ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 4, pp. 653-662 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2024.
Towards Development of the 4C-Based Method Detecting
Interactions of Plasmid DNA with Host Genome
Alexandra P. Yan
*, Paul A. Salnikov
, Maria M. Gridina
Polina S. Belokopytova
, and Veniamin S. Fishman
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Alexandra Yan
Paul Salnikov
Maria Gridina
Polina Belokopytova
Veniamin Fishman
Received October 11, 2023
Revised February 1, 2024
Accepted March 2, 2024
AbstractChromosome conformation capture techniques have revolutionized our understanding of chromatin
architecture and dynamics at the genome-wide scale. In recent years, these methods have been applied to a diverse
array of species, revealing fundamental principles of chromosomal organization. However, structural organiza-
tion of the extrachromosomal entities, like viral genomes or plasmids, and their interactions with the host genome,
remain relatively underexplored. In this work, we introduce an enhanced 4C-protocol tailored for probing plasmid
DNA interactions. We design specific plasmid vector and optimize protocol to allow high detection rate ofcontacts
between the plasmid and host DNA.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924040059
Keywords: chromatin interactions, 4C, plasmid, extrachromosomal sequences, plasmid-genome interactions, chro-
mosome conformation capture, transfection
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Recent advances in biochemistry, molecular biol-
ogy, and next-generation sequencing facilitated devel-
opment of highly efficient methods for probing inter-
phase chromatin architecture. It has become evident
that organization of the vertebrate genomes is influ-
enced by at least two distinct mechanisms. The first in-
volves interplay between the CTCF and cohesin factors
in cis [1], while the second pertains to organization of
the genomic compartments through phase separation,
mediated by interactions of chromatin proteins in cis
and trans [2]. Despite a few exceptions [3, 4], these
mechanisms typically operate in tandem within most
vertebrate cells. This combined function makes it dif-
ficult to distinguish between the independent factors
associated with each mechanism. This poses a partic-
ular challenge for studying compartment formation
through phase separation, because the generic term
“compartment” can be attributed to various nuclear
partitions, each characterized by unique chromatin
content and formed by a specific biochemical mecha-
nism. Thus, sequence determinants, proteins involved,
and additional aspects of chromatin compartmentaliza-
tion phenomenon are yet to be fully elucidated [5, 6].
Another significant challenge within the field of
3D-genomics is exploration of variability in the chro-
matin architectures across the tree of life. While evo-
lution of the genome architecture in vertebrates [7]
and some invertebrate groups [8] has been relatively
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BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 4 2024
well-studied, data for other species remain limited.
Furthermore, there is a lack of information regard-
ing nuclear organization of non-genomic and exoge-
nous sequences, including mitochondrial and plastid
DNA, viral genomes, plasmids, mobile elements, and
so forth. Nevertheless, existing evidence indicates that
spatial packaging of these DNA molecules plays a cru-
cial role in their function, and studying it can uncover
important knowledge about the general principles of
chromatin biology.
Viral DNA within the nuclei serves as a prominent
example of exogenous DNA sequence. For example, it
has been established that the viral DNA of herpes B vi-
rus (HBV), characterized as episomal covalently closed
circular DNA, primarily contacts the A-compartment
of the genome. These contacts include promoters, en-
hancers, and CpG islands of the promoters of highly
expressed genes, including those engaged in the cellu-
lar response to infection [9]. Conversely, the transcrip-
tionally repressed HBV is associated with the B-com-
partment regions of the host genome [10]. Viruses not
only exist episomally, but can also integrate into the
host genome, establishing new cis-contacts. This can
result in activation of the previously silenced genes
[11], or alterations of the native 3D-organization of the
genome– either by integration into the existing archi-
tecture of protein binding sites or by inserting new
ones. Subsequently, these changes can lead to dysregu-
lation of gene activity and cancer development [9, 12].
Another noteworthy aspect of the spatial contacts
of exogenous DNA involves their association with pro-
gressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) nu-
clear bodies. These bodies facilitate viral replication
and transcription, a phenomenon demonstrated for
various viruses including herpes simplex virus, Simian
Virus 40, adenoviruses, and human papillomavirus
[13, 14]. The study [15] highlighted that the chaper-
one HIRA depositing H3.3 promotes repression of the
naked foreign DNA such as purified plasmid and viral
DNA. This repression is facilitated by the DNA bind-
ing with the HIRA histone chaperone complex into the
PML-bodies within the host nuclei. Concurrently, other
research indicates formation of the viral replication
compartments adjacent to PML, where replication and
transcription processes are executed [16, 17]. Collec-
tively, the existing body of data underscores functional
importance of the three-dimensional contacts between
the exogenous DNA and the genome. However, biology
of extrachromosomal DNA within the nucleus, espe-
cially concerning plasmids, continues to be an area of
further exploration.
Information regarding the biology of extrachro-
mosomal DNA, particularly its interaction with pro-
teins and assembly of the virus-associated compart-
ments, is primarily gathered through immunostaining
and microscopy. However, this approach is not without
its constraints. Resolution offered by these techniques
is often inadequate for smaller structures, including
certain viral genomes and plasmids which are no more
than a few hundred thousand base pairs in size. An al-
ternative method for studying chromatin interactions
employs chromatin conformation capture (3C) technol-
ogies [18]. These technologies offer better resolution,
reaching down to hundreds or thousands of base pairs
for Hi-C, and to the scale of hundreds of base pairs for
circular chromatin conformation capture (4C). Studies
using these methods provide a more detailed view of
the spatial organization of DNA.
Here we introduce a novel method to explore lo-
calization patterns of plasmid DNA, and potentially
other exogenous DNA. This approach is based on the
4C-experiment, utilizing a plasmid as a target vector.
Notable advantage of employing the 4C-methodology
with a plasmid lies in its capability, as we suggest, to
perform further screening experiments – to deliver
plasmids with arbitrary insertions of DNA sequenc-
es into the cell (active and inactive genome regions,
CG-rich and CG-poor regions, Polycomb group protein
binding sites, etc.). We can then observe influence of
these specific nucleotide sequences on the distribution
of plasmids across compartments into the nucleus.
Additionally, this experimental design, involving
delivery of an exogenous insert as a component of a
plasmid into a cell, effectively negates the cis-influence
originating from the adjacent genome regions with di-
verse epigenetic statuses. Thus, it offers a more isolat-
ed and accurate assessment of the impacts attributable
directly to the inserted sequences.
Plasmid vectors. Modified pUC19 vector was en-
gineered from the original pUC19 by altering two bases
within two NlaIII restriction sites using PCR of plasmid
fragments with primers containing target substitution,
followed by the Gibson Assembly of PCR products into
a circular molecule. The p4CSCS vector was synthe-
sized at the Cloning Facility as two sequences (991bp
and 975bp) that were flanked by homologous regions.
These sequences were joined into a circular molecule
via Gibson Assembly. Maps and sequences of the plas-
mids are provided in the Supplementary materials
(Figs.S1-S3, Online Resource1).
Plasmids were propagated in TOP10 E. coli cells.
We observed that propagation of the p4CSCS vector
necessitated reduction in chloramphenicol concentra-
tion to, specifically, 0.02 µg of chloramphenicol per
1ml of the medium.
Human cell culture and transfection. Exper-
iments were conducted using HEK293T cells, which
were cultured in a DMEM medium supplemented with
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 4 2024
10% fetal bovine serum and 1% Pen Strep (all from
Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). The cells were main-
tained at 37°C and 5% CO
One day prior to transfection, the cells were pas-
saged into a 75 cm
cell culture flask to achieve approx-
imately 70% confluency. Transfection was carried out
in a serum-free DMEM medium devoid of antibiotics.
For transfection mix, we combined 2.4 µl Opti-MEM
(Thermo Fisher Scientific), 18 µg of plasmid DNA, and
36 µg of PEI reagent (2 µg/µl). These conditions were
found to allow efficient transfection of HEK293T cells
(>50% of transfected cells) in control experiments with
a GFP-encoding plasmid (eGFP-n1) co-transfected with
the target vector.
4C-protocol. 24 hours after transfection, cells were
harvested using 0.05% trypsin-EDTA and fixed by 1%
formaldehyde according to the previously published
protocol [19]. Cells were counted and aliquots of 3 mil-
lion cells were snap frozen. We performed key steps of
the experiment: cell lysis, chromatin digestion, chro-
matin ligation, reversal of crosslinking, and DNA puri-
fication (2.2.1-2.2.4) according to the protocol [19] with
minor modifications:
• for chromatin digestion, 50 units of NlaIII was
• biotinylation and “dangling end removal” steps
were skipped.
Digestion of purified DNA. We used slightly dif-
ferent protocols depending on whether p4CSCS-based
vectors (require digestion with MseI) or pUC19-based
vectors (require digestion with TaiI) were transfected
into the cells.
1)Digestion in the case of using p4CSCS-based vec-
tors. For purified DNA digestion, the following com-
ponents were mixed on ice: 5μl 10× CutSmart Buffer,
30 units of MseI, 2μg DNA, ddH
O to 50 μl. The mix-
ture was incubated at 37°C with shaking overnight.
After MseI inactivation by incubation at 65°C 20min,
digested DNA was purified using KAPA Pure Beads (1×)
according to the manufacturer recommendation and
added to the ligation reaction (step “Ligation of puri-
fied DNA”).
2)Digestion in the case of using pUC19-based vec-
tors. In 4C-experiments with modified pUC19 we per-
formed digestion of purified DNA by TaiI: a sample
with 250 ng DNA was supplemented with 1 μl of 10×
restriction buffer 5 units of TaiI, and ddH
O to 10 μl.
The mixture was incubated at 37°C with continuous
shaking overnight. Digestion was terminated by heat
inactivation of the restriction enzyme at 65°C for
20 min. The entire volume of the reaction mixture
(10μl) was added to the ligation reaction. Ligation of
the digested DNA was performed as described in “Li-
gation of purified DNA”.
Ligation of purified DNA. For ligation of purified
DNA the following components were mixed on ice:
10 μl 10% Triton X-100, 10 μl of 10× T4 DNA ligase re-
action buffer, 10 μl 25% PEg, and 1 μl of 10 mg/ml bo-
vine serum albumin, 1 μl 100 mM ATP, 800 units of T4
ligase, 0.5-2 μg DNA, ddH
O to 100 μl (final DNA con-
centration was about 5-20 ng/μl). The mixture was in-
cubated at 16°C overnight, then DNA products were
purified using KAPA Pure Beads (0.8×).
(optional) Additional digestion with DrdI. In our first
rounds of experiments, which were all performed with
pUC19-based vectors and TaiI digestion, we assume
that the fraction of non-informative ligation products
could be reduced by DrdI treatment. Although later
we found that this assumption was not correct, we in-
dicate here that after ligation, products were treated
with DrdI under the following conditions: 100 μl of
O and 12 units of DrdI endonuclease were added
to the ligase mixture followed by incubation at 37°C
overnight; next DrdI was inactivated by incubation at
80°C for 20 min and DNA products were purified using
KAPA Pure Beads (0.8×).
This step was omitted when using p4CSCS-based
Preparation of 4C-libraries for NGS. PCR with prim-
ers containing Illumina adapter sequences was per-
formed for 15-20 cycles. Sequences of the primer are
provided in the Supplementary materials (Online Re-
source 1). PCR products were purified using KAPA Pure
Beads (0.8×). Distribution of DNA-fragments in the ob-
tained 4C-libraries was evaluated by visualization of
the gel after electrophoresis in 1% agarose.
DNA concentration was measured with a Qubit flu-
orimeter. For experiments with modified pUC19 plas-
mid we prepared 4C-libraries for NGS by nested PCR:
we performed the first PCR round with i_F1, i_R1 prim-
ers (see Online Resource 1), then PCR products were
purified using KAPA Pure Beads (0.8×) and one third
of the amount of PCR products served as a DNA matrix
for the second PCR round with P5 and P7 primers for
Illumina sequencing, see Online Resource1).
Experiments with control chromatin and con-
trol plasmids. HEK293T cells were transfected by a
modified pUC19 vector using PEI and fixed 24 h post-
transfection, as described above. Fixed Mus musculus
fibroblasts in approximately equal amounts were in-
troduced to the fixed, transfected HEK293T cells and
co-lysis was conducted as described in the 4C-protocol
above. 200 ng of the control plasmid (modified pUC19
with a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter) was added
to the sample before NlaIII digestion. Next, we per-
formed 4C-experiment as described above for all these
components together.
4C-libraries with Klenow treatment. To distin-
guish products formed due to incomplete digestion by
NlaIII, and digested but self-ligated products, we in-
cluded Klenow treatment step into the 4C-protocol de-
scribed above. For this purpose, after NlaIII inactivation,
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centrifugation, and supernatant removal, the follow-
ing components were mixed on ice: 20 μl ×10 NEBuf-
fer 3.1, 1.5× μl of each 10mM dNTPs (dATP, dTTP, dCTP,
dGTP), 50 units of Klenow, ddH
O to 200μl.
The mixture was added to the precipitate, resus-
pended, and incubated at 16°C for 4 h. Then the exper-
iment was continued from the stage of “Blunt end liga-
tion” of the Hi-C 2.0 protocol [19] up to and including
the DNA purification stage and further according to
the above described 4C-protocol with plasmid.
4C-data processing and analysis. Raw reads
were processed using cutadapt and then aligned to a
reference that included the human hg38 genome and
plasmid vector sequences (either modified pUC19 or
p4CSCS). For experiments involving control chromatin,
the reference also incorporated the mouse mm10 ge-
nome, modified pUC19, and modified pUC19 with the
CMV-promoter sequence. Alignment was performed
using the BWA mem. Alignment statistics were gath-
ered with samtools idxstats. To visualize the alignment
results, we employed IGV2.16.1 software.
In our protocol, two ligation events should occur:
first ligation at the NlaIII site at the fixed chromatin
condition and second ligation at the MseI or TaiI site
during the circularization step. Products of the first li-
gation reaction represent spatial colocalization of DNA
fragments in the nucleus, whereas the second ligation
can either occur as intramolecular ligation producing
circular DNA or intermolecular ligation between ran-
dom DNA ends. Thus, products of the second ligation
do not add information about spatial contacts of the
plasmid, but may reflect random collisions resulting
from diffusion processes. Therefore, we discarded se-
quences ligated to the MseI or TaiI site, and only used
sequences ligated to the NlaIII site. According to the
plasmid vector design, these sequences always start
from the p7-adapter (Figs.S1-S3, Online Resource1).
Design of 4C-experiment with plasmid. Weaimed
to develop an approach based on using a 4C-method
to identify contacts between the plasmid DNA and the
host genome. Design of the experiment is shown in
Fig. 1a. Initially, cells are transfected with a plasmid
vector. We anticipate that within the nuclei, plasmids
are secured by host cellular proteins, and biophysical
characteristics of these proteins dictate localization of
the plasmid (I). Subsequently, spatial contacts within
chromatin, including interactions between the plasmid
and DNA, are fixed with formaldehyde (II). According
to the 4C-protocol (detailed in methods), sequential di-
gestion and proximity ligation reactions are conducted
on the fixed chromatin (III-IV). After this, the cross-
links are reversed; the DNA is digested with a second
restriction enzyme and ligated in solution (V). This
results in formation of circular molecules, containing
a fragment of the plasmid DNA and a segment of the
genome with which the plasmid was in contact (VI).
By amplification and sequencing of these circular tem-
plates using NGS technology, we expect to detect inter-
actions between the plasmid DNA and the genome.
According to the described design, the vector used
in the 4C-experiment should include two distinct re-
striction sites: the first is hydrolyzed during the initial
DNA digestion in the fixed chromatin (E1, Fig.1a), and
the second during the subsequent digestion of the plas-
mid DNA following cross-links reversal (E2, Fig. 1a).
A crucial aspect to consider is placement of the PCR
primer annealing region, which should be located be-
tween these two restriction sites, near to their posi-
tions. Furthermore, there must be neither E1 nor E2
restriction sites between the primer annealing regions.
Moreover, both E1 and E2 should be frequent cutter
sites, i.e.,4-base cutters, to allow high resolution of the
4C-analysis (determined by E1 site frequency), and ef-
ficient amplification of 4C-fragments (determined by
E2 site frequency). Finally, the E1-specific enzyme has
to be able to digest formaldehyde-fixed chromatin.
To validate the proposed design, we performed
4C-experiments with the pUC19 plasmid vector.
Weused NlaIII and TaiI restriction sites as E1 and E2
target sites of the experiment, respectively. In addition
to the two designated NlaIII restriction sites, the pUC19
vector contains additional NlaIII and TaiI sites (nine
and three, respectively), including those present in the
region for PCR primer annealing (Fig.1b). Weexpect-
ed that additional NlaIII and TaiI sites outside the tar-
get region (where binding sites of the primers used for
library amplification are located) would not interfere
with the 4C-experiment, as opposed to the sites locat-
ed between the primers. Therefore, we engineered a
modified vector based on pUC19, wherein the NlaIII
(-CATG-) restriction sites located between the primers
were removed (Fig.1b).
Estimating background noise level in 4C-pro-
tocol with plasmid. The 4C-experiment design with
plasmid assumes that restriction and ligation stages
occur under conditions of fixed chromatin, therefore
the resulting products reflect spatial co-localization
of the plasmid DNA and the host genome inside the
nucleus. However, it is also possible that part of the
contacts is formed in solution as a result of diffusion
processes after chromatin fixation, causing random
collisions and ligations of the plasmid and the genom-
ic DNA fragments. These contacts do not reflect bio-
logical preferences of the plasmid distribution in the
To estimate the scale of such ligation events, we
performed a control experiment, shown in Fig. 2a.
Human HEK293T cells, transfected with the modified
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 4 2024
Fig. 1. Design of 4C-experiment with plasmid vector. a)[I-VI]overall experiment design. b)Restriction sites scheme of the plas-
mid vectors generated in this work. Plasmid maps and sequences are provided in the Supplementary materials (Figs.S1-S3,
Supplementary text 2, see Online Resource1).
pUC19 vector, underwent chromatin fixation 24 h post-
transfection. Next, the control chromatin (fixed chro-
matin of a non-human species) and the control plas-
mid (plasmid with the sequence different from pUC19
vector) were added to these fixed HEK293T samples.
Finally, we prepared 4C-libraries as described in the
experiment design section above (Fig. 1a). Given that
the control chromatin of non-human species was add-
ed after fixation, any ligations of the pUC19 vector
(which was transfected pre-fixation) with non-human
chromatin represent random collision events. Simi-
larly, ligations of the control plasmid (added post-fixa-
tion) with the HEK293T chromatin and with chromatin
of a non-human species are due to random collisions
as well.
Therefore, the contacts of plasmid no. 1 (modi-
fied pUC19 transfected into the nucleus) reflect both
spatial localization of the plasmid in living cells (by
ligation with human chromatin) and possible random
diffusion processes (by ligation with chromatin of hu-
man and non-human species). The contacts of plasmid
no. 2 added to the cells after fixation with chromatin
are not conditioned by biological regularities and are
only determined by random diffusion processes (by li-
gation with human chromatin and with chromatin of
anon-human species).
We compared how often the plasmid no. 1, trans-
fected into human cells, and plasmid no. 2, added to the
cells after fixation, contact with the human and non-
human chromatin. Our results, presented in Fig. 2b,
demonstrate that 80% of the plasmid no. 1 contacts
are with the human chromatin, whereas the plasmid
no. 2 interacts with the human chromatin only in 64%
of cases (percentages are average for three replicas;
YAN et al.658
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Fig. 2. Estimation of “random” contacts fraction. a) Design of the experiment: plasmid no. 1 was transfected into HEK293T
cells(I), then spatial contacts of DNA and proteins in the nucleus were fixed with formaldehyde(II). Fixed Mus musculus fibro-
blasts(III) and plasmid No. 2(IV) were added to the obtained sample, and the 4C-experiment was performed. b)Plasmid no. 1
and plasmid no. 2 differ in the ratio of the number of contacts with H. sapiens and M. musculus chromatin The diagrams show
percentage of the plasmid contacts with the corresponding chromatin, averaged over three independent experiments. Results
for the individual replicates are presented in Fig.S4 in the Online Resource1. Total number of contacts is taken as 100%.
for all three replicas difference of contact frequencies
was significant according to Fisher’s exact test, p-value
is negligible; see Supplementary notes for details, On-
line Resource1). These observations suggest that part
of the contacts between the plasmid transfected into
cells and the chromatin detected in the experiment is
due to the spatial proximity in the nucleus, i.e., cannot
be explained by random collisions of the plasmid DNA
with DNA in solution. We also quantify the fraction of
random collisions (see Supplementary notes, Online
4C-vector optimization. Analyzing the data ob-
tained in the 4C-experiment with the modified pUC19
we faced the problem that the majority (about 90%)
of the reads did not contain the human genome se-
quence. Instead, the reads aligned to the specific re-
gions of the plasmid. This issue was not only observed
when using control chromatin and control plasmid,
but also in the experiments involving HEK293T cells
transfected with the modified pUC19 vector and sub-
jected to the 4C-protocol without controls. Detailed
analysis of the reads distribution and structure re-
vealed that this phenomenon could be traced back to
the ligation of various plasmid fragments during the
in-chromatin ligation stage. It occurs because the plas-
mid DNA is not only hydrolyzed at the intended NlaIII
and TaiI restriction sites, but also at other NlaIII and
TaiI sites present in the plasmid. Under conditions pro-
moting proximity ligation, fragments originating from
a single plasmid molecule are more likely to undergo
ligation in cis, a phenomenon we have named “self-
ligation.” Consistent with the significant prevalence of
cis-interactions over the trans-contacts, which is typi-
cal for the 3C-data [20], reads containing only plasmid
sequences make up to about 90% of the total data.
High frequency of ligations occurring between
the plasmid DNA fragments, as described above, can
be attributed to the predominance of cis (within the
plasmid) over trans (plasmid-genome) spatial contacts
and therefore is unavoidable in the 3C-experiment.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 4 2024
However, this problem could be overcome if the plas-
mid vector lacks multiple digestion sites. In such cases,
cis-ligation would restore the original plasmid mole-
cule, which would then be excluded during the PCR
and NGS steps due to its length (>1000bp). Therefore,
to solve the problem of plasmid self-ligation, we aimed
to redesign the plasmid sequence to contain only sin-
gle NlaIII and MseI restriction sites (in this vector de-
sign, we use MseI instead of TaiI at the purified DNA
digestion step). This task is challenging because both
enzymes are frequent cutters (which is essential for
the resolution and detectability of contacts, see above).
Consequently, multiple cut sites are present in all func-
tional elements of the available plasmid vectors.
To overcome this limitation, we substituted the
ampicillin resistance gene with the chloramphenicol
resistance cassette, devoid of restriction sites in the
promoter region. However, the replication origin and
body of the chloramphenicol resistance gene still con-
tained NlaIII and MseI restriction sites. We introduced
single-nucleotide substitutions within the gene body,
ensuring the amino acid sequence remained unal-
tered. Choice of alternative nucleotides was based on
the codon frequencies in E. coli [21]. In the replication
origin, the substitutions were made arbitrarily, given
the absence of the straightforward criterion to predict
their functional implications. As a result, we designed a
sequence of a new plasmid adapted for 4C-experiment,
containing only two target restriction sites, p4CSCS:
(plasmid for 4C with Single Cutter Sites), depicted in
Fig. 1b (plasmid map and sequence see in Fig. S3 and
in supplementary text 2, Online Resource 1). It con-
tains primer binding regions and essential elements
for reproduction in E. coli, such as replication origin
and chloramphenicol resistance gene. Total length of
the vector is 1826bp.
We used this improved plasmid vector in the
4C-experiment with HEK293T cells. The obtained data
contained a substantial proportion of contacts between
the plasmid and the genome, approximately 81%.
Thus, we confirm that the observed in previous exper-
iments high frequency of reads mapped to the plasmid
was due to the presence of multiple restriction sites in
the vector. Obtained results clearly show the advan-
tage of the redesigned plasmid sequence for 4C-exper-
Although contacts between the plasmid and the
genome are well represented, reads including exclu-
sively plasmid sequences persist, accounting for about
20% of the data. According to visualization in IGV,
the majority of these reads are mapped upstream of
the NlaIII restriction site. This observation raises the
question of the origin of these reads: whether they are
formed due to incomplete digestion by NlaIII, or be-
cause the plasmid molecules were hydrolyzed but then
ligated back to form a whole plasmid molecule again?
To confirm which hypothesis is accurate, we pre-
pared 4C-libraries where chromatin was treated with
the Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I after
digestion by the NlaIII enzyme. Hydrolysis with the
NlaIII enzyme produces 3′-ends that are removed by
the 3′-5′ exonuclease activity of the Klenow fragment.
Subsequent ligation of the plasmid ends generates a
specific sequence signature distinct from the undi-
gested plasmid sequence. Therefore, sequencing the
ligation products should distinguish between the mol-
ecules from the undigested plasmid (containing the
sequence 5′…TCTGAC-CATG-AGGAGA…3′ with the orig-
inal NlaIII 5′…-CATG-…3′ restriction site subsequence)
and the molecules that were hydrolyzed by NlaIII but
then ligated back (containing the Klenow ends resec-
tion signature 5′…TCTGAC-AGGAGA…3′, without the
NlaIII restriction site).
Sequencing data from six independent experi-
ments showed that the number of non-hydrolyzed
products (with a mean fraction of 4.82% of all reads
analyzed) was almost 30 times greater than the num-
ber of molecules that were hydrolyzed and ligated
back together (mean fraction of 0.17% of all reads an-
alyzed). This indicates that the reads containing an
intact plasmid sequence are mainly due to inefficient
hydrolysis by the NlaIII enzyme.
In this study, we present a method that enables
detection of the contacts between the plasmid DNA
introduced into the cell and the host genome. Our
preliminary experiments show promising results: the
4C-protocol allows efficient enrichment of the con-
tacts between the plasmid and host genome DNA. Al-
though interactions representing contacts between the
genomic loci are about a million times more frequent
than between the genome and plasmid (according to
the ratio of human genome length to the approximate
length of both modified pUC19 and p4CSCS plasmid), a
large portion of the contacts detected in the 4C-exper-
iment contains plasmid sequences. Moreover, optimal
design of the plasmid vector allows to enrich the plas-
mid-genome interactions over the plasmid-plasmid in-
teractions, though the latter occur in cis and therefore
is expected to have higher frequency. Looking ahead,
precision and informational yield of this method could
be augmented through refinement of the chromatin
digestion process. This assumption is supported by our
observation that the fraction of non-informative prod-
ucts originates from the undigested plasmid.
In addition, it should be noted that the noise in
3C-data is expected to be uniformly distributed and,
therefore, should not hinder detection of the increased
frequency of contacts between the plasmid and specific
YAN et al.660
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 4 2024
genomic loci. However, high noise level may require
deeper sequencing to detect specific interactions.
We envision several applications of the developed
• First, the proposed method can be used to in-
vestigate localization of the plasmid molecules them-
selves. Despite the widespread usage of plasmids as
vectors for exogenous gene expression in genetic engi-
neering and research, distribution of plasmids in the
nucleus remains largely unknown [22-24].
• Second, the proposed experiment design allows
us to test how DNA sequences with different epigen-
etic properties (active and inactive genome regions
such as GC-rich, GC-poor regions, Polycomb, and HP1
binding sites, etc.) embedded in the plasmid will af-
fect plasmid localization. This may be applicable to
the study of compartments formed as a result of phase
separation in the nuclei. Although it is clear that the
active and inactive chromatin segregate in the nucle-
us, it is still an open question how many phases (or
subcompartments) are formed in total [25, 26]. Phase
separation of the nucleus is being actively studied
from the protein perspective. Compartmentalization
can also be considered from the viewpoint of DNA
motifs to which proteins involved in phase separation
are bound. Several DNA motifs were shown to be es-
sential for the loci compartmentalization. For exam-
ple, DNA sequences that define compartmentalization
profile for the Polycomb-repressed loci in Drosophila
embryos were identified using the Hi-C and ChIP-seq
methods and confirmed using genome editing [27]. Be-
sides that, genetic determinants of compartmentaliza-
tion remain unknown. We suggest that the 4C-method
with plasmid could be applied to identify genetic de-
terminants of compartmentalization by testing effect
of different DNA sequences on the pattern of plasmid
contacts with the genome. In perspective, the method
could be used as a basis for large-scale screening stud-
ies and will allow us to compile a profile of the contri-
bution of each locus to chromatin compartmentaliza-
tion throughout the genome.
• DNA methylation alters three-dimensional or-
ganization of the genome and chromatin accessibility
by recruiting proteins such as HP1, which form het-
erochromatin blocks as a result of phase separation
[25, 28, 29]. Methylation of CTCF binding sites disrupts
its association with DNA, leading to changes in the ge-
nome architecture [30]. Overall, CpG methylation af-
fects the ability of TFs to bind to DNA in both negative
and positive ways in vitro [31]. However, this has not
been confirmed in vivo [28]. We propose integration
of the 4C-method with the in vitro 5mC-methylated
plasmid DNA as a strategic approach for in vivo local-
ization of the methylated DNA loci and clarification
whether they form distinct subcompartments by clus-
tering together.
• The 4C-method with plasmid can be used to
study DNA repair. A plasmid with modified nucleo-
tides, such as 8-oxoguanine inclusions or other mod-
ifications, is likely to be localized in the specific DNA
repair compartments assembly of which is initiated
by the activated PARP1 and FUS [32]. The 4C-experi-
ment can be used to capture the loci attracted to the
DNA repair compartment, as well as dynamics of its
To summarize, we are optimistic that the refined
4C-experiment with plasmid, as described in this study,
would be instrumental in the domains of 3D-genomics,
transcription regulation, and epigenetics.
Supplementary information. The online version
contains supplementary material available at https://
Acknowledgments. We acknowledge infrastruc-
ture and resources provided by the collective usage
center of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Si-
berian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
121031800061-7 (Mechanisms of genetic control of
development, physiological processes, and behavior
in animals) for running next generation sequencing
experiments. Computational data analysis was per-
formed using the high-throughput computing nodes
of the Novosibirsk State University (supported by the
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Rus-
sian Federation, grant no. FSUS-2024-0018).
Contributions. V.F., P.S., and A.Y. conceived the
study. A.Y. performed experiments with the help from
P.S. and M.G. P.B. developed a computational data anal-
ysis pipeline. A.Y. performed data analysis with the
help from P.B., P.S., and V.F. supervised the study and
analyzed the data. A.Y., P.S., and V.F. wrote the manu-
script. All authors edited the manuscript and approved
its final version.
Funding. This work was supported by the Russian
Science Foundation (project no.22-14-00242).
Ethics declarations. This work does not con-
tain any studies involving human and animal sub-
jects. Theauthors of this work declare that they have
noconflicts of interest.
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