ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 5, pp. 923-932 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2024.
Quantitative Analysis of Phagocytosis in Whole Blood
Using Double Staining and Visualization
Elena V. Lysakova
, Alexander N. Shumeev
, Sergei A. Chuvpilo
Viktor S. Laktyushkin
, Natalia A. Arsentieva
, Mikhail Yu. Bobrov
and Stanislav A. Rybtsov
Immunobiology and Biomedicine Division, Center for Genetics and Life Sciences,
Sirius University of Science and Technology, 354340 Sirius, Krasnodar Region, Russia
Resource Center for Cell Technologies and Immunology,
Sirius University of Science and Technology, 354340 Sirius, Krasnodar Region, Russia
Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute, 197101 St.Petersburg, Russia
Received November 3, 2023
Revised January 9, 2024
Accepted February 19, 2024
AbstractPhagocytosis is an essential innate immunity function in humans and animals. A decrease in the abil-
ity to phagocytize is associated with many diseases and aging of the immune system. Assessment of phagocytosis
dynamics requires quantification of bacteria inside and outside the phagocyte. Although flow cytometry is the
most common method for assessing phagocytosis, it does not include visualization and direct quantification of
location of bacteria. Here, we used double-labeled Escherichia coli cells to evaluate phagocytosis by flow cytom-
etry (cell sorting) and confocal microscopy, as well as employed image cytometry to provide high-throughput
quantitative and spatial recognition of the double-labeled E. coli associated with the phagocytes. Retention of
pathogens on the surface of myeloid and lymphoid cells without their internalization was suggested to be an
auxiliary function of innate immunity in the fight against infections. The developed method of bacterial labeling
significantly increased the accuracy of spatial and quantitative measurement of phagocytosis in whole blood and
can be recommended as a tool for phagocytosis assessment by image cytometry.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924050122
Keywords: phagocytosis, E. coli, flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, human leukocytes
Abbreviations: AF405,Alexa Fluor 405; DN,double-negative; Dim cells,cells whose fluorescence intensity is one order of
magnitude brighter than the intensity of DN cells; DP,double-positive for FITC and AF405; PBS,phosphate buffered saline.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Phagocytosis is common in animals and can be
found in protozoans and multicellular organisms.
Such mammalian phagocytic cells as (monocytes, mac-
rophages, neutrophils, dendritic cells) are components
of the innate immune system and the first line of de-
fense against a variety of pathogens that enter the
body and can cause dangerous infections. Phagocyto-
sis is also required for elimination of apoptotic and se-
nescent cells. Hence, phagocytosis is an indispensable
process for maintaining homeostasis in multicellular
animals [1]. A decrease in the ability of immune cells
to phagocytize is associated various disorders, includ-
ing organism’s immunodeficient state in infectious
diseases. Thus, reduced phagocytosis was found in the
periodontal disease [2], lower airway bacterial coloni-
zation [3], and other conditions leading to serious pa-
thologies [4,5].
Foreign agents invading the body are recognized
by “professional” phagocytes through a variety of Toll-
like receptors (TLRs) located on the surface of the
phagocyte. TLRs interact with bacterial cell wall compo-
nents, e.g., lipopolysaccharide (LPSwhile Fc receptors
LYSAKOVA et al.924
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
recognize antibodies that opsonize pathogen’s anti-
gens [6]. Initiation of inflammation through the alter-
native mechanisms also primarily activates phagocyto-
sis. Phagocytosis is an essential and basic mechanism
that helps to eliminate a pathogen or to suppress its
spread. Therefore, many infections have evolutionari-
ly developed the pathways that provide phagocytosis
suppression as the main protective mechanism against
the host’s immunity [7, 8]. Inhibition of phagocytosis
is also one of the main mechanisms used by tumors to
escape immune recognition and removal [9].
Phagocytosis is an important link between innate
and adaptive immunity. Phagocytized pathogens are
processed into short peptides that are displayed on the
surface of phagocyte in the context of the histocompat-
ibility complex class  II (MHC  II) and are presented to
T  lymphocytes, thus initiating T  cell proliferation and
triggering adaptive immune response [10]. Therefore,
assessment of phagocytic activity is an extremely im-
portant diagnostic technique that can be used in pre-
venting immune pathologies, studying the mechanisms
of development of dangerous diseases, and testing
drugs that modulate innate immunity and phagocytosis.
The phagocytic activity of leukocytes is usually
assessed using special phagocytic tests [11,  12]. There
are multiple variations of this assay that use different
targets of phagocytosis. For example, Escherichia coli
is commonly employed as a safe and effective target
for phagocytosis in research tests. The cell wall of
E.  coli contains LPS, which is recognized by TLR4 lo-
cated on the surface of phagocyte. The phagocytic ac-
tivity can be assessed in both suspension and adhesive
(on plastic or extracellular matrix) fractions of blood
cells, as adhesion is not a requirement for phagocyto-
sis by neutrophils [13].
A number of studies have shown a decrease in the
phagocytic activity in people with age [14]. A decline
in the phagocytic activity is considered in conjunction
with other changes, e.g., decreased number of naïve
T and B cells, increased systemic production of anti-
inflammatory cytokines, reduced antigen presenta-
tion, and decreased secretion of specific antibodies.
Moreover, the age-related increase in the number
of myeloid cells is accompanied by a decrease in the
number of phagocytic cells in this population, as well
as a decrease in the number of lymphoid cells. These
phenomena are regarded as indications of the immune
system aging [15]. Age-related activation of myelopoi-
esis may be an adaptive mechanism compensating for
the loss of phagocytic function. Therefore, to accurate-
ly assess age-associated changes in the immune system
activity, it is necessary to develop quantitative meth-
ods for analyzing the dynamics of phagocytosis at the
level of individual cells.
An important quantitative parameter of phagocy-
tosis is the phagocytic number – the average number
of bacteria internalized by one phagocyte during the
experiment. However, being an integrated parameter,
the phagocytic number does not take into account the
spatial position of a bacterium relative to the phago-
cyte membrane, leading to the loss of information
on the kinetics of internalization and overestimation
of the indicators of phagocytosis. In addition, rou-
tine assessment of the phagocytic number requires
high-throughput methods for counting bacteria ad-
hered to the surface and phagocytized into the cells
in order to make a more accurate assessment of the
phagocytic activity that would take into account the
kinetics of the process.
Although microscopy can be used to estimate the
phagocytic number, it is time-consuming, which im-
poses limitations on the method performance and re-
producibility, as well as the statistical significance of
the results. Flow cytometry is a high-throughput pro-
cedure and one of the simplest and most accessible
methods for assessing the phagocytic activity, but its
use does not imply visualization of the obtained data,
which makes it difficult to quantitatively analyze the
spatial position of particles in a cell. Here, we present
a method developed to estimate the phagocytic num-
ber with simultaneous quantitative assessment of
E.  coli cells adhered to the surface and internalized by
phagocytes using flow cytometry.
The method developed involves sequential con-
jugation of fixed bacterial cells with fluorescein-5-iso-
thiocyanate (FITC) and biotin. After incubation with
human peripheral blood, remaining external (adher-
ent) bacteria are detected by staining with Alexa Fluor
(AF405) conjugated with streptavidin. Streptavidin
does not penetrate into phagocytes and selectively in-
teracts with biotin covalently bound to proteins on the
surface of E.  coli cells. Therefore, the ingested bacte-
ria would be labeled with FITC only, while externally
attached bacteria would be positive for both AF405 and
FITC (double-positive, DP), which allows to determine
the location of each E.  coli bacterium. When analyzed
by flow cytometry, each individual cell was assessed
for the fluorescence signal intensity, which allowed to
distinguish several cell subpopulations and to suggest
the existence of phagocytes with different numbers
of internalized bacteria already at the initial stage of
We combined the data from flow cytometry and
cell sorting with confocal microscopy imaging for quan-
tification of phagocytized bacteria, thus validating the
use of flow cytometry in routine studies requiring no
In addition to the time-consuming analysis by a
combination of cell sorting and visual quantification
by confocal microscopy, the samples were tested using
an Amnis Flowsight imaging flow cytometer to accel-
erate the assessment of the spatial location of bacteria
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
in the cells. The double-staining procedure developed
in this study significantly improved the accuracy of
analysis of phagocytosis of bacterial cells using mod-
ern imaging flow cytometers.
Conjugation of bacteria with FITC and biotin.
Sterile glycerol (final concentration, 10%) was added to
20  ml of E.  coli overnight culture (strain DH5a) grown
from a single colony in LB medium and the resulting
suspension was frozen at –20°C in 50-µl aliquots. One
day before the experiment, 50 μl of the E.  coli stock
suspension in 10% glycerol was transferred to 10 ml
of LB medium and grown overnight. The optical den-
sity of the cell suspension was determined with a Mul-
tiskan SkyHigh Microplate Spectrophotometer (Thermo
Fisher, USA) at 540 nm. E.  coli cells were diluted with
LB medium to an optical density of 0.6, which cor-
responded to a concentration of 1.29 × 10
per ml (according to a previously developed calibra-
tion curve). Next, 500 μl of E.  coli cell suspension was
centrifuged for 1 min at 2350g. The pellet was resus-
pended in 250 μl of phosphate buffered saline (PBS),
250 μl of fixative (10% neutral buffer formalin, El-
ement Company, Russia) was added, and the bacte-
rial suspension was thoroughly mixed by pipetting
and vortexing. E.  coli cells were fixed for 30 min at
room temperature on a rotary mixer (10 rpm), washed
3 times with 500 μl of PBS, and pelleted by centrifu-
gation for 2 min at 2350g. After the last centrifuga-
tion, the pellet was resuspended in 250μl of PBS with
250 μl of borate buffer (50 mM, pH 9.0) and labeled
with FITC (Lumiprobe, Russia) according to the manu-
facturers instructions. For this purpose, dry FITC was
dissolved at a concentration of 20 mg/ml in dimethyl
sulfoxide, aliquoted into 10 μl, and stored at –80°C un-
til use. Prepared FITC stock solution (1 μl) was added
to 500 μl of bacterial suspension, and immediately
mixed vigorously. The cell suspension was incubated
for 16 h in the dark at 37°C with constant shaking in
a Biosan TS-100 thermoshaker (400 rpm). After incu-
bation, bacterial cells were washed three times with
500 μl of PBS and pelleted by centrifugation for 2 min
at 2350g. After the last centrifugation, the pellet was
resuspended in 200 μl of PBS; the cells were counted
and stored at 4°C for a maximum of 24 h before use.
Alternatively, the cells were resuspended in 200 μl of
10% glycerol solution, stored in aliquots at –20°C, and
used for conjugation with FITC only. The efficiency of
conjugation was assessed with a BD LSRFortessa flow
cytometer from the fluorescence signal intensity in the
FITC channel (488-nm laser; filter, 530/20 nm) in com-
parison with the control unconjugated fixed bacteria
(Fig.1). Next, FITC-labeled bacterial cells were conju-
gated with biotin using a FluoReporter Mini-biotin-XX
Protein Labeling Kit (Thermo Fisher; cat. no. F6347)
according to the manufacturers instructions. Briefly,
200 μl of bacterial suspension was mixed with 20 μl of
freshly prepared 1 M solution of sodium bicarbonate
in water (pH 8.3-8.5) and 20
μl of active biotin ester
(Component A) solution in deionized water was added
(200 μl of water was added to a tube with dry Com-
ponent A immediately before use, since the reactive
form of biotin is quickly hydrolyzed in water). Bacteri-
al cells were incubated with biotin for 2 h in the dark
at room temperature at constant stirring in a Biosan
TS-100 thermoshaker (400 rpm), washed twice with
PBS by centrifugation for 2 min at 2350g, and resus-
pended in 200 μl of PBS. Sterile glycerol was added to
a final concentration of 10%. After the concentration
of labeled bacteria was determined using a cell-count-
ing chamber and adjusted with PBS to 10
cell/ml, the
cells aliquoted in 20 μl, frozen, and stored at –20°C. All
procedures were carried out under sterile conditions.
To test the efficiency of biotinylation procedure,
1 μl of streptavidin conjugated with AF405 (Invitrogen,
USA, cat. no.S32351) was added to an aliquot of E.  coli
cells (300 μl, 1×10
E. coli/ml) and the mixture was in-
cubated on ice for 30 min. The cells were washed with
1.2 ml of PBS, centrifuged for 2 min at 2350g, resus-
pended in 200 μl of PBS, and analyzed on a BD LSR-
Fortessa flow cytometer to assess the DP cell popu-
lation in the FITC and AF405 channels (405-nm laser,
450/50 nm filter) (Fig.1).
All solutions were prepared in deionized water
(18.2 ·cm) produced by a Millipore Milli-Q IQ7000
water purification system (Merck, USA).
Phagocytic test. Venous blood was collected from
healthy volunteers using a system for vacuum blood
collection into the tubes containing heparin sodium
(Khimmedsnab, Russia) at the Sirius University Med-
ical Center by a qualified personnel.
The concentration of leukocytes in the sample was
determined using a Celltac MEK-7300K hematology an-
alyzer (Nihon Kohden, Japan). This information was
further used to calculate the amount of added bac-
teria based on the leukocyte : bacteria ratio of 1 : 20,
in accordance with previously published works [16].
For the test, 100 μl of whole blood was pipetted into
a polypropylene non-adhesive tube (Eppendorf, Ger-
many, cat. no. 0030125150) and its temperature was
stabilized in a CO
incubator (37°C, 5% CO
) for 5 min.
The phagocytic test was carried out in the suspension
fraction of whole blood cells without using special pro-
cedures for cell adhesion to the surface [13]. Bacterial
suspension was added to 100 μl of blood at a ratio of
20 bacterial cells per leukocyte and incubated for 1 h
at 37°C in the CO
incubator. To stop phagocytosis, the
samples were placed on ice (Fig. S1 in the Online Re-
source1), [17].
LYSAKOVA et al.926
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Fig. 1. Scheme of E. coli cell labeling (conjugation and quality control). Fixed bacterial cells were sequentially conjugated with
FITC and biotin to be used for determining their spatial location inside and outside of phagocytes. The concentration of bacteria
was determined by measuring the optical density(a) using a pre-calculated calibration curve(b). After conjugation with FITC,
the uniformity of conjugation was verified by flow cytometry; 99.7% cells contained the FITC label(c). After subsequent con-
jugation with biotin, the uniformity of labeling was verified in both streptavidin-AF405 and FITC channels; the uniformity of
conjugation was 98.7% for both labels(d). Before freezing the stock, the concentration of labeled bacteria was determined by the
differential interference contrast (DIC) and fluorescence methods using a Countess3 automated cell counter (Thermo Fisher).
Flow cytometry and cell sorting. Anti-CD45 an-
tibody APC-eFluor780 (clone HI30, eBioscience, USA,
cat. no. 47-0459-42; 1 : 100) was added to an aliquot
of blood on ice after phagocytosis to label leuko-
cytes; AF405-conjugated streptavidin (Invitrogen, cat.
no.S32351; 1 : 100) was added to detect bacteria on the
cell surface. The samples were incubated for 30 min
in the dark on ice, washed with 1.4 ml of PBS, and
centrifuged for 5 min at 330g. The supernatant was
discarded and the pellet was resuspended by gentle
pipetting in 100 μl of PBS; next, 900 μl of 1× BD FACS
Lysing Solution (BD, cat. no. 349202) was added and
the samples were incubated for 10 min in the dark at
room temperature and then centrifuged for 5 min at
330g. The pellet was resuspended in 200 μl of PBS and
stored at 4°C until analysis (see Fig. S1 in the Online
The compensation setup was carried out in an
automated mode for a flow cytometer or a cell sorter
using single-stained controls prepared as described
above except the control for AF405, which was pre-
pared by staining an aliquot of blood with biotin-
conjugated anti-CD33 antibodies (clone AC104.3E3,
Miltenyi; cat. no. 130-113-347) for 30 min on ice, fol-
lowed by treatment with AF405-conjugated streptavi-
din and further processing as described above.
Preliminary analysis of the samples was carried
out on a BD LSRFortessa flow cytometer. To deter-
mine the number of E.  coli cells and their spatial lo-
cation in white blood cells after phagocytosis, the cells
were sorted with a Sony SH800 sorter equipped with
4 lasers (405, 488, 561, and 638 nm) and 100-micron
nozzle chips and analyzed with a confocal microscope.
The gaiting strategy implied sequential identification
of single cells for the forward scatter (FSC) and then
for the side scatter (SSC) according to the Area and
Height pulse parameters, removal of cell debris based
on the lighting scattering parameters, isolation of
population, and identification of subpopulations
of phagocytic leukocytes based on the fluorescence
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
signal intensity in the FITC and AF405 channels (Fig. S2
in the Online Resource  1). The cells were sorted into
5-ml polystyrene tubes with 1  ml of PBS (at least 10,000
cells for each leukocyte subpopulation).
Next, we used high-performance flow cytometry
with visualization to determine the spatial location
and number of bacteria inside and outside leukocytes.
The work was performed using an Amnis FlowSight
imaging flow cytometer (Cytek, USA) equipped with
three lasers (405, 488, and 642nm) that was provided
by the Cytometry and Biomarkers Core Facility at the
St. Petersburg Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemi-
ology and Microbiology.
Confocal microscopy. After sorting, the cells
were concentrated by centrifugation for 5  min at 330g,
resuspended in 10μl PBS and placed on charged glass
slides (Polysine Adhesion Slides, Thermo Fisher). The
slides were incubated in a humid chamber at room
temperature for 30 min, covered with coverslips, and
analyzed under an inverted laser scanning confocal
ZEISS LSM 980 Airyscan microscope equipped with
a 20×  lens (Plan-Apochromat 20×, numerical aper-
ture 0.8). The images in 4 channels were obtained by
sequential scanning of two tracks: APC-eFluor 780
channel in the first track and AF405, FITC, and DIC
(differential interference contrast) channels in the sec-
ond track. APC-eFluor 780 was excited with a 639-nm
laser [maximum power, 20  mV; acousto-optic tunable
filter (AOTF) throughput, 2.6%] with signal detection
at 647 to 757  nm (detector type, GaAsP; amplification,
713  V). AF405 was excited with a 405-nm laser (maxi-
mum power, 20  mV; AOTF throughput, 0.2%) with sig-
nal detection at 410 to 484  nm (detector type, GaAsP;
amplification, 650  V). FITC was excited with a 488-nm
laser (maximum power, 13  mV; AOTF throughput,
0.04%) with signal detection at 519 to 628  nm (detector
type, Multialkali-PMT; amplification, 845  V). DIC imag-
es in transmitted light were obtained using the second
track lasers (405 and 488 nm) with a T-PMT detection
at 300 to 900  nm (Multialkali-PMT detector; amplifica-
tion, 368  V). The following scanning parameters were
used: scanning zoom, 8×; image size, 429×429 pixel;
pixel time (signal accumulation time), 4.91 microsec-
ond; pixel size, dx  =  dy  = 0.124 μm. The images were
obtained using the ZEN Blue3.2 (Zeiss) software.
Software. The results were processed in Micro-
soft Excel 2019. Flow cytometry data were analyzed
with BD FlowJo v. 10.9.0; Amnis FlowSight data were
analyzed with Amnis IDEAS 6.2; confocal microscopy
data were analyzed with ImageJ/Fiji v.1.54f [18].
Quantitative analysis of phagocytosis by cell
sorting and microscopy. After phagocytosis, several
subpopulations of CD45
leukocytes were gated by the
granularity, size and E.  coli fluorescence (Fig. 2). Toan-
alyze the distribution of internalized or surface-ad-
hered bacteria in granulocytes, monocytes, and lym-
phocytes, these cell populations were sorted with a
Sony SH800 sorter (see Fig.2 and Fig.S2 in the Online
Resource1 for the gating strategy) and analyzed under
a ZEISS LSM 980 Airyscan confocal microscope. After
establishing the protocol for the procedure, cell sort-
ing was carried out three times using blood samples of
three donors.
Comparison of cell sorting and microscopy data is
presented in Fig.  3. The most abundant population was
a double-negative (DN) subpopulation (71.2% of all
cells). None of these cells contained E.  coli bacte-
ria inside or on the surface, as was found by the analy-
sis of 74 confocal microscopy images of the sorted DN
cells from three donors. DIM cells (cells whose fluores-
cence intensity was 10 times brighter than the fluores-
cence of DN cells) demonstrated dull fluorescence in
the FITC channel. Out of 33 DIM cells analyzed under
a microscope, only one contained bacteria; all other
cells had a slightly fluorescent cytoplasm that was like-
ly a background autofluorescence resulting from the
uptake of the debris of FITC-conjugated bacteria. The
MID subpopulation forms a distinct cluster with FITC
fluorescence approximately 10 times brighter than the
fluorescence of DIM cells. The fluorescence intensity
of MID cells in the AF405 channel corresponded to the
autofluorescence of DN cells. This indicates that the
MID population consisted of cells that have phagocy-
tized bacteria and did not contain E.  coli on the surface.
Analysis of confocal microscopy images (total of
151 cells) confirmed this assumption. The phagocytic
number in the MID population varied from 1 to 5 (av-
erage value, 1.87 bacteria per cell). DP cells (3% of all
cells) contained bacteria either on the surface only or
on the surface and inside the cells (Fig.  3). The average
number of bacteria inside the cells in the DP population
(based on analysis of 51 cells) was 0.67 bacteria per cell
(value range, 0-16); the average number of bacteria
outside the cells was 1.41 (value range, 1-6). Hence, the
DP population was extremely heterogeneous and can
be further divided into several subpopulations.
Visualization of phagocytes in the flow using
double staining revealed the presence of a signif-
icant amount of E. coli on the surface of the cells.
Although sequential use of cell sorting and confocal
microscopy allows to assess the quantity and spatial
location of bacteria in phagocytes, such analysis is la-
borious and time-consuming. The use of flow cytome-
try only makes it possible to estimate the number of
E.  coli bacteria inside the phagocytes based on fluo-
rescence, but does not allow to quantify phagocytosis
when the bacteria are located simultaneously inside
the cells and on their surface.
LYSAKOVA et al.928
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Fig. 2. Cell analysis and gating strategy for a Sony SH800 sorter: leukocytes (CD45
) were collected from the singlets gate and
then sorted based on the fluorescence intensity and location of bacteria (E. coli) on double negative (DN) non-phagocytizing
cells; DIM, cells whose fluorescence was an order of magnitude brighter vs. DN cells; MID, cells with moderate fluorescence
(more than an order of magnitude compared to DIM cells); Bright, cells with the highest fluorescence intensity; DP, double-pos-
itive (FITC- and AF405-labeled) bacteria on the surface of phagocytes (lower left panel). For identification of cell subpopula-
tions, the cells were gated based on the granularity(SSC) and size(FSC): GR,granulocytes; MO,monocytes; LY,lymphocytes (see
Fig.S2 in the Online Resource1 for more information on the gating strategy).
Fig. 3. Results of cell sorting of phagocytic leukocytes (CD45
)(a) and analysis of sorted populations by confocal microscopy(b).
DN cells contained no bacteria; DIM cells demonstrated autofluorescence but contained no bacteria; MID cells contained 1-5
bacteria per cell inside the cells; DP cell contained bacterial cells both inside the cells or on the cell surface only. Overlapped
DIC and fluorescence (FITC, AF405) images are designated as “merge”. c)Individual cell images as examples of leukocytes with
different number of E. coli. Red figures indicate the average number of E. coli cells inside (IN) and outside (OUT) of leukocytes;
the value range is shown in parentheses. The number of independent experiments, n=3.
We used an Amnis FlowSight imaging flow cytom-
eter to improve the quantitative analysis of phagocyto-
sis in cell populations containing bacteria both inside
and on the cell surface and to obtain more statistically
reliable values of phagocytic count. This instrument
also allows to photograph the cells in a flow at a rate
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Fig. 4. Gating strategy for cell analysis on an Amnis Flowsight imaging flow cytometer and examples of visualization of individ-
ual cells from the CD45
population. The numbers indicate the percentage of cells in the population and the number of bacteria
inside (IN) and outside (OUT) the cells. The number of analyzed cells in individual populations was up to 352 (Fig.S3 in the
Online Resource1). The number of independent experiments, n=3.
of up to several thousand per second and to analyze
the spatial position of microbial particles in the phago-
cytes. We evaluated the effectiveness of this approach
by analyzing blood samples after phagocytosis. Fig-
ure  4 shows the gating strategy for experiments on
an Amnis FlowSight imaging flow cytometer and sum-
marized visualization data with images obtained by a
cytometer (bottom row, left graph and images around
it). The photographs above the graph represents the
images for different fluorescence channels (FITC, all
bacteria; Streptavidin-AF405, bacteria on the phago-
cytic leukocyte surface), bright-field microscopy imag-
es (Brightfield and Brightfield2), and channel overlay
(Merge). Analysis of cell images allows to conclude that
non-internalized bacteria were double stained and lo-
cated on the surface of phagocytes, while engulfed
bacteria were detected only in the FITC channel. Based
on the fluorescence signal intensity, four cell subpop-
ulations could be distinguished that differed in the
number of E.  coli located inside the cells and on the
cell surface. DP
cells (fluorescence intensity in the
FITC channel, 10
) contained 1-2 bacteria on the
surface; DP
cells subpopulation (the brightest subpop-
ulation of DP cells; fluorescence intensity in FITC chan-
nel, above 10
) contained 2-4 bacteria on the surface;
phagocytes of the FITC
subpopulation contained 1-2
bacteria inside the cell, and phagocytes of the FITC
subpopulation had 2-4 bacteria inside the cell.
We also tested the effectiveness of the built-in
IDEAS 6.2 software which recognizes the location of
bacteria inside or outside the cell based on the images
taken by the cytometer. The results of the detection of
bacteria on the cell surface (but not inside the cell) pro-
vided by the program and obtained by the analysis of
double-staining data coincide by 94.9% (Fig. 5a, E. coli
detected outside the gate), indicating that the program
was indeed able to recognize FITC- and AF405-positive
bacterial cells on the phagocyte surface. Since the pro-
gram makes an assessment based on the cell param-
eters extracted from an image in a single projection,
in 70% of the cases, these bacteria were recognized by
the program as being inside cells, although according
to the double staining, they were on the cell surface
(Fig.  5b, E.  coli detected inside the gate), which is due
to the technical limitations of the imaging capabilities
of an imaging flow cytometer. Figure  5c (lymphocytes,
LY gate) shows the results of phagocytosis by lympho-
cytes: 98.6% of these cells were double-negative for
FITC and streptavidin-AF405 (i.e., did not phagocytize).
However, some cells (1.28%) were double-positive, in-
dicating that lymphocytes are capable of retaining
E.  coli on the surface without internalization (at least,
within an hour of incubation with whole blood).
There are currently many objects used to analyze
phagocytosis, for example, E.  coli cells labeled with
pH-dependent dyes. However, the use of these reagents
LYSAKOVA et al.930
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
Fig. 5. a) E. coli cells that were detected by the program as being located on the phagocytes; 94.9% of these cells were indeed
positive for both FITC and AF405, i.e., adhered to the phagocyte surface. b)Bacteria that were detected by the program as being
inside the cells. However, 70.4% of these cells were positive for both FITC and AF405; c)Lymphocyte (LY) gate. Although the
program detected some cells (1.28%) in the lymphocyte population as phagocytic, all these cells contained E. coli bacteria on
the surface (according to double staining). The top panels show the channels (from left to right): FITC (E.coli), Brightfield1,
AF405 (biotin-streptavidin, E.coli), Brightfield2, and an overlay of all channels. Right and central panels show cells as dots in
flow cytometry plots (see Fig.S3 in the Online Resource1 for more cell images).
requires the replacement of blood plasma with a spe-
cial buffer to control pH, which negatively affects cell
viability and leads to distorted results [19]. Moreover,
when studying phagocytosis in whole blood in  vivo,
it is difficult to control the plasma pH, and therefore
the use of bacteria labeled with pH-dependent dyes is
limited and does not allow distinguish between inter-
nalized E.  coli cells and cells on the phagocyte surface.
Single-color labeling without the ability to distinguish
between the bacteria located inside and outside the
cells leads to inaccurate results [19, 20]. At the same
time, the application of antibodies specific to antigens
of individual bacterial species [21] is not universal
and requires the development of new species-specif-
ic antibodies when studying phagocytosis efficiency
for different bacterial species. The use of FITC- and
biotin-labeled bacteria of any species provides easy
identification of nonphagocytized bacteria by surface
staining with AF405-conjugated streptavidin and facili-
tates their detection by confocal microscopy. However,
despite a high accuracy, confocal microscopy is not a
high-throughput method. The development of novel
flow cytometry imaging techniques makes it possible
to process large sets of data. Here, we used imaging
flow cytometry and developed a phagocytized agent
allowing to perform analysis with a high throughput
and accuracy. Therefore, double labeling helps to dis-
tinguish between intracellular and surface location of
bacteria at any stage of phagocytosis in whole blood
and to assess the kinetics of this process.
Thus, analysis of images obtained with the Amnis
FlowSight cytometer software showed that the provid-
ed program identified bacteria inside and on the sur-
face of cells with a low accuracy. For example, some
lymphocytes were detected by the program as phago-
cytic, but not by the double-staining (Fig. 5c). There-
fore, the recognition algorithms of in the imaging flow
cytometer software might overestimate the phagocyto-
sis activity when using traditional objects for phago-
cytosis, while the method developed by us (E. coli con-
jugation with double label followed by the phagocytic
test) can significantly increase the accuracy of the re-
sults and can be used to assess quantitative and tem-
poral dynamics of pathogen uptake.
Although the proposed method has some limita-
tions, they can be easily overcome. It is known that
some types of bacteria contain avidins (proteins with
a high affinity for biotin) in their cell wall [22]. In this
case, direct detection using fluorochrome-conjugated
biotin is recommended instead of conjugation of bac-
teria with biotin. If the content of avidins in the bac-
terial cell wall is too low for detection, it might be ef-
ficient to use an excess of reactive biotin ester for the
conjugation of bacteria and subsequent staining with
streptavidin. As an alternative, avidin epitopes can be
blocked with biotin and then cell is labeled with a re-
active biotin ester at protein amino groups.
This study presents the results of quantitative
analysis of phagocytosis using sorting and subsequent
visualization of the analyzed populations. Using cell
sorting techniques and confocal microscopy, fluores-
cence values were compared with data on the num-
ber and location of E.  coli relative to phagocytic blood
cell populations. It was found that within one hour of
phagocytosis, the majority of granulocytes and mono-
cytes completed the process of E.  coli internalization.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 5 2024
However, when an excess of E.  coli cells was added,
20% of phagocytes adhered bacteria on the cell sur-
face without their internalization. We hypothesize that
along with phagocytosis, retention of bacteria on the
lymphocyte surface may be an important component
of antimicrobial function of the immunity system.
Quantitative analysis of phagocytic number in
minor cell populations that contain bacteria both in-
tracellularly and on the cell surface usually requires
the use of time-consuming confocal microscopy fol-
lowed by data analysis and 3D reconstruction in order
to determine the location of these bacteria. The use of
imaging flow cytometry in combination with dual-la-
beled E. coli preparations allows high-throughput and
high-accuracy quantification of bacteria inside and
outside the cells. Double-staining of E.  coli has signifi-
cantly improved the accuracy of flow cytometry data
with cell visualization in the flow.
It was also shown that the majority of FITC pos-
itive lymphocytes retained bacteria externally, with-
out internalization, and only a minor fraction of these
cells was capable of phagocytosis. Further analysis of
subpopulations that rapidly phagocytize bacteria or
retain them on the surface by imaging flow cytometry
will provide more precise understanding of the func-
tion of individual cell populations in the processes of
adaptive and innate immunity.
Supplementary information. The online version
contains supplementary material available at https://
Acknowledgments. The authors thank S. A. Ne-
dospasov, O. K.  Batsunov, and V.  V.  Zarubaev, for assis-
tance with the study; Resource Center for Cellular Tech-
nology and Immunology at Sirius University for Science
and Technology for providing equipment for the ex-
periments; Core Facility “Cytometry and Biomarkers”
at the Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and
Microbiology in St.  Petersburg for providing an Amnis
FlowSight imaging flow cytometer (Cytek,USA).
Contributions. E.V.L., A.N.S., S.A.C., V.S.L., and
N.A.A. conducted the experiments; E.V.L., N.A.A., A.N.S.,
and S.A.R. discussed the results; E.V.L., N.A.A., A.N.S.,
M.Yu.B., and V.S.L. calculated and analyzed results;
E.V.L. and S.A.R. wrote the text of the article; E.V.L.,
A.N.S., S.A.C., V.S.L., N.A.A., M.Yu.B., and S.A.R. edited
the manuscript; S.A.R. developed the research concept
and supervised the study.
Funding. This study was supported by the Rus-
sian Science Foundation (project no. 23-15-00443; [in Russian]; analy-
sis of phagocytosis by flow cytometry and confocal
microscopy, analysis of the results, preparation of the
manuscript) and the Ministry of Science and High-
er Education of the Russian Federation (agreement
no. 075-10-2021-093; project NIR-IMB-2102; prepara-
tion of double-labeled bacteria, quantitative analy-
sis, and validation of the bacterial preparation on an
Amnis FlowSight cytometer).
Ethics declarations. All procedures performed
in the study involving human subjects complied with
the national ethical standards, the 1964 Declaration
of Helsinki and its subsequent amendments and were
approved by the Bioethics Committee of Sirius Univer-
sity (protocol from 03/06/2023). Informed voluntary
consent was obtained from all participants prior to the
collection of blood sample. The authors of this work
declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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