ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 6, pp. 1014-1023 © The Author(s) 2024. This article is an open access publication.
Activity of DNA Repair Systems
in the Cells of Long-Lived Rodents and Bats
Aleksei A. Popov
, Irina O. Petruseva
, and Olga I. Lavrik
Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences,
630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk National Research State University, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Received January 24, 2024
Revised March 15, 2024
Accepted April 3, 2024
AbstractDamages of various origin accumulated in the genomic DNA can lead to the breach of genome sta-
bility, and are considered to be one of the main factors involved in cellular senescence. DNA repair systems in
mammalian cells ensure effective damage removal and repair of the genome structure, therefore, activity of these
systems is expected to be correlated with high maximum lifespan observed in the long-lived mammals. This re-
view discusses current results of the studies focused on determination of the DNA repair system activity and in-
vestigation of the properties of its key regulatory proteins in the cells of long-lived rodents and bats. Based on the
works discussed in the review, it could be concluded that the long-lived rodents and bats in general demonstrate
high efficiency in functioning and regulation of DNA repair systems. Nevertheless, a number of questions around
the study of DNA repair in the cells of long-lived rodents and bats remain poorly understood, answers to which
could open up new avenues for further research.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924060038
Keywords: DNA repair, cellular senescence, longevity, poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase1, sirtuin6
Abbreviations: BER, base excision repair; HR,homologous recombination; NER,nucleotide excision repair; NHEJ,non-homol-
ogous DNA end junction; PARP1,poly(ADP-ribose)-polymerase1; SIRT6,sirtuin6 histone deacetylase.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aging is an age-related deterioration of body phys-
iological functions, which may result in developing car-
diovascular diseases, cancer, and neurodegeneration.
Aging manifests itself at the cellular level as a conse-
quence of pathological changes in cellular homeosta-
sis, accompanied by irreversible cell cycle arrest and
acquisition of a corresponding phenotype by the cell,
development of a chronic inflammatory reaction at the
tissue level, and many other symptoms [1]. Age-related
accumulation of “aging” cells in the body, being depen-
dent on the decreased efficiency of their removal from
tissues, contributes to the body senescence and devel-
opment of the aging-associated diseases [2]. One of the
main causes of the cellular senescence is disruption of
the genome structure. It could occur both spontaneous-
ly (replication errors, deamination of nitrogenous bases
and depurination) and due to exogenous (UV radiation,
drugs, etc.) and endogenous (reactive oxygen species)
factors [3-6]. Various cellular mechanisms are involved
in maintaining the mammalian genome stability [7-9]
and DNA repair systems play an essential role among
them. Many studies have been devoted to correlation
between the DNA repair and aging [5, 10, 11]; decreased
activity of DNA repair systems is known today to lead
to the increased genome damage and damage accumu-
lation rate, which, in turn, results in the significantly
increased risk of the development of pathologies asso-
ciated with aging [9, 12, 13]. At the same time, the re-
sults of comparative studies of the DNA repair system
activity, as well as its function and regulation in the
long-lived mammals have been investigated only to a
small extent. Relevant information on the functional
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 6 2024
status of DNA repair systems and peculiarities of the
corresponding proteins in the cells of long-lived mam-
mals could provide a more detailed understanding of
the links between the DNA repair and aging.
Various representatives of the Rodentia order are
the most popular models for comparative studies of
aging in mammals [14-16]. There are animals among
them that demonstrate high maximum lifespan (over
30 years), as well as resistance to prolonged exposure
to oxidative stress and cancer [17-19]. Much attention
is also paid to bats (Chiroptera) as a potential model
for studying aging in mammals. On the one hand, it is
due to the high maximum lifespan (about 30-40 years)
observed for many representatives of this order. On the
other hand, it results from a huge lack of knowledge
about the peculiarities of the DNA repair system func-
tioning within bat cells [20]. Hence, search for and in-
vestigation of these peculiarities that promote genome
stability and longevity in the long-lived rodents and
bats could be of great research interest.
Objective of this review is to analyze relevant
data on the activity of DNA repair systems in the cells
of long-lived rodents and bats. In the first part of the
review the described results of the studies devoted to
activity of the DNA repair systems in the cells of these
mammals are presented. In the second part of the re-
view the results of studying activity of the NAD
dent poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase 1 (PARP1) and histone
deacetylase sirtuin6 (SIRT6) in the context of investiga-
tion of the considered phylogenetic animal groups are
discussed, since PARP1 and SIRT6 are among the main
regulatory proteins of DNA repair processes. The re-
view overlaps partially with the research of Yamamura
etal. [19], Gorbunova etal. [20] and Boughey etal. [21],
published recently. Information on the results obtained
from the study of DNA repair processes within the cells
of long-lived rodents and bats presented in the review
may be relevant and useful to the researchers focused
not only on the studying molecular basis of longevity
in mammals, including humans, but also on the devel-
oping effective strategy for extension of lifespan and
treatment of aging-associated diseases.
Specialized DNA repair systems become activat-
ed in the cell in response to DNA damage, and their
functions are associated with the cell cycle regulation
and cell death [22]. Spontaneously formed apurine/apy-
rimidine(AP) sites, single- and double-strand breaks,
DNA–DNA cross-linking, as well as DNA–protein cross-
links and various bulky DNA damages are serious dis-
ruptions of the genome structure, their persistence
could lead to the cells death or their transformation
into the state of cellular senescence. Cells maintain
genome structure, which enables their normal func-
tioning with the help of such efficient DNA repair
systems as base excision repair(BER) and nucleotide
excision repair (NER), as well as homologous recom-
bination(HR) and non-homologous end joining (NHEJ)
ensuring removal of the wide range of damages.
Allthis gives grounds to focus on DNA repair as one of
the main factors promoting longevity [5]. In the search
for interrelations between the maximum lifespan and
efficiency of these DNA repair systems, a number of
experimental works were carried out comparing sta-
tus of the repair systems in the mammalian cells from
organisms with different maximum lifespan: humans,
rodents, and bats.
RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and subsequent anal-
ysis of expression of the 130 protein genes involved
in DNA repair revealed that expression levels of more
than 30 genes, including genes encoding proteins in-
volved in the BER and NHEJ processes in the liver cells
of naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber, ~28 years)
and humans were considerably higher compared to the
mouse cells (Mus musculus, ~4 years) [23, 24]. There-
sults of qPCR quantitative analysis of the mRNA con-
tent, carried out later, showed that within 24 h after
UV irradiation expression level of many BER and NER
protein genes in the mouse fibroblasts increased sig-
nificantly, while no pronounced response at the expres-
sion level of these genes was shown in the naked mole-
rat cells. At the same time, comparative assessment of
activity of these repair systems showed that the DNA
repair proteins activity in the naked mole-rat is 1.5-3
times higher than in a mouse [25].
Tian et al. [26] showed using the host cell reacti-
vation method (HCR) that there is a significant vari-
ability of the repair efficiency of a plasmid, containing
multiple UV lesions by the NER proteins invivo among
18 rodent species; and there is no correlation between
the plasmid repair efficiency and lifespan. At the same
time, using HCR and another model plasmid, direct cor-
relation was first established between the efficiency of
double-stranded breaks repair by the proteins of NHEJ
systems and HR in the pulmonary (r
= 0.31; p< 0.05)
and dermal (r
= 0.57; p< 0.01) fibroblasts and lifespan
within the studied group of rodents [26]. Despite some
disadvantages associated with the difficulty in obtain-
ing model plasmids, advantages of the HCR method
make its further application to be especially in demand
for measuring activity of the DNA repair systems at the
cell level [27].
RNA-seq demonstrated that the cells of the long-
lived Middle East blind mole-rat (Spalax ehrenbergi,
~20years) also revealed higher gene expression levels
of the BER and HR proteins compared to the cells of
the short-lived brown rat (Rattus norvegicus, ~5years)
[28] and mouse [29]. Similar expression levels of
the DNA repair genes in the blind mole-rat and
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BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 6 2024
thenakedmole-rat are believed to be a consequence
of adaptation to hypoxic conditions of their habitat.
Increase in expression of the genes of DNA repair pro-
teins under hypoxic conditions has been also observed
in some other rodents [30, 31].
High resistance of the naked mole-rat cells to
the effects of DNA damaging agents (methyl meth-
anesulfonate, 5-fluorouracil, and etoposide) [32] and
gamma-radiation [33, 34] revealed in the subsequent
studies could be the result of effective functioning
of the DNA repair systems. Dermal fibroblasts of the
long-lived blind mole-rat also show higher resistance
to etoposide compared to the human and mouse cells,
which allows blind mole-rat cells to avoid the stress-
induced aging [35].
Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of the intestinal
and skin cells of 18 mammalian representatives and
subsequent statistical analysis of the results showed
that the mutation accumulation rate in the somatic cell
genome is inversely correlated with the mammalian
lifespan [36]. It is notable that the mutation accumula-
tion rate in the naked mole-rat somatic cells was almost
8-fold lower than that in the mouse cells. In the work
of Robinson etal. [12] the level and rate of the sponta-
neously generated cyclopurine DNA damage accumula-
tion in the wild-type mouse cells and the cells of mice
with reduced ERCC1 expression(NER) were observed.
Using mass spectrometry, it was shown that the con-
tent of cyclopurine in the ERCC1
cells of 5-month-old
mice was higher than that in the cells of wild-type mice
of similar age and comparable to the level in the cells
of the older wild-type mice (3 years old). Thus, in the
absence of functionally active NER, accumulation rate
of the spontaneous DNA damage in the cells increases,
and the level of spontaneous damage is approaching
to the values, typical for the aging cells. The results of
β-galactosidase activity analysis in combination with
the data obtained by the FISH method showed that
these damages, if not eliminated, could contribute to
cell senescence in mammalian tissues [12]. These as-
sumptions were experimentally confirmed in the fur-
ther study of mutant mice with ERCC1 gene knockout,
which demonstrated chronic inflammatory reaction
and characteristic aging phenotype [37].
A relatively small number of researches focused
on DNA repair study in bat cells has been conducted;
there have been no studies aimed at determination of
activity of various DNA repair systems. Comparative
transcriptome analysis of the cells from various tis-
sues of the greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis,
~37 years) and other mammals with different lifespan,
such as mice, brown rats, human, and naked mole-rats,
showed that in the greater mouse-eared bat cells ex-
pression level of many genes of the proteins partici-
pating in DNA repair and cell cycle regulation (for ex-
ample, ATM, PARP1, RAD50, RFC3, RPA1, MLH3, XRCC5)
is increased [38]. The later transcriptome analysis of
blood samples of the long-lived greater mouse-eared
bat revealed increased expression level of 32 protein
genes of various DNA repair systems, among which
13genes encode proteins of the NER system [39]. Nota-
bly, gene expression levels of the DNA repair proteins
in the greater mouse-eared bat cells increase with age,
while there is a decrease in the expression level of
these genes in human cells. Using the same methods
and samples, the authors of this work later conduct-
ed comparative transcriptome analysis of the cells ob-
tained from the long-lived greater mouse-eared bat and
the short-lived velvety free-tailed bat (Molossus molos-
sus, ~5.6 years) and showed that expression levels of
the DNA repair protein genes and macroautophagy
protein genes are significantly increased in the cells of
the long-lived greater mouse-eared bat [40].
Based on the presented data, it can be conclud-
ed that the long-lived rodents, unlike the short-lived
ones, do demonstrate high activity of the DNA repair
systems, which contributes to the timely removal of
DNA damages and, as a result, decreased level and rate
of their accumulation in the genome. Taken together,
these data confirm modern ideas about the role of DNA
repair in mammalian aging [5]. However, some contra-
dictions that are observed when comparing the results
of transcriptome analysis and assessing the DNA repair
system activity in rodents [23-25] indicate the need to
conduct experiments aimed at further identification
and study of the proteins participating in this process
by proteomic methods. These experiments should also
be focused on the assessment of activity of the involved
protein, since gene expression levels do not always cor-
relate with the expression levels of the corresponding
proteins, their content in the cell, and especially with
their activity. For the long-lived bats, only increase in
the expression level of the genes encoding DNA repair
proteins has been shown and there is no information
on the functional status of the DNA repair systems in
the cells. Thus, further studies are needed using meth-
ods for determining activity of the DNA repair systems
and quantifying the levels of DNA damage.
Effective search for the DNA damages, as well
as assembly of the repair complexes and functioning
of the repair proteins are essentially affected by the
chromatin compaction. In this regard, special atten-
tion is paid to two NAD
-dependent proteins, PARP1
and SIRT6, which play a key role in many cellular
processes, including regulation of repair proteins,
as well as access of those two proteins to chromatin
regions [41, 42].
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 6 2024
Along with enzymatic functions, PARP1 and SIRT6
act as sensors of DNA damage. PARP1 is able to attract
chromatin remodeling factors and DNA repair proteins
to the damage site, regulating them and its own activi-
ty [43-45] via carrying out poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation reac-
tion with enzymatic activity activation caused by bind-
ing to the DNA damage. There are data revealing that
the p53 protein [46], which plays an important role in
the cell fate determination [47, 48], is involved in the
DNA repair process through interaction with automod-
ified PARP1. Products of the PARP1-mediated synthesis
of branched poly(ADP-ribose) polymers (PAR) are in-
volved in formation of non-membrane structures, so-
called compartments, in which proteins of the repair
complex are concentrated at the damaged DNA region
for effective implementation of this process [49-51].
SIRT6 regulates activity of histones and other proteins
via their deacetylation, which contributes to attraction
of chromatin remodeling factors and binding of the re-
pair proteins to the damaged DNA sites [52, 53]. A num-
ber of studies has shown that SIRT6 is one of the first
to bind the double-stranded DNA breaks, thus facilitat-
ing attraction and mono(ADP-ribosyl)ation of PARP1
[54, 55]. At the same time, there is evidence that PARP1
is the first to bind the double-stranded DNA breaks,
initiating NHEJ or HR processes [56, 57]. In addition to
DNA repair, PARP1 and SIRT6 are actively involved in
the telomere integrity maintenance and cell cycle reg-
ulation [41, 52].
Numerous studies have been conducted exploring
PARP1 and SIRT6, but functioning of these proteins
still needs detailed investigation due to their involve-
ment in a wide variety of cellular processes. Function-
al relationship between PARP1 and SIRT6 with regard
to DNA repair is of great interest, since both proteins
use the same intranuclear NAD
pool to perform their
catalytic functions and, apparently, compete for it [58].
The question of the joint participation of PARP1 and
SIRT6 in the repair of single-strand and double-strand
DNA breaks remains poorly understood; literature data
onthis issue are contradictory [54-57].
With regard to the study of aging, there are also
conflicting experimental data on the role of PARP1
obtained using the PARP1 knockout mice. There is evi-
dence suggesting that PARP1 could be counted among
the factors contributing to aging [59-61] due to its in-
volvement in activation of the transcription factor
NF-κB, since NF-κB stimulates inflammatory response
by expressing proinflammatory cytokines. At the same
time, it was found in the work by Piskunova etal. [62]
that the PARP1 knockout mice, on the contrary, show
signs of accelerated aging. It is noteworthy that SIRT6
contributes to the decrease of NF-κB activation by
deacetylating the H3 histone at the promoter site of the
NF-κB protein gene [63]. Thus, the study of PARP1 and
SIRT6 is a promising research area, the results of which
could, on the one hand, significantly improve our un-
derstanding of the nature of the DNA repair system or-
ganization and regulation in mammalian cells, and, on
the other hand, it could shed light on the role of both
proteins in aging.
Currently, very little work has been done to com-
pare the PARP1 functioning in the mammalian cells
from the species with different lifespans. Grube and
Bürkle [64] performed for the first time comparative
analysis of PARP1 activity in the leukocytes of 13mam-
malian species, which revealed direct correlation (r
= 0.84; p < 0.001) between the activity of this protein and
longevity of the studied animals. Later, these data were
supported by the results of comparing kinetic charac-
teristics of the recombinant human and short-lived
brown rat PARP1 [65, 66]. Recently, it was shown that
the level of PAR production synthesized by PARP1 of
the naked mole-rat cell extract was 1.5-2.5 times higher
than in the extract of mouse cells [25,67]. Photoaffini-
ty modifications of the proteins in the cell extract pro-
duced using photoactive DNAs containing BER interme-
diate analogues demonstrated that the naked mole-rat
PARP1 interacted 2-3 times more efficiently with the
model DNAs than the mouse PARP1. Higher yields of
the photoaffinity modification products of PARP1 in the
cell extract of the naked mole-rat allowed to assume
higher content of this protein [67]. Therefore, compar-
ison of the PARP1 structure and its functioning specifi-
cally in the naked mole-rat with the similar enzyme in
the mouse requires further investigation.
Recently potential role of PARP1 in demethylation
of DNA from mouse embryonic stem cells was analyzed
in the research by Schwarz et al. [68]. Demethylation
and sequential oxidation of 5-methylcytosine to 5-car-
boxycytosine is carried out by the proteins of the TEN
(ten-eleven translocation proteins) complex [69], after
which 5-carboxycytosine is removed by thymine-DNA
glycosylase (TDG) to form an AP site. TDG remains as-
sociated with the AP site and, thereby, restricts access
to it of the BER proteins for some time. Using various
biochemical approaches, PARP1 in the mouse embry-
onic stem cells has been shown to carry out TDG
poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation, promoting its rapid dissocia-
tion from the DNA complex. PARP1 also facilitates both
poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of itself and of the BER proteins
that is necessary for efficient repair of the AP site
in vitro and in vivo [68]. Taken together, this ensures
not only a faster TDG turnover and, consequently, a
rapid removal of modified bases from DNA, but also
contributes indirectly to the decrease in the DNA meth-
ylation level in the mouse cells. Since the DNA methyl-
ation rate in mammalian blood and skin cells inversely
correlates with maximum lifespan (r
= 0.81 and 0.80,
respectively; p< 0.001) [70], the results, obtained in
the study by Schwarz etal. [68], support an important
role of PARP1 in regulating BER process and ensuring
POPOV et al.1018
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 6 2024
Activity of DNA repair systems and its importance for mammalian genome stability. PARP1 (poly(ADP-ribose)-polymerase1) and
SIRT6 (sirtuin6), NAD
-dependent DNA repair regulators.
mammalian longevity. It is worth noting that the level of
available NAD
in the cell is a critically important factor
for the effective PARP1-mediated regulation of BER in
mammalian cells [71]. There is a decrease in the NAD
level and in the DNA repair efficiency in the cells with
age [71, 72]. Further studies revealed another reason
for association between the NAD
concentration and
PARP1 activity in mammalian cells. The PARP1’s part-
ner is DBC1 (deleted breast cancer1 protein), which
blocks its functioning. Protein–protein interactions
between DBC1 and PARP1 are regulated by the NAD
level. Along with the decrease in NAD
level with age,
the DBC1-mediated inhibition of PARP1 activity occurs,
as well as decrease in the DNA repair efficiency [73].
The role of SIRT6 in DNA repair regulation in the
long-lived mammalian cells is being actively investigat-
ed, but still remains poorly understood. Western blot
analysis of the SIRT6 expression in the cells of human
donors with different ages showed an inverse correla-
tion (r
= 0.65867; p< 0.0001) of the SIRT6 expression
level with the age and direct correlation (r
= 0.32568;
p< 0.05) with the BER efficacy [74]. Increased SIRT6
expression in the mouse embryonic fibroblasts result-
ed in the almost 2-fold increase of the BER efficacy.
Itis noteworthy that the PARP1 inhibition with PJ34
orknockdown of the corresponding gene in the immor-
talized HCA2-hTERT human adenocarcinoma cells led
to disruption in BER activation regardless of the SIRT6
expression level. According to the authors, it indicates
the need for the SIRT6-mediated PARP1 involvement
toactivate BER [74].
In the work carried out by Tian et al. [26] the
SIRT6 activity was analyzed in rodents with different
lifespan. Direct correlation between the stimulation
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 6 2024
ofNHEJ (r
= 0.34; p< 0.05) and HR (r
= 0.40; p< 0.01)
by high SIRT6 activity and longevity of the studied ro-
dents was established by the HCR method using a cor-
responding plasmid construct. Results of the additional
experiments performed using recombinant SIRT6 of the
long-lived North American beaver (Castor canadensis,
~24 years old) and the short-lived mouse, made it pos-
sible to establish that the SIRT6 of the North American
beaver shows a slightly greater affinity for NAD
higher rate of its transformation in the mono(ADP-
ribosyl)ation reactions (K
= 138.6 ± 10.6 µM and V
= 10.4 ± 0.25 rfu/s, respectively), than the mouse SIRT6
= 150.9 ± 9.6 µM and V
= 5.0 ± 0.1 rfu/s, respective-
ly). It may significantly increase the SIRT6-mediated
stimulation of PARP1 to participate in NHEJ and HR in
the North American beaver cells [26]. The observed dif-
ferences, according to the authors of this work, could
be due to two unique substitutions, His249Gly and
Thr263Cys, found when comparing the SIRT6 amino
acid sequence of the North American beaver with the
mouse protein [26]. Two rare single nucleotide poly-
morphisms identified later in the SIRT6 sequence of
human centenarians, which led to the appearance of
amino acid substitutions of Asn308Lys and Ala313Ser,
were responsible for an almost twofold increase in
the mono(ADP-ribosyl) transferase activity of SIRT6
in the human cells [75].
Despite the fact that there are only few studies of
SIRT6 and PARP1 in the long-lived rodents, the avail-
able results suggest that the tendency to increase activ-
ity of these proteins in the cells of long-lived animals
is caused by the necessity of more effective regulation
of DNA repair processes. The issue of the SIRT6 and
PARP1 functioning and their properties in the cells of
long-lived bats remains completely unexplored. It is
also worth noting that one of the main factors ensur-
ing high efficiency of DNA repair also involves mod-
ulation of SIRT6 and PARP1 activity by other partner
proteins [73, 76, 77]. Considering importance of SIRT6
and PARP1 for the senescence-associated cellular pro-
cesses [61, 63], further study of these proteins is of
great interest.
One of the factors ensuring longevity is stability
of the genome structure and functioning. DNA repair
processes play an important role in maintaining ge-
nome stability. The results of the studies considered
in the review allow us to conclude that rodents with
high maximum lifespan demonstrate effective and
well-coordinated functioning of DNA repair systems
(figure). Due to the small amount of available data and,
as a result, insufficient knowledge, the issue of the
functional status of DNA repair systems along with
PARP1 and SIRT6 activity in bats, which demonstrate
high maximum lifespan, is still open today. Overall,
in order to understand high efficiency of the DNA re-
pair systems in the cells of long-lived mammals, it is
necessary to conduct further studies devoted to the
properties of the proteins participating in DNA repair,
as well as their possible contribution to other cellu-
lar processes that may be associated with senescence.
Moreover, direct comparative assessments focused on
the functional status of DNA repair systems in the cells
of long-lived mammals (in addition to the transcrip-
tome analysis of gene expression) using modern ad-
vanced methods should be conducted.
Contributions. I.O.P. and O.I.L. supervised the
study; A.A.P. and I.O.P. prepared the manuscript; O.I.L.
edited the manuscript.
Funding. This work was financially supported
by the Russian Science Foundation (project no.19-74-
Ethics declaration. This work does not describe
any studies involving humans or animals as objects
performed by any of the authors. The authors of this
work declare that they have no conflicts of interest
infinancial or any other sphere.
Open access. This article is licensed under a Cre-
ative Commons Attribution4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s)
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