ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 8, pp. 1349-1361 © The Author(s) 2024. This article is an open access publication.
Ultrafast Proteomics
Ivan I. Fedorov
, Sergey A. Protasov
, Irina A. Tarasova
and Mikhail V. Gorshkov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National University), 141700 Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia
V. L. Talrose Institute for Energy Problems of Chemical Physics,
N. N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119334 Moscow, Russia
Received May 23, 2024
Revised June 21, 2024
Accepted June 24, 2024
AbstractCurrent stage of proteomic research in the field of biology, medicine, development of new drugs,
population screening, or personalized approaches to therapy dictates the need to analyze large sets of sam-
ples within the reasonable experimental time. Until recently, mass spectrometry measurements in proteomics
were characterized as unique in identifying and quantifying cellular protein composition, but low throughput,
requiring many hours to analyze a single sample. This was in conflict with the dynamics of changes in biological
systems at the whole cellular proteome level upon the influence of external and internal factors. Thus, low speed
of the whole proteome analysis has become the main factor limiting developments in functional proteomics,
where it is necessary to annotate intracellular processes not only in a wide range of conditions, but also over
along period of time. Enormous level of heterogeneity of tissue cells or tumors, even of the same type, dictates
the need to analyze biological systems at the level of individual cells. These studies involve obtaining molecular
characteristics for tens, if not hundreds of thousands of individual cells, including their whole proteome profiles.
Development of mass spectrometry technologies providing high resolution and mass measurement accuracy,
predictive chromatography, new methods for peptide separation by ion mobility and processing of proteomic
data based on artificial intelligence algorithms have opened a way for significant, if not radical, increase in the
throughput of whole proteome analysis and led to implementation of the novel concept of ultrafast proteomics.
Work done just in the last few years has demonstrated the proteome-wide analysis throughput of several hun-
dred samples per day at a depth of several thousand proteins, levels unimaginable three or four years ago.
The review examines background of these developments, as well as modern methods and approaches that imple-
ment ultrafast analysis of the entire proteome.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924080017
Keywords: proteomics, mass spectrometry, peptides, proteins, ultrafast analysis, quantitative proteomics
Abbreviations: AMT tags, accurate mass and time tags; DDA, data-dependent acquisition method for whole proteome
analysis; DIA, data-independent acquisition method for whole proteome analysis; DISPA, direct infusion shotgun pro-
teome analysis without the use of online liquid chromatography separation; DirectMS1,method of direct protein iden-
tification using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry; FDR,false discovery rate; FT-ICR,Fourier-transform ion
cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry;HPLC,high performance liquid chromatography;MS1,precursor ion mass spectra;
MS/MS,tandem mass spectrometry;PMF,peptide mass fingerprint.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Currently, whole proteome analysis is widely
used in many areas of biological and medical research
[1,2]. The primary method for such analysis is mass
spectrometry, which provides quantitative informa-
tion on the changes in cell proteomes under differ-
ent conditions. One of the fundamental initial stages
in the development of quantitative proteomics are
implementations of the concepts of database and/or
spectral library search [3] and identification of pro-
teins using unique set of masses of their proteolytic
FEDOROV et al.1350
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
(typically tryptic) peptides, the latter known as Pep-
tide Mass Fingerprint (PMF) [4]. Regarding the types of
mass analyzers employed, the first proteomes of model
organisms were identified using radio-frequency quad-
rupole ion traps and time-of-flight mass spectrome-
ters[5]. First results were obtained without controlling
the false-discovery rate (FDR) [6, 7], a concept intro-
duced in proteomics in 2007 with the target-decoy ap-
proach [7]. Early on, starting with the works by Smith
et al., necessity of high-resolution mass spectrome-
try for comprehensive proteome analysis was recog-
nized, initially represented exclusively by the Fourier
transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrom-
etry (FT-ICR) in combination with nanoflow peptide
separation and ionization [8, 9]. Emergence of more
efficient high resolution mass analyzers compared to
FT-ICR, such as the Orbitrap, enabled identification of
up to 80% of the yeast proteome within the one-hour
single HPLC-MS/MS run by 2015 [10]. Currently, 5000
to 6000 proteins can be identified for human cell pro-
teomes in a two-hour single-shot experiment [11]. Fur-
ther increase in the depth of proteome-wide analysis
is achieved through additional sample fractionation
at the protein or peptide levels [12-14], by extending
the HPLC gradient duration to several hours, as well as
by employing long chromatographic columns [12, 15].
For instance, combining proteolytic mixture fraction-
ation, long-hour LC gradients, and more than 40-cm
columns enabled identification of more than half of
the human proteome [16]. While achieving such pro-
teome coverage is of great interest, total instrumental
time in the cited work amounted to 288 hours, making
such analysis unique but impractical for many appli-
cations involving routine characterization of hundreds
of samples per day, such as in chemical and popula-
tion proteomics, or clinical studies. Sample multiplex-
ing by labeling techniques [17, 18], currently imple-
mented using tandem mass tags (TMT) [19], partially
addresses the issue of instrumental costs of quantita-
tive proteome-wide analysis of a single sample. How-
ever, problems associated with the increased analytical
complexity of the samples and the need for fraction-
ation do not position the TMT approach as a method
of ultrafast proteomics, which can be defined as the
analysis of more than 200 samples per day. Indeed,
recent studies on glioblastoma cell lines treated with
interferon demonstrated that the 40-minute quantita-
tive analysis using 10-plex TMT (equivalent to about
200 proteome analyses per day) provides a rather poor
picture ofinterferon-regulated proteins [20].
After a significantly long time since the initial
demonstrations of quantitative proteome-wide analy-
sis based on Accurate Mass and Time tags (AMT)
within a minute range of gradient separations, inter-
est has recently renewed in this area, which could be
tentatively called “ultrafast proteomics”. A number of
methods were developed for its implementation based
on the novel high-resolution mass spectrometry instru-
ments combined with the ultra-short separations of
peptide mixtures (including peptide ion separations in
the gas phase), such as Data Independent Acquisition
(DIA) [13] and DirectMS1 [20]. These methods allow
semi-quantitative proteome analysis with a through-
put of over 200 samples per day.
This review discusses new approaches in ultrafast
proteomics developed in recent years and briefly ex-
plores their future prospects.
One of the first implementations of the idea of ul-
trafast proteome analysis was the PMF approach [4,
21, 22]. This approach involves preliminary protein
separation using gel electrophoresis or liquid chroma-
tography, digestion of the protein fractions into proteo-
lytic peptides (typically, using trypsin), forming a set
of peptides with masses specific for each protein, and
measuring mass spectra of these peptide ions in the
fractions. For protein identification, the experimen-
tally obtained peptide ion masses are compared with
the theoretical ones derived from the available protein
sequence databases of the organism’s proteome under
study, as shown schematically in Fig.1 [23].
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass
spectrometry (MALDI-MS) is the most commonly used
method for PMF implementation [4, 24]. Generally
speaking, this approach is not ultrafast, as the pro-
teome is divided into many fractions, usually using
sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electropho-
resis (SDS-PAGE) [21], each subjected to digestion and
analysis. It quickly became apparent that the PMF
method is ineffective for analyzing complex mixtures
[25], involving digests of dozens or even thousands
of proteins of a proteome. Currently, it is used almost
exclusively for the analysis and confirmation of indi-
vidual, usually pre-purified proteins.
With advancements in high resolution mass an-
alyzers, such as ion cyclotron resonance mass spec-
trometry, the idea of identifying proteins based on
measuring peptide ion mass spectra as a way of rapid
proteome-wide analysis was realized in the Accurate
Mass Tags (AMT) approach [26]. The method involves
generation of a list of peptides potentially present in
the analyzed samples based on preliminary MS/MS
analysis of a pool of samples under study. This is fol-
lowed by obtaining peptide ion mass spectra in the
individual samples of the pool and protein identifi-
cation based on matching the experimental masses
with this project-specific list of unique peptide mass-
es linked to the particular proteins. The basic idea of
the approach is that if the molecular mass of a peptide
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
Fig. 1. Diagram of the PMF method. Since peptide masses are not specific to amino acid sequence, a single measured mass
oreven a set of masses could correspond to multiple, and in some cases, dozens of possible proteins, complicating their iden-
tification in complex mixtures.
Fig. 2. Diagram of the AMT method based on accurate peptide ion masses and normalized elution times (NET). Normalization
is performed into the range[0,1]. Predicted NETs are calculated for the employed separation conditions using either simple
linear conversion, or neural networks [27].
could be measured with high enough accuracy so that
its mass was unique among all possible peptides pre-
dicted from the genome, it could then be used as an
“accurate mass tag” for protein identification. Accord-
ingly, generating a list of such AMTs allows analyzing
products of the whole proteome digest (e.g., obtained
by trypsin cleavage) at greater speed and sensitivity.
Moreover, the subsequent analysis of the individual
samples can be conducted without peptide fragmen-
tation stage, making the approach potentially MS/MS-
free and, thus, compatible with separations of proteo-
lytic mixtures using short gradients.
It quickly became evident that using additional
complementary data to the accurately measured mass-
es, such as peptide elution times, makes such combina-
tions unique for peptide amino acid sequences. There-
fore, the subsequent development of this approach
involved addition of normalized peptide elution times
(NETs), further transforming it into the Accurate Mass
and Time tags (AMT-tags) method [26]. Early applica-
tions demonstrated feasibility of using the AMT tags
method for proteome-wide analysis of relatively small
proteomes, particularly, Deinococcus radiodurans [27].
Moreover, since the method does not require peptide
FEDOROV et al.1352
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fragmentation for identification (except at the stage of
the AMT tag list generation), such proteome-wide pro-
teome analysis was performed for the first time within
a minute-range time frame. Standard implementation
of the AMT method consists of two main stages (Fig.2):
(i) generation of peptide AMT tags for pooled control
and test sample groups using deep (typically, employ-
ing fractionation) proteome-wide LC-MS/MS analysis;
and (ii) rapid HPLC-MS1-based analysis with protein
identification based on the AMT tags database creat-
ed in the first stage. In the first stage, each identified
peptide is assigned its mass within measurement error
and NET. The next stage involves analysis of a large
cohort of unfractionated samples under study using
HPLC-MS1, resulting in a list of experimental peptide
masses and charge states, as well as elution times. The
latter are converted to a normalized time scale, most
simply by linear function. Peptide identification for
each analyzed sample is based on matching the ex-
perimental data with the AMT tags, followed by pro-
tein identification and quantitation. The latter is per-
formed for the identified proteins using the peptide
ion intensities in the mass spectra.
While the AMT method demonstrated the possi-
bility of ultrafast quantitative analysis of proteomes
of various organisms [28, 29], its broader acceptance
in proteomics is hindered by the lack of FDR control.
Also, there are issues with aligning peptide elution
times for calculating NETs across different experi-
ments and separation conditions, especially between
the ones used for generating the AMT tag database and
those for subsequent rapid proteome analysis [30].
Oneof the possible solutions of the latter problem was
the use of various peptide retention time prediction
models [31, 32] and generation of the standardized
and/or universal peptide elution time databases for
the AMT tags based on them [33].
As the proteome-wide analysis using the so-called
Data-Dependent Acquisition (DDA) approach with hy-
brid mass spectrometers featuring high-resolution
Orbitrap ion traps [34-36] became routine laboratory
practice, the AMT method ceased to be widely used.
However, the DDA approach itself, where the peptide
ions detected in MS1 spectra are, next, sequentially
isolated in the radio-frequency ion trap of a hybrid
mass spectrometer and accumulated to quantities suf-
ficient for obtaining high quality fragmentation spec-
tra, inherently involves using long HPLC gradients.
Even in the case of multi-hour separations of the pro-
teome digests, extending up to 10 h in some extreme
cases [37], only a small fraction of peptides detectable
in the MS1 spectra are identified [38-40]. Nevertheless,
DDA has become the method of choice for quantita-
tive proteome-wide analysis in recent years with an
achievable depth of 10,000 or more protein identifica-
tions in some studies [16, 37, 41, 42]. Despite the obvi-
ous importance of achieving as large as possible depth
of proteome analysis, there is also an evident issue:
the enormously high instrumental time for analyzing a
single sample, especially when extensive pre-fraction-
ation of the analyzed mixtures is employed [41, 43-47].
One of the obvious methods for implementing ul-
trafast proteomics is DIA [13]. Unlike DDA, this meth-
od does not rely on sequential selection of the precur-
sor ions based on their accurately measured mass in
MS1 spectra for subsequent isolation, accumulation,
and fragmentation, which is a primary reason for us-
ing long separation gradients. Instead, in DIA, ion ac-
cumulation and fragmentation occur within a broad
mass window, with the sequential change in the op-
erating parameters of the accumulation device to an
adjacent window, and so on (Fig. 3). As a result, nearly
all precursor ions present in the MS1 mass spectra are
fragmented in a series of such windows (typically of
20-25Th size), covering the entire m/z range of peptide
ions. It is clear that the fragmentation spectra in such
windows are mixed (or, are said to be highly multi-
plexed) and contain fragments from dozens of peptide
ions simultaneously, which present another challenge
of their further interpretation (deconvolution). Each
series of such windows corresponds to the prelimi-
nary measured MS1 spectrum and elution time, the
latter being a key parameter for subsequent deconvo-
lution of the fragmentation spectra and peptide iden-
tification. Size of the windows and, thus, efficiency of
the fragmentation spectrum deconvolution are deter-
mined by characteristics of the mass analyzer. For in-
stance, combination of the Orbitrap mass analyzer
and the Astral (ASymmetric TRAck Lossless) analyzer
allowed reducing the fragmentation windows to 2 Th,
effectively erasing the boundary between the DIA and
DDA methods in proteome-wide analysis [48,49].
The above-described DIA scheme corresponds to
its most widely used implementation, called SWATH-
MS (Sequential Window Acquisition of All THeoretical
Mass Spectra) [50]. The main advantage of this meth-
od is overcoming the data stochasticity problem of the
DDA approach, related to choosing a limited number
of the most intense precursor ions in a given mass
spectrum for selective accumulation and fragmenta-
tion. The result is a significantly lower level of missing
values, making DIA an alternative to DDA in quanti-
tative proteomics [51]. Simultaneously, since in DIA
all precursor ions are fragmented in a limited number
of windows, this method allows working with shorter
HPLC gradients [52]. Further optimization of the isola-
tion windows increased the depth of proteome analysis
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
Fig. 3. Scheme of DIA method. Instead of isolation of individual precursor ions detected in MS1 mass spectra for subsequent
fragmentation, the whole mass range is divided into a number of windows, in which all present ions are accumulated and frag-
mented. Thus, DIA allows obtaining tandem mass spectra for all precursor ions potentially present in a sample.
using ultra-short gradients [53, 54]. Additional separa-
tion of peptide ions by ion mobility demonstrated the
possibility of identifying over 1000 proteins from 5 ng
of HeLa digest in the DIA mode with 5-minute LC gra-
dients [55].
One of the limiting factors in developing DIA as
a routinely used method for ultrafast proteome-wide
analysis was high level of the fragmentation mass
spectra multiplexing, requiring complex data process-
ing algorithms for deconvolution. Standard solution to
this problem was using spectral libraries for the pool
of analyzed samples. These libraries were generated
using deep proteome-wide analysis by standard DDA,
making DIA not entirely data-independent. Besides the
obvious instrumental time costs for obtaining such li-
braries that makes DIA a conditionally fast proteome
analysis method, the use of experimental libraries
significantly limited application of DIA in inter-labo-
ratory and clinical studies. Moreover, a fundamental
issue remains with this approach: inability to identify
peptides with fragmentation spectra not present in the
library. Progress in the development of machine learn-
ing algorithms for predicting fragmentation spectra
and peptide retention times insilico has solved the lat-
ter problem [56-58]. However, extremely high level of
multiplexing, resulting from the interference of frag-
mentation spectra originating from different simulta-
neously eluting precursor ions, is significantly exacer-
bated when short separation gradients are used. Until
recently, this made it impossible to extract any mean-
ingful number of identifications from such spectra and
limited the use of DIA in applications requiring large
number of analyses. These issues were addressed
in the recent development of the DIA-NN algorithm,
based on the use of neural networks to distinguish sig-
nals of fragment ion from noise in the mass spectra
and employing new strategies for extracting quantita-
tive information and chromatogram aligning based on
the identified peptides [59]. In the DIA-NN algorithm,
elution peak of each precursor ion is described by a set
of scores, and the best candidate for the elution peak
of a particular precursor ion is determined through
an iteration procedure based on the linear classifier.
A key step in the algorithm’s operation is using deep
neural networks for assigning statistical significance
(q-value) to the identified precursors, calculated for
target and false candidates based on characteristics
of the corresponding elution peaks. Capabilities of the
DIA-NN algorithm for ultrafast proteome-wide analy-
sis were fully demonstrated in implementation of the
Scanning SWATH method [60, 61]. In this method the
sequential selection of peptide isolation windows, in
which fragmentation occurs, is replaced with contin-
uous scanning of the first ion isolating RF quadru-
pole of the mass spectrometer by a broad m/z window
across the entire mass range, simultaneously frag-
menting incoming precursor ions in the collisional RF
quadrupole. This creates an additional dimension for
matching fragmentation spectra to precursor candi-
dates during the subsequent deconvolution of highly
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BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
interfering MS/MS spectra and peptide identification
by the DIA-NN algorithm. In the recent collaborative
study by the developers of the Scanning SWATH meth-
od and DIA-NN algorithm, the previously unattainable
performance with the depth reaching several thou-
sand proteins was demonstrated in the analysis of
human cell proteomes using ultrafast HPLC gradients
of 0.5 to 5 min [61]. It is important to note that one
of the conditions for the method’s operation in ultra-
fast gradient mode required to maintain the resolving
power of chromatographic separation of complex mix-
tures, is using high HPLC flow rates, around several
hundred µl/min, which, in turn, leads to significant
sample consumption (up to several µg of the human
cell line digest).
Implementation of the DIA method in ultra-short
separation mode looks straightforward for the time-of-
flight mass analyzers, currently capable of acquiring
mass spectra over a broad m/z range with a scanning
rate of about 100 Hz and peak resolution in the spec-
tra of 50,000 or higher. One example of applying high
resolution time-of-flight mass analyzer for ultrafast
proteome-wide analysis is combination of additional
precursor separation by ion mobility using ion hold-
ing in an electric field gradient against the moving
gas column TIMS (Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrome-
try) [62, 63] with parallel accumulation and sequential
fragmentation of peptide ions PASEF (Parallel Accu-
mulation SErial Fragmentation [64]). In TIMS, peptide
ions eluting from the HPLC column and ionized in the
ionization source enter a drift chamber where they
are held in the radial direction by a constant electric
field, compensating their drift in collisions with carri-
er gas molecules, and are, thus, separated by ion mo-
bility. Instead of selecting one precursor ion for frag-
mentation, changes in the RF quadrupole parameters
are synchronized with ion mobility chamber operation
to isolate and fragment ions within the designated m/z
range. One 50-ms step of changing the trapping electric
field in the TIMS chamber allows obtaining fragmen-
tation spectra of several peptide ions. PASEF signifi-
cantly increases the rate of fragmentation spectrum
acquisition without losing analysis sensitivity [65]. Im-
plementing the TIMS-TOP/PASEF combination in DIA
mode (dia-PASEF) and using the DIA-NN algorithm for
data processing demonstrated the possibility of pro-
teome-wide analysis with several thousand proteins
identified for human cell line at a rate of up to 400
samples per day (3-minute HPLC gradient) [66].
A logical step in the development of ultrafast pro-
teomic methods and simplification of the instrumen-
tal component of analysis is elimination of the on-line
chromatographic separation of proteolytic mixtures.
This approach is not unique and was used in proteome
analysis more than fifteen years ago [67]. However, its
early implementations were based on mass analyzers
of low resolution and mass measurement accuracy,
there were no advanced search engines for identifica-
tion existing at the time, and no any capabilities for
additional ion separation, e.g., by ion mobility. Several
years ago, the concept of direct injection of proteolyt-
ic mixture into the ionization source without on-line
HPLC separation was renewed in the Direct Infusion
Shotgun Proteomic Analysis approach (DISPA) owing
to advancements in the mass spectrometry technolo-
gies, emergence of high resolution mass analyzers and
fast ion mobility separation methods [68]. Technically,
implementation of the DISPA method is quite simple:
the proteolytic mixture is injected in a nanoflow mode
directly from a syringe filled with a sample into the
mass spectrometers ionization source. Ion mobility
separation is used as an additional dimension. Analy-
sis is performed using DIA. It is clear that the multi-
plexing level of fragmentation spectra in this case is
more than an order of magnitude higher than in the
case of HPLC-based analysis, which, accordingly, lim-
its the achievable depth of proteome coverage. In the
cited work, a depth of about 500 proteins was demon-
strated for the human cell line proteome. However,
this depth was achieved within a few minutes of ex-
perimental time, allowing analysis of 132 samples in
4.5 h (3 min per sample) with quantitative identifica-
tion of over 300 proteins. Inability to “link” fragment
peaks to chromatographic times for effective decon-
volution of highly multiplexed tandem spectra signifi-
cantly limited capabilities of the DISPA method when
using the standard HPLC-based DIA data processing
algorithms. To overcome these limitations, software
based on the CsoDIAq algorithm (Cosine similarity op-
timization for DIA qualitative and quantitative analy-
sis [69]) was developed. Using this algorithm for the
DISPA data processing demonstrated a depth of hu-
man cell line proteome analysis (HeLa and 293T cell
lines) of about 2000 proteins in a single experimental
run with total analysis time of a few minutes [70]. This
work also demonstrated capabilities of the method
for quantitative analysis of large cohorts of samples.
Inparticular, 96 human cell line samples treated with
a drug were analyzed within 8h with a depth of about
1000 quantitatively identified proteins. It is worth not-
ing that the DISPA method is an interesting alternative
to the standard HPLC-based ultrafast proteome-wide
analysis approaches, yet, it is at its early development
stage. Limitations of the method stem from the ex-
treme complexity of proteolytic mixtures, such as the
whole proteome digests, which can contain millions
of individual peptide sequences in a dynamic concen-
tration range reaching several orders of magnitude
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
(over 10 orders in the case of human blood plasma
proteome, for example). These limitations affect both
the number of identifications and accuracy of quanti-
tative analysis. High dynamic range leads to the strong
suppression of the low-concentration peptides ions in
both ionization source and accumulation ion trap of a
hybrid mass spectrometer. Limitations of the method
also include low sequence coverage of the identified
proteins due to the low efficiency of deconvolution of
the highly multiplexed tandem mass spectra, and dif-
ficulties in controlling the false discovery rate. Never-
theless, DISPA continues to demonstrate its potential-
ly high efficiency as an ultrafast proteome analysis
method. In the recent study, a throughput of 1000
samples per day (1.4min per sample) was demonstrat-
ed, profiling blood plasma proteins in the corona of
nanoparticles with identification of 280 proteins, 44 of
which were confirmed biomarkers of various patholo-
As mentioned above, one of the reasons for long
duration of the standard proteome-wide analysis using
DDA is the need to obtain fragmentation spectra from
as many peptide ions eluting from the chromatograph-
ic column as possible. The dominant fragmentation
method is peptide backbone dissociation in collisions
with carrier gas molecules at -CO-NH- bonds, mostly
forming y- and b-series fragments. The peptide colli-
sion-activated dissociation process is ergodic, requir-
ing time for breaking bonds. Additionally, to enhance
information content of the fragmentation spectra and,
hence, increase accuracy of the corresponding pep-
tide sequence identification, it is desirable to obtain as
many fragment ions as possible, which also requires
time for accumulation of the isolated precursor ions
for this purpose. Thus, during the analysis of a pro-
teolytic mixture by DDA, for each MS1 spectrum ac-
quired in a wide m/z range and registering all peptide
ions eluting at a given time, the sequential selection of
a limited number of the most intense precursor ions,
their accumulation, and fragmentation is performed.
In the case of complex organism proteomes, the ana-
lyzed proteolytic mixture can contain millions of in-
dividual peptide sequences. Accordingly, to increase
the number of peptide ions selected for fragmentation
and, consequently, depth of the proteome coverage
by the analysis, and considering time constraints im-
posed by the ion accumulation rates and tandem mass
spectrum acquisition, the multi-hour HPLC gradients
are used. Thus, in order to increase efficiency of the
proteome-wide characterization, the concept of direct
mass spectrometric protein identification was sug-
gested, in which the peptide ion fragmentation step of
the analysis is omitted. Proteins are identified directly
from the MS1 spectra based on the accurately measur-
able masses of all ions in the spectra and taking into
account specificity of the protein digestion. At the
same time, intensity distribution of the registered pep-
tide ion peaks in the mass spectrum, corresponding
to different
C isotope content in the sequence (pep-
tide ion spectral profile), provides information specif-
ic to this peptide’s elemental composition [72]. Simul-
taneously, retention times are specific to the peptide
amino acid sequences [73-75], including peptides with
residue modifications [76,77]. Thus, MS1 spectra allow
extracting a set of complementary data about the pep-
tide sequence and elemental composition. Obviously,
omission of peptide fragmentation reduces capabil-
ities of their identification due to the significantly
lower specificity of chromatographic times to amino
acid sequences compared to the tandem mass spectra.
However, omission of the fragmentation stage allows
significant shortening the time of analysis by using
short HPLC gradients.
The concept of direct mass spectrometric pro-
tein identification was implemented in the DirectMS1
method, which in early works demonstrated depth
of the proteome-wide analysis of over 1000 proteins
using 5-minute separation gradients [78]. Schematic
representation of the method implementation is pre-
sented in Fig. 4. Mass analyzer operates in the mode
of continuous MS1 spectra acquisition throughout the
entire gradient elution time. Speed of the MS1 spectra
acquisition depends on the mass analyzer type and
requirements for the mass resolution and measure-
ment accuracy. These requirements are high: at least
100,000 mass resolving power and measurement ac-
curacy of less than 1 ppm. Another key factor affect-
ing efficiency of the method is scanning speed of the
mass analyzer and accuracy of the prediction of pep-
tide elution times, which are used in the DirectMS1
data processing algorithm to distinguish correct and
false identifications. Until recently, several models and
algorithms for the peptide retention time prediction
existed with prediction accuracy (correlation between
experimental and predicted times) of R
~ 0.96 for the
Pearson coefficient [32]. In recent years, with the de-
velopment of machine learning algorithms, peptide
retention time prediction models of significantly high-
er accuracy have emerged. Specifically, the DirectMS1
search algorithm uses the DeepLC prediction model,
which has substantially increased the proteome cov-
erage depth to over 2000 identified proteins using
5-minute HPLC gradients and 7.5 min total time per
experimental run [79]. Further increase in the num-
ber of identifiable proteins is achieved by adding pep-
tide ion mobility separation. The DirectMS1 method
implementation does not require significant chang-
es in the instrument, except for the need for higher
FEDOROV et al.1356
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
Fig. 4. Diagram of the DirectMS1 experiment. Key factor in the method’s efficiency is the use of machine learning algorithms
forpredicting peptide retention times and classifying correct and false identifications based on combination of the complemen-
tary data, such as the peptide ion mass spectral
C profile, retention times, ion mobility (when ion mobility separation is added
tothe workflow), and measured accurate peptide masses.
HPLC flow rates, up to 1 µl/min or more, in order to
maintain chromatographic resolution under ultra-
short gradient conditions. Software for processing of
the peptide ion mass spectra, ranking identifications,
correlating them with proteins in the corresponding
databases, and determining confidence levels is the
key part of the method. This task is performed using
the tools for determination of the peptide ion spec-
tral profiles in the MS1 spectra, such as Biosaur [80],
and protein identification ms1searchpy [81]; the lat-
ter is based on the machine learning algorithms and
integrated with the peptide retention time prediction
models. It should be noted that the drawback of the
DirectMS1 method is lack of the FDR control at the
peptide level. According to the authors of the method,
the level of false positive peptide identifications can
reach 30% [78]. Importantly, in the ultra-short gradi-
ent mode of separation, unlike in the MS/MS-based
approaches, the DirectMS1 method allows identifying
proteins with significantly (almost an order of mag-
nitude) greater sequence coverage. This, in turn, pro-
vides more accurate measurements of the changes in
protein concentrations. Notably, despite the lower pro-
teome coverage depth, the DirectMS1 method allows
protein quantitation in ultrafast analysis with efficien-
cy comparable to the long HPLC gradient DIA and DDA
methods [20], and it was successfully applied for iden-
tifying differentially expressed proteins in the cellu-
lar response to drug treatment [82].
Currently, we observe an active development of
the technologies for proteome-wide analysis based on
mass spectrometry and their application in various
fields of post-genomic research. However, throughput
of this analysis, which typically takes hours of experi-
mental time for quantitative profiling of a single pro-
teolytic mixture, is one of the main factors behind the
limited use of proteomics in many areas of biomedi-
cal studies. These areas include drug development and
repurposing, personalized medicine, population and
clinical proteomics, single-cell proteomics, and more.
Advancement of the high throughput high resolution
mass spectrometry technologies, as well as new data
processing methods based on machine learning algo-
rithms, increased the throughput to several hundred
whole proteome analyses per day. These capabilities
have been realized in proteomics in just the last few
years, and ultrafast proteomics methods are now rap-
idly evolving to become dominant approaches in ad-
dressing many of the above-mentioned problems and
emerging areas of post-genomic research. Methods
such as DIA, DirectMS1, and DISPA not only reduce
analysis time by more than an order of magnitude but
also increase its depth to the levels of 2000 to 5000
proteins identified within 3 to 5 min of total experi-
mental time, which was unimaginable a decade ago.
Further development of the technologies and methods
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 8 2024
for ultrafast proteome-wide analysis will allow large-
scale studies on large sample cohorts with less time,
enabling more efficient determination of protein in-
teraction mechanisms and cellular changes at the pro-
teome level resulting from pathological processes, or
under the influence of chemotherapeutic and external
Contributions. I.I.F. and S.A.P. literature review
and analysis, manuscript writing; I.A.T. discussion of
the content and structure of the review; M.V.G. super-
vision of the work, manuscript writing and editing.
Funding. This work was financially supported by
the Russian Science Foundation, grant no. 20-14-00229.
Ethics declarations. This work does not contain
any studies involving human and animal subjects per-
formed by any of the authors. The authors of this work
declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Open access. This article is licensed under a Cre-
ative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s)
and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons
license, and indicate if changes were made. Theimages
or other third-party material in this article are includ-
ed in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless
indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material.
Ifmaterial is not included in the article’s Creative Com-
mons license and your intended use is not permitted
by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use,
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