ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 8, pp. 1392-1401 © The Author(s) 2024. This article is an open access publication.
Functional Analysis of the Channelrhodopsin Genes
from the Green Algae of the White Sea Basin
Olga V. Karpova
*, Elizaveta N. Vinogradova
, Anastasiya M. Moisenovich
Oksana B. Pustovit
, Alla A. Ramonova
, Denis V. Abramochkin
and Elena S. Lobakova
Division of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Genome Center, National
Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, 123182 Moscow, Russia
Received March 3, 2024
Revised May 31, 2024
Accepted June 19, 2024
AbstractOptogenetics, the method of light-controlled regulation of cellular processes is based on the use
of the channelrhodopsins that directly generate photoinduced currents. Most of the channelrhodopsin genes
have been identified in the green microalgae Chlorophyta, and the demand for increasing the number of
functionally characterized channelrhodopsins and the diversity of their photochemical parameters keeps
growing. We performed the expression analysis of cation channelrhodopsin(CCR) genes in natural isolates of
microalgae of the genera Haematococcus and Bracteacoccus from the unique Arctic Circle region. The identi-
fied full-length CCR transcript of H.lacustris is the product of alternative splicing and encodes the Hl98CCR2
protein with no photochemical activity. The 5′-partial fragment of the B. aggregatus CCR transcript encodes
the Ba34CCR protein containing a conserved TM1-TM7 membrane domain and a short cytosolic fragment.
Uponheterologous expression of the TM1-TM7 fragment in CHO-K1 cell culture, light-dependent current gen-
eration was observed with the parameters corresponding to those of the CCR. The first discovered function-
al channelrhodopsin of Bracteacoccus has noclose CCR homologues and may be of interest as a candidate
for optogenetics.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924080030
Keywords: channelrhodopsins, green algae, photo-induced current, optogenetics
Abbreviations: RACE, rapid amplification of cDNA ends.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Channelrhodopsins are a special group of integral
membrane retinal-binding proteins, which carry out
direct passive ion transport in response to photoacti-
vation, unlike other rhodopsins (in particular, visual
ones) that regulate ion channels indirectly through ac-
tivation of enzymatic cascades [1]. In nature, channel-
rhodopsins are mainly found in motile pho totrophic
organisms, the microalgae Chlorophyta and Crypto-
phyta, where they act as the phototaxis photorecep-
tors. For the first time, photoelectric response in pho-
totaxis was shown in vivo in the cells of green alga
Haematococcus pluvialis[2] and subsequently stud-
ied in detail in the green alga Chlamydomonas rein-
hardtii [3]. The identified photoreceptors CrChR1 and
CrChR2 of C. reinhardtii are cation channelrhodopsins
(CCRs), which differ both in the photoinduction pa-
rameters and in the kinetics of photoelectric response
[3, 4]. It is assumed that the main role in phototaxis is
played by CrChR2, while CrChR1 is involved in protec-
tion from high-intensity light.
Due to unique features, channelrhodopsins are
widely used in optogenetics, a method of light-control-
led regulation of processes within cells. In the opto-
genetic experiment, with heterologous expression in
the target cells, the genes of channelrhodopsins and
ion pumps with specificity for cations and anions pro-
vide depolarization and hyperpolarization of the cell
membrane and thus allow to regulate neuronal activ-
ity [5]. Despite the vast progress in the search for new
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
channelrhodopsin genes by genomic analysis meth-
ods, the number of genes encoding proteins with ex-
perimentally confirmed functional activity is still very
limited [6]. As a result, the cation channelrhodopsin
CrChR2 of green alga C. reinhardtii remains so far the
most studied and employed in various modifications
for optogenetic research.
Our work is aimed at finding new genes of chan-
nelrhodopsins in the unicellular algae Chlorophyta
and Cryptophyta of the White Sea basin and is based
on the collection of the microalga natural isolates
collection=algabiotech), created at the Bioengineering
Department, Division of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow
State University. The presented data expand the results
of our previous study focused on finding novel CCRs
in the green algae Haematococcus and Bracteacoccus.
Earlier, using the PCR-test developed in our laborato-
ry, presence of the CCR gene (34CCR) in the microalgae
of the Bracteacoccus genus was first shown; the CCR
genes (37CCR and non-homologous 98CCR1, 98CCR1-1
genes) corresponding to the already identified Haema-
tococcus lacustris CCR genes were also detected in two
H. lacustris isolates [7]. Thus, this PCR test was effec-
tive not only for analysis of a taxonomic group for the
presence of CCR genes, but also for analysis of the mul-
tigene CCR families.
To study expression of the detected CCR genes of
Haematococcus and Bracteacoccus, their transcripts
were obtained, structural analysis of their protein
products (Hl98CCR2 and Ba34CCR) was carried out,
and functional activity of Hl98CCR2 and Ba34CCR
was determined during heterologous expression in
the culture of Chinese hamster cells CHO-K1. We have
shown that Hl98CCR2 and Ba34CCR proteins contain 7
conserved membrane regions (TM1-TM7) with trans-
membrane localization and are capable of forming
homodimers, which is typical for the spatial struc-
ture of channelrhodopsins. In electrophysiological ex-
periments with transfected CHO-K1 cells using the
patch-clamp method, it was shown that the expressed
Ba34CCR protein is capable of light-dependent current
generation and is comparable to the cation channel-
rhodopsin CrChR2 of C. reinhardtii in its parameters.
Thus, we have discovered and characterized for the
first time a functional cation channelrhodopsin from
the green microalga Bracteacoccus.
Origin of green algae strains (Chlorophyta)
and cultivation conditions were as previously de-
tailed [7]. To isolate total RNA, actively growing cul-
tures of H.lacustris NAMSU-BM-7/15 and B. aggregatus
NAMSU-BM-5/15 were cultivated in a BG-11 medium
with incubation for 1-2 weeks at 25°C and illumina-
tion with white light at the intensity of 40 μmol PAR
quanta m
RNA isolation and production of CCR-specif-
ic transcripts. Total RNA was isolated from 5-10 ml
of cultures using a RNeasy plus kit (Qiagen, USA). For
RNA extraction, samples (~100 mg of wet weight) were
lysed by mechanical destruction in a FastPrep-24™ 5G
disintegrator (MP Biomedicals, USA) in the presence of
Lysing Matrix typeA microbeads. 250 ng of RNA were
taken to prepare cDNA; full-length transcripts were
prepared by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE)
using a Mint-RACE kit (Evrogen, Russia). The obtained
PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis in a
1% agarose gel and eluted from the gel with a Cleanup
Mini kit (Evrogen). Further, PCR products were se-
quenced using Sanger method (Center of the collective
use “Genome” at EIMB RAS, Russia), the sequences
were aligned and matched by homology sites (BLASTn,
Structural and functional characteristics of
translated CCR-specific transcript products and
3D modeling. To analyze the translated amino acid
sequences of the obtained CCR transcripts and to de-
termine the homology with the previously identified
Chlorophyta CCR proteins, we applied the CLUSTAL
Omega multiple alignment method (https://www.ebi. 3D modeling was performed
using the SWISS-MODEL program (https://swissmodel. with the crystal structure of CrChR2 C. re-
inhardtii as a template.
Heterologous expression of rhodopsins in
CHO-K1 cell culture. Construction of expression plas-
mids. For expression in mammalian cells, nucleotide
sequences of Hl98CCR2 (full reading frame, 350 a.a.)
and Ba34CCR (1-295 a.a.) transcripts were codon-opti-
mized (GeneArt; Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA); chem-
ical synthesis of both genes was performed (Evrogen)
and they were subcloned into a pcDNA3.1eYFP expres-
sion vector [8] at BamHI and NotI restriction sites.
Transfection of expression plasmids into CHO-K1
cell culture. An immortalized ovary epithelial cell line
of Chinese hamster Cricetulus griseus (Chinese hamster
ovary cells) was used for heterologous expression of
Ba34CCR and Hl98CCR2 proteins. Transfection of cells
with pcDNA3.1 eYFP. Ba34CCR and pcDNA3.1 eYFP.
Hl98CCR2 expression vectors was performed using
a Lipofectamine® LTX with Plus™ Reagent (Thermo
Fisher Scientific). Marker of successful transfection
was cell fluorescence excited with 490-nm light. Trans-
fected cells were maintained under standard culture
conditions in a DMEM/F12 culture medium (Gibco,
Thermo Fisher Scientific) supplemented with 10% fetal
bovine serum (FBS; HyClone, USA), 2 mM glutamine
(Sigma-Aldrich, USA), and 100 μg/ml penicillin-strepto-
mycin (Gibco, Thermo Fisher Scientific) at 37°C under
KARPOVA et al.1394
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
21% O
and 5% CO
. Twenty-four hours after trans-
fection, 1 μM R2500 trans-retinal (Sigma-Aldrich) was
added to the culture medium.
Fluorescence microscopy of expressed rhodopsins.
To determine localization of the expressed proteins
Ba34CCR and Hl98CCR2, transfected CHO-K1 cells were
treated with fluorescent dyes specific for cytoplasmic
membranes (CellBrite Red; Biotium, UK) and nuclei
(Hoechst 33342, Thermo Fisher Scientific). For that,
cells were incubated with 10 μM CellBrite Red in nor-
mal medium containing 1% DMSO and 5 μg/ml Hoechst
33342 for 15 min, washed twice with PBS and once
with DMEM. Intravital images were obtained using an
Eclipse Ti-E microscope life support system with a con-
focal A1 module (Nikon Corporation, Japan) and Apo
TIRF63×/1.49 lens. All images were captured using the
same dynamic range settings.
Photoelectric activity determination for Ba34C-
CR and Hl98CCR2 rhodopsins. Electrophysiological
experiments were performed 48h after transfection.
Photo-induced current of Hl98CCR2 (I
) or Ba34CCR
) was recorded in the transfected CHO-K1 cells using
whole-cell patch-clamp technique. An Axopatch200A
amplifier (Molecular Devices, USA) was used.
A coverslip with CHO-K1 culture was placed in
an experimental chamber and perfused at room tem-
perature (23 ± 0.5°C) with a solution of the following
composition: 150 mM NaCl; 5.4 mM KCl; 1.8 mM CaCl
1.2 mM MgCl
; 10 mM glucose; 10 mM HEPES (pH 7.6).
Only cells emitting green fluorescence upon exposure
to 490-nm excitation light were selected for examina-
tion. 2-2.5 MOhm patch pipettes were made of borosil-
icate glass (Sutter, USA) and filled with a solution of
the following composition: 140 mM KCl; 1 mM MgCl
5 mM EGTA; 4 mM MgATP; 10 mM HEPES; 0.03 mM
GTP (pH 7.2). Before the start of current recording,
the pipette capacity, test cell capacity, and access re-
sistance were compensated. Both transmitted light and
490-nm light were also turned off. In data processing,
current amplitudes were normalized to cell capacity
and expressed in pA/pF.
To record I
and I
, two different protocols were
used to study dependence of the current density on in-
tensity of the excitation light and current-voltage de-
pendence, respectively. Both protocols used a holding
potential of –60 mV. In the first protocol, the potential
value was 0 mV, and then 490-nm light was turned
on for 1 s; the resulting outward current was photo-
induced, since there is no leakage current at a poten-
tial of 0 mV. Light intensity of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, and
100% of the maximum possible for a CoolLED pE-100
light source (CoolLED, UK) was sequentially applied.
Absolute values of light intensity were determined
using a PM160T sensor (Thorlabs, USA). In the second
protocol, the potential was changed stepwise from the
holding potential to values from –100 to 60 mV with a
step of 20 mV for 2 s, while during each of the steps
490-nm light was turned on with intensity of 50% of
the maximum for 1 s. The photo-induced current in
this case was calculated as the difference between the
current in the presence and absence of excitation light
at each of the membrane potential values. In both cas-
es, the maximum (peak) value of the light-induced cur-
rent, as well as the current plateau level (average cur-
rent value in the range of 500-1000 ms of light supply)
were measured. Statistical processing of the results
and plotting were performed using GraphPad Prism 7.
The data are presented as a mean ± standard error of
the mean.
Obtaining CCR transcripts from green microal-
gae Haematococcus and Bracteacoccus. Total RNA of
Haematococcus and Bracteacoccus was isolated accord-
ing to the method described in Materials and Methods
section, after which the CCR-specific transcripts were
prepared by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE).
The RACE procedure was performed sequentially over
3 rounds of PCR using primers presented in Table 1.
As a result, a full-length transcript of the CCR gene
of H. lacustris NAMSU-BM-7/15 and a 5′-partial frag-
ment of the CCR transcript of B.aggregatus NAMSU-
BM-5/15 gene were obtained.
The CCR transcript of Haematococcus was not the
product of any of the genes we have identified previ-
ously [98CCR1 (GenBank: ON643073.1) and 98CCR1-1
(GenBank: ON643074.1)], as it was expected initially,
but subsequently we identified it as the 98CCR2 gene
(data not shown). Homology between the obtained
Hl98CCR2 transcript (GenBank: PP103616) and the
98CCR1 gene is 81.9%.
We were unable to obtain a full-length tran-
script of the Bracteacoccus NAMSU-BM-5/15 CCR gene,
but the 5′-partial fragment of the Ba34CCR transcript
(GenBank: PP103617) was determined to be a prod-
uct of the previously identified 34CCR gene (GenBank:
ON643076.1). As of now, the Ba34CCR transcript has
been entirely mapped to the genomic sequence; it was
found that the corresponding gene region contains
Structural and functional characteristics of
Hl98CCR2 and Ba34CCR protein products and 3D
modeling. To determine structural and functional
characteristics, homology modeling was used by align-
ing the translated amino acid sequences of native CCR
transcripts obtained by homologous cloning [9] or
identified by the transcriptome analysis [3, 10, 11].
Figure 1 shows alignment of the translated ami-
no acid sequences of the Haematococcus CCR gene
products and their native transcripts. As shown in Fig.1,
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
Table 1. PCR primers for amplification of Haematococcus and Bracteacoccus CCR cDNA
RACE, rounds
Gene-specific primers
Haematococcus Bracteacoccus
Hl37CCR, Hl98CCR1, Hl98CCR2, and Hl98CCR1-1 prod-
ucts contain 7 membrane spirals and conserved amino
acid residues typical of channelrhodopsins. There is a
retinal binding site, Lys257, Glu (82, 83, 101, and 123),
as well as Glu90 that determines specificity of the rho-
dopsins cation transfer [1, 6]. Glu235 and Ser245, in-
volved in determining the pH dependence of the spec-
tral characteristics of CCR proteins, are also conserved.
Hou et al. [9] showed for the Mesostigma viride CCR
that replacing Ser at 245 position with Glu resulted in
the complete loss of channel activity. Ser321 is the only
CrChR2 protein phosphorylation site that is located in
the conserved region of the cytosolic loop adjacent to
the TM7 transmembrane domain (helix 7). We were
unable to determine presence of a phosphorylation
site in Hl98CCR2 because the 3′-end of the transcript
exhibited low homology.
The closest homologue of the Ba34CCR partial
transcript product of B. aggregatus NAMSU-BM-5/15 is
CrChR2 C. reinhardtii (59.2% identity at 73% sequence
coverage). Figure2 shows alignment of the translat-
ed amino acid sequences of Ba34CCR and native CCR
transcripts from different Chlamydomonas species.
TheBa34CCR transcript encodes the entire TM1-TM7
membrane fragment with all conserved amino acid
residues and a unique Lys-enriched fragment lacking
Thus, based on the primary structure analysis of
the Hl98CCR2 and Ba34CCR native transcript prod-
ucts, we conclude that the encoded proteins contain
7 conserved membrane regions (TM1-TM7), along
with the functionally significant amino acid residues
characteristic of the channelrhodopsins. 3D models
of Hl98CCR2 and Ba34CCR proteins also demonstrat-
ed a spatial structure typical of channelrhodopsins:
transmembrane localization of the TM1-TM7 fragment
and formation of homodimers (Fig.3). These results
allow identification of Hl98CCR2 and Ba34CCR pro-
teins as channelrhodopsins and indicate their possible
functional activity.
Determination of functional activity of Ba34C-
CR and Hl98CCR2 channelrhodopsins. This task
was performed using an approach first proposed by
Nagel et al. [12, 13]. When expressed in Xenopus lae-
vis oocytes or in animal cells (HEK293, BHK), chan-
nelrhodopsins C. reinhardtii were shown to function
as light-dependent cation channels. Moreover, not
only full-length proteins, but also their TM1-TM7 frag-
ments were shown to be capable of photoinducing
ion currents, which could be detected by patch-clamp
method. Thus, the experimental task of this step was
to determine photoelectric activity of Ba34CCR and
Hl98CCR rhodopsins during heterologous expression
in mammalian cells.
Heterologous expression of Ba34CCR and Hl98CCR2
in the culture of CHO-K1 cells. For expression in mam-
malian cells, Hl98CCR2 and Ba34CCR codon-optimized
cDNA nucleotide sequences were subcloned into the
pcDNA3.1eYFP expression vector as described in Ma-
terials and Methods section, where the analyzed genes
were transcribed from the highly efficient P_CMV
promoter of cytomegalovirus and translated in the
same frame with YFP (a fluorescence marker). Theob-
tained pcDNA3.1 eYFP. Ba34CCR and pcDNA3.1 eYFP.
Hl98CCR2 expression plasmids were used to transfect
an immortalized Chinese hamster ovary epithelial cell
line CHO-K1. The level of expression and intracellular
localization of Ba34CCR-YFP and Hl98CCR2-YFP protein
conjugates in the transfected cells were determined by
intravital fluorescence microscopy after treatment of
the cells with specific dyes.
The results of a typical experiment are shown in
Fig.4. Comparison of the intrinsic fluorescence of the
Ba34CCR and Hl98CCR2 YFP conjugates with the cell
staining with CellBrite Red determines clearly localiza-
tion of the expressed proteins in the cytoplasmic mem-
brane. Expression level of the full-length Hl98CCR2
protein was reproducibly observed to be below the ex-
pression level of the Ba34CCR protein TM1-TM7 mem-
brane fragment.
KARPOVA et al.1396
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
Fig. 1. Alignment of translated amino acid sequences (CLUSTAL Omega) of the Haematococcus CCR gene products and
their native transcripts. Hl37CCR, 94a.a.; Hl98CCR1, 84 a.a.; Hl98CCR1-1, 97 a.a., fragments of H. lacustris CCR genes [7];
Hl98CCR2, 350a.a., native transcript of the gene 98CCR2; native transcripts: HpChR1 H.pluvialis (lacustris), 677a.a. (GenBank:
JN596950[9]); HpChR H.pluvialis (lacustris), 449a.a [11]; HNG2ChR Haematococcussp. NG2 , 350a.a [11]; HdChR H.droebaken-
sis, 307a.a. (GenBank: KF992059[10]); CrChR2 C.reinhardtii, 737a.a. (GenBank: AF508966[3]). Functionally significant amino
acid residues (numbering corresponds to CrChR2) are highlighted by the following colors: Glu (82, 83, 90, 97, 101, and 123)
red; Glu235 and Ser245– light blue; Lys257– green; Ser321– yellow.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
Fig. 2. Alignment of translated amino acid sequences (CLUSTAL Omega) of native CCR transcript products from Bractea-
coccus and Chlamydomonas. Ba34CCR: partial transcript of the 34CCR gene B.aggregatus NAMSU-BM-5/15, 325a.a.; native
transcripts: CrChR2 C.reinhardtii, 737a.a. (GenBank: AF508966[3]); CaChR1 C.augustae, 715a.a. (GenBank: JN596951[9]);
CraChR2 C.raudensis, 635a.a. (GenBank: JN596949[9]); CyChR1 C.yellowstonensis, 717a.a. (GenBank: JN596948[9]). Function-
ally significant amino acid residues (numbering corresponds to CrChR2) are highlighted by the following colors: Glu (82, 83, 90,
97, 101, and 123)– red; Glu235 and Ser245– light blue; Lys257– green; Ser321– yellow.
Determination of photoelectric activity of the ex-
pressed Ba34CCR and Hl98CCR2 rhodopsins. Figure 5
shows the results of experiments with CHO-K1 cells
transfected with plasmids pcDNA3.1 eYFP. Ba34CCR
and pcDNA3.1eYFP.Hl98CCR2.
In the cells expressing Hl98CCR2, the 490-nm
light in the absence of transmitted light at a mem-
brane potential of –20 mV did not contribute to gen-
eration of the pronounced I
inward or outward cur-
rent (Fig. 5a), or this current was at the noise level.
Therefore, dependence of the current on intensity and
membrane potential could not be analyzed.
In the cells expressing Ba34CCR, the 490-nm
light in the absence of transmitted light at a mem-
brane potential of –20 mV contributed to the I
coming current generation (Fig. 5b), which at the
light intensity values from 0.67 mW/mm
and high-
er had a pronounced peak component that decayed
within 20-65 ms, as well as a stationary component
(plateau). The mean value of time constant for the
peak I
decay at –60 mV was 11.3 ± 0.78 ms (n= 14).
Mean value of the I
plateau current deactivation
with the light turned off was 25.5 ± 2.5 ms (n= 14).
The observed dependence could be explained by
KARPOVA et al.1398
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
Fig. 3. 3D models of identified Ba34CCR(a) and Hl98CCR2(b) channelrhodopsins (SWISSMODEL). The crystal structure of
CrChR2 C. reinhardtii, 6eid.1.A, is used as a template. N and C indicate localization of polypeptide chain ends. Color code (red to
blue) shows the level of homology with the template.
desensitization of the channels formed by the Ba34CCR
peak and plateau current amplitudes demon-
strated positive dependence on the 490-nm light inten-
sity up to 2.8 mW/mm
. Further increase in the light
intensity resulted in the decrease in the amplitude of
the peak current (Fig.5,b andc). At the negative mem-
brane potential values, both peak current and plateau
current have an inward direction. When crossing the
0-mV level and when the membrane potential is posi-
tive, the current direction changes to the outward one
(Fig.5d). Thus, 0mV is the reversible potential for I
current under the experimental conditions indicated
in the Materials and Methods section.
With the development of optogenetic studies, the
demand for a wider variety of channelrhodopsins’
functional characteristics to solve various experimen-
tal problems is growing significantly. As a result, re-
searchers are still turning to the analysis of microalgae
Chlorophyta, a huge group of phototrophic organisms
with a variety of forms and habitats, in search of new
candidate genes for optogenetics. According to the data
available in 2021 [6], testing of 56 CCR genes in Chloro-
phyta (out of 164 identified ones) revealed functional
activity of 40 genes; there are also data on first identifi-
cation and functional activity of the anion channelrho-
dopsin (ACR) genes in green algae [11]. We considered
it relevant to analyze the genes of channelrhodop-
sins of the natural microalgae isolates of the genera
Haematococcus and Bracteacoccus from the White Sea
basin and determine functional activity of their pro-
tein products.
Previously, we identified 2 non-homologous CCR
genes in the microalga H. lacustris NAMSU-BM-7/15
(98CCR1 and 98CCR1-1), however, a full-length Hl98C-
CR2 transcript obtained and characterized in the ex-
pression analysis was not the product of any of the
abovementioned genes. Thus, by rapid amplification
of cDNA ends (RACE) using degenerate primers, we
were able to detect the third CCR gene of H. lacustris
Since 7 predicted H. lacustris CCR genes have al-
ready been deposited in the GenBank database, it
seemed relevant to determine homologues of the
98CCR1-1, 98CCR1, and 98CCR2 genes identified in the
H. lacustris NAMSU-BM-7/15 strain. According to our
data, the 98CCR1-1 gene is mapped in a single region
of the genome containing (presumably) the channel-
rhodopsin gene (GenBank: GFH21497). The 98CCR1
gene exhibits the same homology (85% identity at 95%
sequence coverage) with two regions containing chan-
nelopsin1 genes (GenBank: GFH25618 and GFH12230).
The 98CCR2 gene and the Hl98CCR2 transcript, re-
spectively, are mapped in the vast 8-kbp region of the
BLLF01000737 contig, encoding the channelopsin 1
gene (GenBank: GFH14526). However, it is noteworthy
that the open reading frame of the Hl98CCR2 does not
correspond to the model assembly of the GFH14526
protein. Based on these results, we conclude that the
native Hl98CCR2 transcript is one of the alternative
splicing variants.
In this regard, we used the native CCR transcripts
Haematococcus identified in the transcriptomes or
obtained by homologous cloning for comparative
analysis of the Hl98CCR2 transcript protein product
(Fig.1). Itis noteworthy that the full-length Hl98CCR2
transcript encodes a conserved TM1-TM7 membrane
fragment with a short Ser-enriched hydrophilic re-
gion with a total size of 350 a.a. In contrast, all native
CCR transcripts, as well as 5 of the 6 predicted full-
length H. lacustris CCR genes, encode giant proteins
of ~700 a.a. including cytosolic sequences. Notably, the
identified Hl98CCR2 is the product of a single “short”
predicted gene (GenBank: GFH14526). It remains
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
Fig. 4. Examination of localization of the expressed Ba34CCR and Hl98CCR2 rhodopsins in CHO-K1 cells by intravital confocal
microscopy: Ba34CCR-YFP (upper row) and Hl98CCR2-YFP (lower row). Cell membranes are stained with CellBrite Red; nuclei
are stained with Hoechst 33342. Scale bar: 10μm.
Fig. 5. Characterization of currents generated by Ba34CCR and Hl98CCR2 proteins during the expression in CHO-K1 cells. a)Rep-
resentative example of original Hl98CCR2 current records (I
) induced by 490-nm light at –20mV. b)Representative example
of original Ba34CCR current records (I
) of different intensities induced by the 490-nm light (intensity is indicated at the
peak of each of the curves as a percentage of the maximum, in absolute values of mW/mm
), at a potential level of –20mV.
c)Dependence of I
peak current and I
plateau current on the 490-nm light intensity. d)Voltage-current curves of I
current and stationary current (plateau) of the 490-nm light-induced at 50% of maximum intensity (6.25mW/mm
unclear why the dominant CCR protein of H. lacustris
NAMSU-BM-7/15 contains only the TM1-TM7 mem-
brane fragment, and what conditions required for
expression of the full-length CCR proteins with regu-
latory cytosolic regions [14]. The Hl98CCR2 membrane
integral protein contains all functionally significant
amino acid residues, characteristic of CCR proteins,
and forms dimers, but does not show photoelectric ac-
tivity during heterologous expression in animal cells
under standard conditions (Fig.5a). So far, we do not
exclude that, possibly, the Hl98CCR2 protein requires
other conditions for generation of photocurrents (ab-
sorption spectrum, pH), however, it is worth to men-
tion that its closest homologue and the only tested
CCR protein of H. lacustris, HpChR1 (85% identity) also
does not demonstrate photoelectric activity [9]. More-
over, among the CCR transcripts of Haematococcus,
only the transcript from Haematococcus droebakensis
was confirmed to have a functional protein product,
HdChR [10].
KARPOVA et al.1400
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
The product of the 34CCR gene, Ba34CCR, is of
great interest, since it is the first identified channel-
rhodopsin in the microalga of the Bracteacoccus genus.
We were able to obtain the 5′-partial transcript frag-
ment of the CCR gene B. aggregatus NAMSU-BM-5/15,
which encodes a TM1-TM7 membrane fragment and
a short Lys-enriched region that does not have any
homology. The Ba34CCR protein shows a low level of
homology with the channelrhodopsins of Chlorophyta:
the closest homologue is CrChR2 C. reinhardtii (59%
identity). According to the results of 3D modeling, the
Ba34CCR protein has transmembrane localization and
forms homodimers, which is characteristic of chan-
nelrhodopsins (Fig. 3). All known CCR transcripts of
Chlamydomonas encode proteins of 650-750 a.a. con-
taining a cytosolic fragment along with the membrane
fragment TM1-TM7 [9]. It is likely that the full-length
Ba34CCR product also belongs to this class of proteins.
During the heterologous expression of the
TM1-TM7 fragment of the Ba34CCR protein (1-295 a.a.)
in CHO-K1 cell culture, its effective accumulation in
the cytoplasmic membrane has been observed (Fig. 4).
We also performed electrophysiological experiments
using the patch-clamp technique and showed that
current generation (I
) occurs in the cells expressing
Ba34CCR in response to illumination with the 490-nm
light (Fig.5,b-d).
Since the action spectrum of Ba34CCR rhodopsin
has not been studied at this stage, we consider the re-
sults obtained as preliminary, and their comparison
with the available detailed electrophysiological char-
acteristics of channelrhodopsins CrChR1 and CrChR2
is only partially possible. Nevertheless, it is obvious
that the I
photo-induced current is significantly clos-
er in its properties to the current generated by the
CrChR2 compared to the CrChR1 rhodopsin current.
Like the CrChR2 current [13], I
is subjected to desen-
sitization (inactivation): under the constant supply of
excitation light, it weakens spontaneously, plateauing
for several tens of milliseconds. On the contrary, for
the current generated by the CrChR1, desensitization is
uncharacteristic [12].
The data published in a recent work by Hososhima
etal. [15] allow comparing amplitude and kinetic char-
acteristics of the current generated by the CrChR2 with
, considering that CrChR2 data were obtained using
heterologous expression in another cell line (ND7/23).
The cells expressing CrChR2, when irradiated with
the light at intensity of 2.7 mW/mm
, generated a cur-
rent at holding potential of –60 mV with peak densi-
ty of 32 ± 3.2 pA/pF, decreasing to the plateau level of
12 ± 1.1 pA/pF [15]. In our experiments, light of almost
the same intensity (2.8 mW/mm
) was provided at
holding potential of –20 mV, however, considering the
known voltage-current dependence of the I
(Fig. 5d),
it is possible to estimate approximately the I
peak val-
ue at –60 mV as 3.7 pA/pF, and the plateau current val-
ue as 1.06 pA/pF. Thus, the CrChR2 is able to generate
approximately 10 times more current than Ba34CCR,
when irradiated with the light of same intensity at
470 nm and 490-nm, respectively. On the other hand,
the plateau current value is approximately 37.5% of
the peak current value for CrChR2 [15] and 35% for I
Hence, the CrChR2 and Ba34CCR currents hardly differ
in this parameter.
Kinetic characteristics of the I
are comparable
with those of the CrChR2 current. The plateau current
deactivation time constant occurring after turning off
the 490-nm light was 25.5 ± 2.5 ms (n= 14) for I
, while
the CrChR2 current, according to Hososhima etal. [15],
deactivates 2 times faster (τ
= 12.2 ± 0.69 ms). Inac-
tivation of the I
peak component, to the contrary,
occurs several times faster (τ = 11.3 ± 0.78 ms; n = 14)
than the estimated inactivation time for the CrChR2
The current generated by the CrChR2 has a rever-
sion potential of ~0 mV with an ion composition of the
external environment close to that used in our study
[13]. Moreover, if at potentials close to 0 mV (from
–40 to 40 mV), the voltage-current dependence of this
current is close to linear, then with stronger hyperpo-
larization, dependence of the inward current on the
potential becomes close to exponential. Exactly the
same type of voltage-current dependence is character-
istic of I
. Unlike the CrChR1 current with exclusively
proton nature, the CrChR2 current is the mixed cation
current. That is due to indiscriminate permeability of
the CrChR2 for various cations, including bivalent ones
[13]. This is the reason for the zero-reversion poten-
tial of this current under standard physiological con-
ditions. Further experiments with variations in the ion
composition of the external and intracellular solution
will reveal whether the I
current is also a non-selec-
tive cation current.
Acknowledgments. The authors express gratitude
to T. A. Fedorenko (Lomonosov Moscow State Universi-
ty) for providing cultures and cultivation recommenda-
tions, to the MIPT Aging Center (Dolgoprudny) for the
provided expression vector pcDNA3.1eYFP, as well as
to E. G. Maksimov (Lomonosov Moscow State Universi-
ty) for the provided radiation intensity meter. Forthis
study we used equipment purchased within the task of
the “Moscow University’s Development Program until
2020” and the equipment of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow
State University Center of the collective use.
Contributions. E.S.L., O.V.K., and D.V.A. super-
vised the study and came up with the concept; E.N.V.,
O.V.K., A.M.M., O.B.P., and A.A.R. conducted experi-
ments; E.S.L., O.V.K., and D.V.A. discussed the study re-
sults; O.V.K. and D.V.A. prepared the manuscript; E.S.L.
andD.V.A. edited the manuscript.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
Funding. This work was financially support-
ed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Educa-
tion of the Russian Federation under the agreement
no. 075-15-2021-1396 of 26.10.2021. DNA sequencing
was carried out as part of the State Budget project
ofthe Kurchatov Institute Research Center.
Ethics declaration. This work does not describe
any studies involving humans or animals as objects
performed by any of the authors. The authors of this
work declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Open access. This article is licensed under a Cre-
ative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s)
and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons
license, and indicate if changes were made. Theimages
or other third-party material in this article are includ-
ed in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless
indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material.
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