Asn from Asp requires Gln as the nitrogen
donor[50], the decrease in the Gln content in the fetal
blood in HHcy and simultaneous decrease in Asp fetal/
maternal blood content ratio accompanied by the in-
crease of this ratio for Asn could be interconnected.
As a precursor of serotonin (5-HT), maternal Trp
is very important for the development of the fetal ner-
vous system. In rodents, placenta starts to synthesize
5-HT from maternal Trp on GD10, and up to GD15,
placental 5-HT remains the main and, probably, only
source of this neurotransmitter in fetal brain [51, 52].
The decrease in the Trp concentration in fetal blood
observed in this study could result in the decrease of
5-HT synthesis in fetal brain, thus negatively affect-
ing brain development. Considering that in the rodent
placenta, 5-HT is synthesized predominantly by the
TGCs [53], the observed reduction in the number of
these cells could contribute to the decrease in 5-HT
available for the fetus.
In addition to the possible competition of Hcy
with other AAs for common transporters, HHcy-asso-
ciated morphological changes in the placenta could be
the reason for a decreased mother-to-fetus AA trans-
port [54]. In this study, we observed a decrease in the
placenta weight, thickness of the labyrinth zone, and
relative area of maternal sinusoids accompanied by
the slowing of circulation and increased erythrocyte
aggregation, which is a risk factor for the development
of microthrombosis [55]. The decrease in the area of
sinusoids, where maternal blood comes in contact with
the STB layer, as well as slowing down of placental cir-
culation result in the reduction of nutrient transport
through the transporters located on the STB mem-
branes [10]. Defects and deficiencies in the vascular
tree formation in the labyrinth zone, which mediates
the nutrient transport from a mother to a fetus, often
results in the fetal growth restriction [54]. Morpho-
logical changes detected in the labyrinth zone in our
study could, in part, be the consequences of the pre-
viously reported imbalance between angiogenic and
growth factors in the placenta in the case of maternal
As has been mentioned above, the mother-to-fetus
transport of neutral AAs through the placenta in ro-
dents and humans is realized primarily through the
system A and L transporters, whose activity and ex-
pression on the STB membranes are controlled by the
mTOR signaling [7, 17,56]. Low amounts of nutrients
in mothers diet during pregnancy cause a decrease in
the activity of the mTORC1 complex in the placenta
and downregulation of AA transporters expression and
activity on the STB membranes, which is accompanied
by a reduction in the fetal weight [7]. On the other
hand, an excess of nutrients in the maternal blood
causes activation of the mTORC1 complex and upreg-
ulation of AA transporters expression in the placenta,
resulting in the increase in the fetal weight [57, 58].
The effects of maternal HHcy, which is characterized
by the excess of Hcy and, likely, some other AAs in
the maternal blood, but simultaneously accompanied
by the fetus growth restriction [1, 44], on activity of
placental mTORC1 complex have not been investigated
in detail.
Here, we attempted for the first time to evalu-
ate the effects of maternal HHcy induced by chronic
methionine loading, on activity of the mTORC1 com-
plex in different morphological parts of the placenta
using phosphorylation of the mTORC1 downstream
effectors 4E-BP1 and S6 as functional markers.
In the MPP, which is not directly associated with the
transport of nutrients to the fetus, mTOR acts mostly
as a stimulator of growth and functional maturation
via activation of protein synthesis [59]. The observed
increase in the total level of mTOR protein in the MPP
in animals with HHcy could be a compensatory re-
sponse to the reduction of the endocrine function of
this placental region which requires continuously high
level of protein synthesis [60]. In this study the num-
ber of TGCs cells, which are the main endocrine cells
in the MPP [61], was found to decrease in maternal
HHcy. The level of phosphorylated 4E-BP1 protein in
the labyrinth zone was increased; at the same time, no
changes in the expression of total mTOR protein or its
phosphorylated at Ser2448 form, as well as no activa-
tion of S6 protein (another target of mTOR) were ob-
served. At present, several mTOR phosphorylation sites
have been identified, but their functional significance
is still poorly understood [62]. It was shown that mTOR
is phosphorylated at Ser2448 by the downstream ki-
nase S6K1, which is also responsible for S6 protein
phosphorylation [63]. Hence, the absence of changes
in the levels of p-mTOR
and p-S6 could be due to
the unchanged activity of S6K1 kinase. Activation of
4E-BP1 could be caused by either activation of mTOR
through phosphorylation at other sites or by the action
of mTOR-independent kinases [64]. It should be men-
tioned that unidirectional and simultaneous changes
in the levels of p-mTOR, p-4E-BP1, and p-S6 are not
always detected in studies investigating effects of the
mTOR signaling on the fetal growth [5].
The observed in HHcy increase in the LAT1 and
SNAT2 neutral AA transporters content in the labyrinth
MILYUTINA et al.1722
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
zone could be caused by the 4E-BP1 signaling pathway
activation resulting in the increase in the correspond-
ing proteins synthesis and transport to the STB mem-
branes [11]. On the other hand, it has been suggested
that the increase of the number of AA transporters
in the placenta could be a compensatory response to
the reduction of the mother-to-fetus AA transport [7].
A compensatory increase in the expression of the Gln
transporter LAT1 has been observed in the placentas
with a reduced mass and, subsequently, decreased sur-
face area of exchange between the maternal and fetal
blood [48]. However, this adaptation is not always ca-
pable to fully replenish an insufficient AA supply to
the fetus, which results in the fetal growth restriction
even in the presence of a higher number of AA trans-
porters and increase in the relative transporting capac-
ity of the placenta [48].
The exchange zone between the maternal and fe-
tal blood in the rat placental labyrinth consists of three
trophoblast layers: permeable cytotrophoblast layer in
direct contact with the maternal blood in sinusoids
and two continuous STB layers underneath it, which
comprise the structural basis of the placental barrier
[56]. The integrity of the placental barrier is crucial
for normal fetal growth and development [65]. The ob-
served increase in the penetration of Evans Blue dye,
which is transported by albumin and other proteins
in maternal blood [66], into abdominal organs and
brain of the fetuses could result from the increased
permeability of the placenta for macromolecules [67].
Earlier, we demonstrated an increase in the levels of
the proangiogenic factor VEGF-A, a known inducer of
placental permeability [65, 67], in the FPP on GD20 in
rats with HHcy [30]. The morphological basis of the in-
creased permeability of the placental barrier could be
disintegration of its layers observed in some cases, as
well as increase in the number of fenestrae in the fetal
capillary endothelium. It was shown that some mater-
nal proteins could be transferred across the placental
barrier into the fetal circulation by endocytosis/exocy-
tosis across the STB or via the paracellular diffusion
through the STB nanopores [68, 69]. Proteins internal-
ized by macropinocytosis could be catabolized in STB
lysosomes and serve as additional sources of AAs for
the placenta and the fetus [70]. Such metabolic path-
way was shown for albumin internalization by the STB
membrane in the human placenta; in the process, mol-
ecules transported by this protein are released to the
intracellular STB compartments [71] and can possibly
be transported further to the fetal circulation. There-
fore, an increase in the penetration of Evans blue dye
into fetal tissues could also be a consequence of an
increase in the uptake of albumin and other dye-bind-
ing proteins by the STB to compensate for the require-
ments of the placenta and fetus for AAs in conditions
of its reduced growth.
This study was based on the hypothesis that ma-
ternal HHcy can inhibit the placental transport of
some AAs, which are shared with Hcy common trans-
port mechanisms mediated by the placental neutral
AA transport systems A and L. We did not investigate
the effect of HHcy on the expression of the y
L sys-
tem transporters, which presumably can also transport
Hcy [17]. The possible influence of sulfur-containing
compounds formed in the course of Hcy metabolism
on the placental transport of AAs was also left outside
our consideration. The main metabolite formed in the
process of the Hcy catabolism via transsulfuration is
Cys. It has been noted that an increase in the total Hcy
level in the blood could be accompanied with a de-
crease in the total content of Cys [16, 72]. In the blood,
Cys is present mostly in its oxidized dimeric form(cys-
tine), which is transported across the maternal-facing
STB membrane with the help of xCT/SLC7A11 transport-
er of the Xc
transport system [73]. In STB, cystine is
reduced to Cys and serves as a precursor for the syn-
thesis of glutathione (GSH), thus enhancing the antiox-
idant defense of the placenta [73]. Although GSH could
be formed in the process of Hcy transsulfuration, the
content of its reduced form and/or the ratio between
its reduced and oxidized forms in the blood and brain
are decreased in HHcy, which has been associated with
GSH oxidation caused by the HHcy-induced oxidative
stress[16,74]. The decrease in the total content of Cys
and GSH level in the maternal blood is accompanied
with the decrease in the GSH level and promotion of
the HHcy-induced oxidative stress in the placenta [30],
which could contribute to the negative effect of mater-
nal HHcy on the placental development and transport
The results obtained in this study indicate that
maternal HHcy in rats causes poor vascular develop-
ment in the labyrinth zone of placenta, decrease in the
content of some AAs in the fetal blood, and increase
in the permeability of the placental barrier. Reduced
levels of some AAs in the fetal blood in HHcy can be
consequence of inhibition of their placental transport
due to competition with Hcy for common transporters,
as well as decreasing in the surface area of exchange
zone between maternal and fetal circulations due to
narrow maternal sinusoids. The signaling from the fe-
tal side about the decrease in the content of some AAs
in the fetal blood and fetal weigh reduction might in-
duce an adaptive response in the placenta manifested
as the activation of 4E-BP, a downstream effector of the
mTORC1 complex, and increase in the number of neu-
tral AA transporters LAT1 and SNAT2 in the labyrinth
zone of the placenta.
Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to
A. N. Kadenov, A. V. Gorbova, and V. A. Poda for their
help in conducting experiments.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 10 2024
Contributions. A.V.A. supervised the study and ed-
ited the manuscript; Yu.P.M. and G.O.K. developed the
study concept and wrote the text of the article; Yu.P.M.,
G.O.K., and D.S.V. discussed the study results; I.V.Z.,
S.K.B., A.V.M., G.Kh.T., N.L.T., and D.S.V. conducted the
experiments and collected the data; Yu.P.M., A.D.Sh.,
and D.S.V. analyzed the data.
Funding. This study was supported by the Russian
Science Foundation (project no.22-15-00393).
Ethics declarations. All applicable international,
national, and/or institutional guidelines for the care
and use of animals were followed. The authors of this
work declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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