ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 2, pp. 299-312 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2024.
Age-Dependent Changes in the Production
of Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species
in Human Skeletal Muscle
Mikhail Yu. Vyssokikh
*, Maksim A. Vigovskiy
, Vladislav V. Philippov
Yakov R. Boroday
, Mariya V. Marey
, Olga A. Grigorieva
, Tatiana F. Vepkhvadze
Nadezhda S. Kurochkina
, Ludmila A. Manukhova
, Anastasiya Yu. Efimenko
Daniil V. Popov
, and Vladimir P. Skulachev
Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russia
National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology
Named after Academician V.I. Kulakov, 117997 Moscow, Russia
Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 123007 Moscow, Russia
Medical Research and Education Center, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119192 Moscow, Russia
Received December 12, 2023
Revised January 30, 2024
Accepted February 1, 2024
AbstractA decrease in muscle mass and its functionality (strength, endurance, and insulin sensitivity) is one of
the integral signs of aging. One of the triggers of aging is an increase in the production of mitochondrial reactive
oxygen species. Our study was the first to examine age-dependent changes in the production of mitochondrial
reactive oxygen species related to a decrease in the proportion of mitochondria-associated hexokinase-2 in human
skeletal muscle. For this purpose, a biopsy was taken from m. vastus lateralis in 10 young healthy volunteers
and 70 patients (26-85 years old) with long-term primary arthrosis of the knee/hip joint. It turned out that aging
(comparing different groups of patients), in contrast to inactivity/chronic inflammation (comparing young healthy
people and young patients), causes a pronounced increase in peroxide production by isolated mitochondria. This
correlated with the age-dependent distribution of hexokinase-2 between mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions,
a decrease in the rate of coupled respiration of isolated mitochondria and respiration when stimulated with glu-
cose (a hexokinase substrate). It is discussed that these changes may be caused by an age-dependent decrease in
the content of cardiolipin, a potential regulator of the mitochondrial microcompartment containing hexokinase.
The results obtained contribute to a deeper understanding of age-related pathogenetic processes in skeletal mus-
cles and open prospects for the search for pharmacological/physiological approaches to the correction of these
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924020093
Keywords: aging, skeletal muscle, mitochondria, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, hexokinase
Abbreviations: mROS, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
# Deceased.
Aging is a complex process inherent in all organ-
isms that includes a number of common features, in
particular, a progressive decrease in the functional
and regenerative capabilities of the organism, devel-
oping against the background of impaired adaptation
to external and internal stressors, and ultimately lead-
ing to death. One of the most developed theories of ag-
ing is the mitochondrial theory, first proposed by Har-
man in 1956, according to which the trigger of aging
is considered to be mitochondrial dysfunction associ-
ated with their production of reactive oxygen species
and oxidative damage to biological macromolecules [1].
VYSSOKIKH et al.300
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
One of the integral signs of aging is a decrease in the
mass and strength of skeletal muscles, leading to a pro-
nounced decrease in physical performance and quali-
ty of life. The last of the above is due to the fact that
skeletal muscles not only provide movement and main-
tain posture, but also play an important role in regu-
lating the metabolism of the organism. Thus, normally,
skeletal muscles, constituting up to 40% of body mass,
consume from 20 to 30% of the energy produced [2]
and are one of the main insulin-dependent consumers
of glucose [3]. Unlike other tissues, decline in skeletal
muscle mitochondrial function is thought to be a ma-
jor mediator of declines in muscle mass and strength
in older adults [4].
The most important role in the regulation of me-
tabolism and consumption of glucose from the blood [5]
is played by the enzyme hexokinase (EC, which
catalyzes the rate-limiting reaction of glycolysis and
transfers the phosphoryl from ATP to glucose with the
formation of glucose-6-phosphate, an intermediate of
glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway. In mus-
cles, as in other insulin-sensitive tissues, I and II of the
five known isozymes of hexokinase are predominantly
expressed; they have high similarity in amino acid
sequences, however, they differ quite significantly in
kinetic parameters and metabolic functions (for re-
view, see [6]). In skeletal muscle, most hexokinase is
localized on the surface of mitochondria, forming a
metabolic compartment that uses ATP synthesized in
mitochondria to phosphorylate hexoses, which stimu-
lates mitochondrial respiration and functionally cou-
ples glycolysis with oxidative phosphorylation [7]. The
binding of hexokinase to mitochondria is mediated by
protein–protein interactions with VDAC1, the main pro-
tein of the outer membrane of mitochondria, which
ensures the transport of various compounds between
mitochondria and the rest of the cell [8]. The forma-
tion of this protein complex leads to the convergence
of mitochondrial membranes and stabilization of the
so-called contact sites, which are the structural basis
of the metabolic microcompartment of mitochondria,
responsible for the shuttle movement of ATP/ADP be-
tween the active centers of ATP synthase and hexoki-
nase [9, 10].
Approximately 1-2% of molecular oxygen in the cell,
with the participation of complexes  I and  III of the
respiratory chain, is converted into superoxide, spon-
taneously or with the help of enzyme systems that
regulate the production of hydrogen peroxide with
the subsequent formation of mitochondrial reactive
oxygen species (mROS), which can damage biological
macromolecules [11]. It has been established that an
imbalance in the production and utilization of ROS(re-
active oxygen species) underlies oxidative stress and
the induction of programmed cell death, which is one
of the key reasons for the development of cardiovas-
cular and neurodegenerative pathologies [12]. It is im-
portant to note that a slight decrease in mitochondrial
membrane potential almost completely stops the gen-
eration of mROS [13]. In particular, in isolated mito-
chondria, activation of oxidative phosphorylation by
the addition of ADP led to a decrease in transmem-
brane potential by a small amount – approximately
20% (mild depolarization), preventing the formation
of H
. Investigating this effect, A. Galina with col-
leagues described a new antioxidant mechanism con-
sisting in the cyclic movement of ADP, formed during
phosphorylation of glucose at the expense of ATP, pro-
duced during oxidative phosphorylation and reaching
the active center of hexokinase through the VDAC1
channel [14].
Previously, using models of short- and long-lived
rodents, we showed that mild depolarization of mito-
chondria, associated with activation of bound hexoki-
nase, leads to a decrease in the production of mROS
in various tissues (including skeletal muscles), and dis-
ruption of this mechanism correlates with the age of
short-lived animals [15]. The purpose of this study was
to investigate the age-related distribution of hexoki-
nase, as well as the dependence of the rate of hydro-
gen peroxide production by mitochondria on the acti-
vation of mitochondrial hexokinase by its substrates in
human skeletal muscle.
Study design. The study was approved by the Bio-
medical Ethics Committee of the State Scientific Cen-
ter of the Russian Federation– Institute of Biomedical
Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the
Local Ethics Committee of the Lomonosov Moscow State
University (protocol no. 2/20 dated March 16, 2020).
All volunteers signed a voluntary consent to partici-
pate in the study.
The study involved 10 healthy volunteers (age from
25 to 43 years) and 62 patients with long-term prima-
ry arthrosis of the knee/hip joint (age from 26 to 85
years), divided into groups of young (n= 8, 39 (26-45)
years), middle (n= 20, 59 (58-62) years) and elderly (n=
= 42, 72 (66-83) years) age (Table 1). This pathology was
previously used as a model to study the effects of de-
creased physical activity and chronic inflammation on
the skeletal muscles of the thigh, including during ag-
ing [16-19]. The criteria for non-inclusion of volunteers
into the study were: a history of cancer or systemic
diseases; mental, physical, and other reasons that do
not allow you to adequately assess behavior and cor-
rectly comply with the conditions of the research pro-
tocol; a history of any significant, in the opinion of the
research physician, condition/disease or circumstance
that prevents inclusion in the study; contraindications
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
for surgical treatment at the time of inclusion; preg-
nancy and lactation. All participants had an anamnesis
collected and the subjective level of physical capabil-
ities (questionnaire SF12 [20]) and fasting blood glu-
cose and insulin levels were assessed. A biopsy of the
lateral head of the quadriceps muscle (~500 mg) was
taken from patients at the start of elective hip/knee
replacement surgery. In healthy volunteers, samples
from the vastus lateralis muscle (~200 mg) were collect-
ed by needle biopsy with aspiration under local anesthe-
sia (1 ml of 2% lidocaine) as previously described [21].
The muscle tissue sample was immediately placed into
a tube containing a cardioplegic solution (Custodiol,
USA); after 10min, part of the sample was taken for
histological and biochemical studies (see below), and
the remaining part was transferred to a fresh aliquot
of Custodiol solution to isolate mitochondria.
Histological analysis. Skeletal muscle samples
were fixed in 10% buffered neutral formalin for 24-48h.
Histological processing was carried out according to
standard methods using 8 changes of isopropyl alcohol
(total duration – 5.5 h at 37°C) and 3 changes of paraf-
fin (total duration – 5 h at 62°C). Then the preparations
were embedded in paraffin blocks, sections 1 µm thick
were prepared and mounted on glass slides (Menzel
GmbH & Co KG, Germany). Staining was performed ac-
cording to standard techniques using Mayer’s hema-
toxylin and eosin (PanReac AppliChem, Spain). Mi-
croscopic examination was carried out on a Leica
DM600Β microscope with a Leica DFC 420X camera
(Leica Microsystems GmbH, Germany), using repre-
sentative fields of view to obtain microphotographs.
Image processing and analysis were performed using
LasX software (Leica Microsystems GmbH) and FiJi.
Isolation of mitochondria. Mitochondrial iso-
lation was performed as described previously [15].
Biopsy samples of muscle tissue were rinsed with an
ice-cold solution of 0.9% NaCl, dried with filter paper,
weighed, and fragmented into pieces of 0.5-1 mm in
size with cooled and washed with the isolation medi-
um (see below) using scissors with curved ends. There-
sulting fragments were homogenized using a Potter
microhomogenizer (glass/Teflon) with a clearance of
200 microns for 2 min at 4°C, in a ratio of 10/1 (vol-
ume/mass) in an isolation medium of the following
composition: 300 mM mannitol, 0.5 mM EGTA, 20 mM
HEPES/ NaOH, pH 7.6 and 0.1% BSA. The homogenate
was centrifuged at 1000g for 10 min at 4°C on a 5410
centrifuge (Eppendorf, Germany). The supernatant was
collected and centrifuged at 9000g under the same
conditions. The pellet was suspended in the same vol-
ume of isolation medium without BSA (by a micro-
homogenizer) and centrifuged at 10,500g for 10 min
and4°C. The resulting pellet was suspended in a min-
imal volume, the typical protein concentration of the
resulting mitochondrial preparation was 90-100 mg/ml.
Theprotein content in mitochondrial preparations was
determined with bicinchoninic acid and 1 mg/ml BSA
solution as a standard according to manufacturers
instructions (Pierce, USA). All procedures for the iso-
lation and storage of mitochondria during the experi-
ments were carried out at 4°C.
Respiratory rate measurement. The rate of ox-
ygen consumption by mitochondria was measured at
30°C using a closed-type Clark electrode on an oxy-
graph Hansatech (UK), as previously described [15, 22].
Mitochondria (0.05-0.1 mg protein) were incubated
in an oxygraph cell containing 0.5 ml of MIR05 respi-
ratory medium [23] (0.5 mM EGTA, 3 mM MgCl
, 60 mM
potassium lactobionate, 20 mM taurine, 10 mM KH
20 mM HEPES, 110 mM sucrose, 1 g/liter bovine serum
albumin (free from fatty acids), 100 µM potassium di-
adenosine pentaphosphate) and assessed respiration
efficiency in the presence of 5.5 mM pyruvate/malate
or 10 mM succinate / 2 µM rotenone, 1 µM oligomycin,
0.1 mM ADP, 5 mM glucose, 10 nM carbonyl cyanide- 4-
(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone (FCCP) (all Sigma-
Aldrich, USA).
Measuring the rate of peroxide production. The
rate of hydrogen peroxide production by mitochondria
was estimated using the method of Chow et al. [24]
with the modifications we described earlier [25, 26].
For registration of H
production Amplex reagent
Red (10-acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine; Invitrogen,
USA) was used. Resorufin, a product of H
of Amplex Red, was measured by moni-
toring its fluorescence (excitation/emission maxima
~550/595 nm) on a spectrophotometer Cary Eclipse
(Agilent, USA) for 10-15min. Mitochondria (0.15mg/ml
mitochondrial protein) were incubated at 37°C with
stirring with a built-in magnetic stirrer in MIR05 me-
dium containing 5 μM Amplex Red, horseradish per-
oxidase (12  units/ml, Sigma, USA) and superoxide dis-
mutase (45 units/ml, Sigma, USA). The reaction was ini-
tiated by adding 10 mM succinate, after reaching the
maximum rate of peroxide production, ADP (up to
0.1 mM final concentration) and glucose (final concen-
tration 5 mM) were added. The rate of H
was calculated from the change in fluorescence inten-
sity, as described previously [27]. Calibration curves
were obtained by adding freshly diluted H
to the
analytical medium
(the concentration of the hydrogen
peroxide stock solution was checked at 240 nm using a
molar extinction coefficient of 43.6).
Enzyme activity measurement. Determination of
the enzymatic activity of hexokinase was carried out
in unfractionated muscle tissue homogenate, cytosolic
and mitochondrial fractions according to the method
of Scheer et al. [28] with minor modifications. The as-
say buffer contained 50 mM Tris-HCl, 5 mM mercap-
toethanol, 5 mM ATP, 10 mM MgCl
, 0.5 mM glucose,
0.8 mM NAD
and 1 U/ml glucose-6-phosphate dehy-
VYSSOKIKH et al.302
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
drogenase from Leuconostoc mesenteroides (Roche)
at pH 7.5. All assays were performed at 25°C in a total
volume of 1.0 ml, activity was determined using a spec-
trophotometer Cary Varian 300 (Agilent, USA). Enzyme
activity was determined by measuring the increase
in optical density at a wavelength of 340 nm, where
1 unit of enzyme was defined as the amount that cat-
alyzes the conversion of 1 µmol of substrate to product
within 1 min. Calculations were carried out consider-
ing the dilution factor, which was different for different
fractions. Three technical replicates were performed
for each measurement. Reagents from Sigma-Aldrich
were used.
PAGE and Western blot analysis of hexokinase
content in mitochondrial preparations. Electropho-
resis in polyacrylamide gel was carried out according
to the Laemmli method. [29]. Mitochondria were lysed
in buffer: 150 mM sodium chloride, 50 mM Tris-HCl,
pH  8.0, 0.5% Nonidet P-40, 1% sodium deoxycholate,
0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate with a protease inhibitor
cocktail (ThermoFisher Scientific, USA). After separa-
tion (30 μg of protein per lane), proteins from a 12%
polyacrylamide gel were transferred to a nitrocellu-
lose membrane using a combined electrophoresis/
immunoblotting system (Bio-Rad, USA) and immuno-
blotting was performed as previously described [30].
Primary mouse monoclonal antibodies against human
isozymes of hexokinase  I and  II (ab150013, ab227198,
Abcam, USA) and against the mitochondrial outer mem-
brane protein VDAC1 (ab186321, Abcam) were used, as
well as secondary antibodies conjugated to horserad-
ish peroxidase (ab97023, Abcam) in accordance with
the manufacturers recommendations. To visualize the
signal, a Novex ECL Kit (Invitrogen) and a ChemiDoc
scanner (Bio-Rad) were used.
Lipid extraction and cardiolipin analysis
by high-performance thin-layer chromatography
(HPTLC). Lipid extraction was carried out accord-
ing to the Bligh and Dyer method in a nitrogen flow
with oxygen-free solutions bubbled overnight with
[31]. Extracted lipids were dissolved in chlo-
roform/methanol 2 : 1 (v/v) and stored under nitrogen
at –80°C in a silica gel desiccator. Thin layer chroma-
tography was carried out according to the method
[32], using organic solvents of analytical grade and
HPTLC chromatographic plates with silica gel on an
aluminum substrate (Merck, Germany). Before appli-
cation of the sample or standard on the day of use,
10 by 10 cm HPTLC plates were prepared as follows: im-
mersed once in 2.3% boric acid in ethanol, dried for
2 h in a fume hood, and activated at 110°C for 20min
in a sand bath. Samples were applied using a home-
made glass capillary applicator with a ball valve (ac-
tuated by a stream of nitrogen) in the form of strips
10 mm long at a distance of 15 mm from the edge of
the plate with a constant application rate of about
200 nl/s while drying continuously with a stream of
nitrogen at a pressure of 1.5-2.0 bar. For phospholipid
standards (Avanti Polar Lipids, France) prepared a
stock solution (1 mg/ml) in a mixture of chloroform/
methanol (2 : 1, v/v). Elution was carried out in a glass
chamber equilibrated with eluent vapor for at least
1 h before chromatography. The eluent consisted of a
mixture of chloroform/ethanol/triethylamine /water
(3/3.5/3.5/0.7, v/v). Chromatography was stopped when
the front reached 10 mm from the upper edge of the
plate, after two hours of drying in a fume hood the
plate was stained by immersing for 2 min in 0.5% cop-
per sulfate (w/v) in 1.16 M phosphoric acid, drying in
a fume hood for 2 h at room temperature in a stream
of nitrogen and developed in a sand bath for 15 min
at 155°C. The plates were photographed in a ChemiDoc
scanner (Bio-Rad). The measured phospholipid band
intensities were integrated and the peak surface area
values were expressed in arbitrary units using the
ImageJ tool, and the concentrations of cardiolipin and
monolysocardiolipin (nmol/mg mitochondrial protein)
were then calculated using calibration curves for the
corresponding standards.
Statistical methods. Group comparisons were
made using analysis of variance and Tukey’s multiple
comparison test. Data are presented as median with in-
terquartile range; p < 0.05 were considered significant.
Correlation analysis was performed using Spearman’s
rank correlation coefficient. Statistical processing was
carried out using the Prism 7.0 program (Graph Soft-
ware Inc., USA).
Characteristics of volunteer groups. Clinical
and anamnestic characteristics of study participants
presented in Table1; it was shown that the subjective
assessment of physical capabilities in patients is sig-
nificantly lower than in young healthy people, and the
body mass index and insulin resistance index are in-
creased only in middle-aged and elderly patients.
Histological analysis revealed progressive impair-
ment of muscle fibers in patients with age, namely:
muscle fiber atrophy, displacement of nuclei from the
periphery of the fiber, infiltration by immune cells and
an increase in the distance between fibers, presum-
ably associated with an increase in the proportion of
the connective tissue component (Fig.1).
Distribution of hexokinase between cellular
fractions. No differences in hexokinase activity were
found between healthy volunteers and young patients,
either in the homogenate or in the isolated fractions
(Fig. 2). Elderly patients showed a decrease in total
hexokinase activity compared to other groups (p< 0.01
for HV, p< 0.05 for YP and EP, Fig.2a) and a significant
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Table 1. Characteristics of individuals in various groups
Individuals n Age, years BMI, kg/m
HOMA-IR, c.u. Physical capabilities SF-12, c.u.
Norm —— 18.5-25.0 <2.7 40-60
Healthy volunteers (HV) 10 25-43 (34.5) 18.9-29.4 (22.5) 0.14-3.3 (1.3) 52.0-59.8 (56.3)
Young patients (YP) 8 26-44 (38) 20.8-30.9 (25.7) 1.43-4.65 (2.7) 16.1-31.7 (26.8)
Middle-aged patients (MP) 20 52-64 (59) 21.3-49.3 (34.5) 0.81-12.5 (4.6) 19.1-29.8 (25.2)
Elderly patients (EP) 42 65-85 (72) 20.8-45 (30.4) 1.12-10.96 (3.4) 15.5-37.7 23.0
Note. Medians, minimum and maximum values are presented. BMI,body mass index; HOMA-IR,insulin resistance index.
Fig. 1. Representative microphotographs of longitudinal sections of skeletal muscle stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Lens20×.
a)Sample of a 35-year-old healthy individuals (HV group, n=10); b)sample of a 37-year-old patient (YP group, n=8); c)sample
of a 56-year-old patient (MP group, n=20); d)sample of a 72-year-old patient (EP group, n=42).
increase in activity for the cytosolic fraction compared
to the group of young patients (p<0.05, Fig.2b). How-
ever, in middle-aged and elderly patients, hexokinase
activity in the mitochondrial fraction was lower com-
pared to both healthy volunteers (p< 0.01 and 0.001,
respectively) and young patients (p< 0.05 and 0.01, re-
spectively); moreover, differences were found between
middle-aged and elderly patients (p< 0.05) (Fig.2c).
It is known that in human skeletal muscles the ratio
of I and II hexokinase’s isozymes varies and, according
to different authors, ranges from 1/10 to 1/3 [5, 33, 34].
At the same time, more than 90% isozymeI associated
VYSSOKIKH et al.304
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Fig. 2. Hexokinase activity in skeletal muscle of young healthy volunteers (HV, n = 10), young (YP, n =8), middle-aged (MP,
n=20) and elderly (EP, n=42) patients. a)Total hexokinase activity in the homogenate; b)hexokinase activity cytosolic frac-
tion; c)activity of hexokinase-2 associated with mitochondria; d)activity of hexokinase-1 associated with mitochondria. Medi-
ans and interquartile ranges are presented. *p<0.05.
with mitochondria [35] and the level of expression of
this gene, as well as the protein representation in skel-
etal muscle, do not depend on metabolic load, physical
activity, or the concentration of glucose or insulin in the
blood [36]. On the contrary, for isozymeII, this depen-
dence is clearly expressed– mRNA expression and pro-
tein concentration for hexokinaseII in skeletal muscle
can change significantly with changes in the concentra-
tion of glucose or insulin in the blood, as well as with
changes in the level of physical activity [2, 5, 8, 37, 38].
Taking into account the different levels of bind-
ing of these isozymes to the mitochondrial membrane
and the different regulation of their expression, activ-
ity measurements were carried out at 42°C, when the
overwhelming majority of hexokinaseII is inactivated,
and hexokinase activity I changes slightly [5]. It was
shown that there were no differences in hexokinase I
activity in the mitochondrial fraction, regardless of
age and clinical status (Fig.2d).
Data from the analysis of isozyme distribution in
groups of different ages were confirmed using mito-
chondrial protein electrophoresis followed by immu-
noblotting. Representative blots are shown in Fig.3.
The data obtained suggested that, firstly, the ob-
served differences in the distribution of hexokinase
activity between mitochondria and the cytosol are
largely determined by age rather than by a decrease
in motor activity/chronic inflammation, and secondly,
the identified differences are associated with changes
in hexokinase contentII, not I.
Fig. 3. Contents I and II isozymes hexokinase (GK-1 and 2, respectively) in skeletal muscle mitochondria of patients of different
ages. a)Representative electrophoregrams: 1 and 2)young patients (YP) 37 and 39 years old, 3 and 4)middle-aged patients (MP)
59 and 60 years old, 5 and 6)elderly patients (EP) 77 and 81 years old. Membrane protein VDAC1 is used as a control for mito-
chondrial protein loading; b)age-related changes in the content of GK-1 (left) and GK-2 (right), for all groups of patients n=8,
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Fig. 4. Respiration of skeletal muscle mitochondria in young healthy volunteers (HV, n=10), young (YP, n=8), middle-aged (MP,
n=20), and elderly (EP, n=42) patients. a)Representative polarograms: P,pyruvate+ malate; S,succinate+ rotenone; A,ADP;
G,glucose; F,FCCP; K,KCN; b)respiration rate on pyruvate with malate; c)respiration rate on succinate in the presence of ro-
tenone; d)rate of phosphorylating respiration on succinate with rotenone in the presence of ADP (state3); e)respiration rate
on succinate with rotenone in state4; f)rate of phosphorylating respiration on succinate with rotenone in the presence of ADP
and glucose; g)rate of uncoupled breathing in the presence of FCCP; h and i)respiratory control by ADP and FCCP, respectively.
Medians and interquartile ranges are presented; *p<0.05.
Respiration of isolated mitochondria. The respi-
ration rate of isolated mitochondria was determined us-
ing a polarograph, assessing the change in oxygen con-
centration over time. Representative polarograms are
presented in Fig. 4a. The obtained values of the respi-
ration rate of skeletal muscle mitochondria in different
states depending on the age of the study participants are
presented in Fig.4,b-g. Endogenous respiration (state1)
was initiated by adding the respiratory substrate pyru-
vate with the addition of malate, as described above,
and after adding the complexI inhibitor– rotenone, res-
piration was again activated by succinate, which some-
what stimulated respiration; it was now limited by the
absence of ADP (energy acceptor state 2). Addition of
0.1 mM ADP increased respiration rate to a maximum
level (state3); however, within minutes, O
to levels prior to the addition of ADP as ADP
was depleted upon phosphorylation to ATP (state 4).
The maximum rate of O
consumption was
after the addition of the uncoupler of respiration and
phosphorylation (FCCP). Blocking of respiration was
achieved by adding 1 mM potassium cyanide (KCN), the
rate of respiration in its presence was subtracted from
all previously obtained values [22].
The data shown in Fig.4,a, f, andg, demonstrate
a change in the respiration rate when 5 mM glucose
VYSSOKIKH et al.306
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Fig. 5. Hydrogen peroxide production by skeletal muscle mitochondria of young healthy volunteers (HV, n=10), young (YP,
n=8), middle-aged (MP, n=20), and elderly (EP, n=42) patients. a)Products in the presence of succinate; b)production in the
presence of succinate upon activation of mitochondrial hexokinase by substrates of the enzymatic reaction. Medians and in-
terquartile ranges are presented; *p<0.05.
is added to mitochondria in state4 in the presence of
succinate after the depletion of ADP. At the same time,
in fact, state 3 continues and respiration occurs at al-
most maximum speed, as if the added ADP had not
been exhausted, which indicates its constant level in
the microcompartment due to the hexokinase reaction
at a saturating glucose concentration and access to mi-
tochondrial ATP, which fully confirms the previously
obtained S. Bessman and D. Wilson data [7,39]. Thus, it
can be argued that hexokinase bound on the surface of
mitochondria retained its functional conjugacy within
the microcompartment during mitochondrial fraction-
ation, i.e., after isolation mitochondria were a highly
coupled (Fig.4,g-i).
It was shown that substrate respiration in state2
significantly decreases, both with activation of com-
plex  I and complex  II (Fig.  4, b and c) for groups of
middle-aged and elderly patients in comparison not
only with healthy volunteers, but also with young pa-
tients. At the same time, stimulated respiration (ADP
or FCCP) did not differ between healthy volunteers and
young patients, but showed a pronounced (multiple)
age-related decrease: for the “MP” and “EP” groups
compared with healthy volunteers and for “EP” com-
pared with young patients (Fig.  4, d and g). The effect
of continued state 3 (see above) when measuring the
respiratory rate in the presence of glucose disappeared
with age, and for the “EP” group the differences were
significant in relation to all other groups, including
middle-aged patients (Fig.4f).
Peroxide production by mitochondria. It has
been shown that the generation of peroxide by mito-
chondria, energized by succinate, tends to increase
even in young patients compared to healthy volun-
teers of the same age (Fig. 5a), however, a significant
increase in this indicator was observed with increas-
ing age of patients, which correlated with the degree
of dissociation of hexokinase with the mitochondrial
membrane (Fig.2, Table2) and a decrease in the rate
of phosphorylating respiration (Fig. 3, Fig. S1c and
Table2). Confirming the data previously obtained by us
and other researchers [15, 40-46], we found a signifi-
cant decrease in the generation of hydrogen peroxide
by mitochondria upon stimulation of respiration in the
presence of the substrate of the hexokinase reaction
(p< 0.05 for “HV” and “YP” in Fig.5, a and b, Fig.S1e)
and revealed the absence of significant changes for the
“MP” and “EP” groups. In addition, it turned out that
for young people, regardless of clinical status, the rate
of peroxide production significantly decreases in the
presence of glucose, i.e., upon activation of the ATP/
ADP shuttle in the microcompartment hexokinase and
the outer membrane of mitochondria, while in middle
and old age, peroxide production with the addition of
a hexokinase reaction substrate remains high (as in
the presence of succinate) (Fig.5, a and b, Fig.S2).
Cardiolipin content in mitochondria. We have
previously shown the importance of maintaining the
intact structure and total content of the mitochondrial
lipid cardiolipin, and also demonstrated that cardiolipin
is present in the mitochondrial proteolipid complexes,
including hexokinase associated with VDAC1 [10, 47].
In this study, significant differences were identified
in the content of cardiolipin in the mitochondria of
skeletal muscles of elderly patients compared with a
group of healthy volunteers (p< 0.01) and a group of
young patients (p< 0.05) (Fig. 6b), while for monoly-
socardiolipin, significant differences were observed
between the following groups: middle-aged patients
in relation to healthy volunteers (p< 0.01) and young
patients (p< 0.05); elderly patients and healthy volun-
teers (p< 0.001); elderly patients and young patients
(p< 0.01). Thus, a decrease in the content of mitochon-
drial cardiolipin and accumulation of monolysocardi-
olipin does not occur in young patients in relatively
healthy people, but is observed with increasing age of
patients (Fig. 6), and this correlates with the produc-
tion of mROS (Table2).
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Table 2. Correlation (Spearman correlation coefficient) of indicators characterizing mitochondrial functions in
human skeletal muscles in various groups
Groups VH (n=10) YP (n=8) MP (n=20) EP (n=42)
HK bound/age no
r = –0.809
p = 0.015
r = –0.953
p = 0.0012
r = –0.866
p = 0.0002
Respiration (succ.+ADP)/age
r = –0.814
p = 0.004
r = –0.88
p = 3.2e-7
r = –0.514
p = 3.6e-4
Respiration (succ.+ ADP+gluc.)/age
r = –0.843
p = 0.002
r = –0.8
p = 0.017
r = –0.917
p = 0.001
r = –0.746
p = 0.002
Respiration (succ.+ADP+gluc.)/HK bound.
r = 0.793
p = 0.006
r = 0.921
p = 0.001
r = 0.836
p = 4.5e-6
r = 0.824
p = 6.37e-12
production (succ.)/age
r = 0.87
p = 0.01
r = 0.77
p = 0.025
r = 0.872
p = 5.5e-7
r = 0.555
p = 9.57e-5
production (succ.)/HK bound
r = –0.761
p = 0.037
r = –0.887
p = 1.85e-7
r = –0.556
p = 8.92e-5
production (succ.)/respiration (succ.+ADP+gluc.)
r = –0.703
p = 0.023
r = –0.762
p = 9.34e-5
r = –0.477
p = 0.001
production (succ.+ADP+gluc.)/respiration
r = –0.765
p = 0.01
r = –0.791
p = 3.25e-5
r = –0.766
p = 1.35e-9
production (succ.+ADP+gluc.)/HK bound no no
r = –0.932
p = 2.32e-9
r = –0.813
p = 2.07e-11
production (succ.+ADP+gluc.)/age
r = 0.94
p = 5.21e-5
r = 0.882
p = 0.004
r = 0.925
p = 5.67e-9
r = 0.674
p = 5.22e-7
production (succ.+ADP+gluc.)/respiration (succ.+ADP)
r = –0.754
p = 0.012
r = –0.854
p = 1.7e-6
HK total/age no no no
r = –0.361
p = 0.016
Cardiolipin content/respiration (succ.+ADP+gluc.) no no no
r = 0.622
p =6.7e-06
Cardiolipin content /HK bounded no no no
r = 0.841
p =9.53e-13
Cardiolipin content/H
production (succ.) no no no
r = –0.521
p = 0.00029
Cardiolipin content/H
production (succ.+ADP+gluc.)
r = –0.802
p = 0.005
no no
r = –0.612
p =1.03e-05
MLCL content/ respiration (succ.+ADP+gluc.) no
r = –0.71
p = 0.048
r = –0.594
p = 2.13e-05
MLCL content/HK bound no
r = –0.805
p = 0.016
r = –0.718
p = 3.99e-08
MLCL content/H
production (succ.) no no no
r = 0.432
p = 0.003
VYSSOKIKH et al.308
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Table 2 (cont.)
Groups VH (n=10) YP (n=8) MP (n=20) EP (n=42)
MLCL content/H
production (succ.+ADP+gluc.) no no no
r = 0.544
p = 0.00014
Respiratory control (FCCP)/age no no no
r = –0.874
p = 0.0002
Respiration (succ.+ADP)/BMI no
r = 0.719
p = 0.044
no no
HOMA-IR/HK bound no no no no
HOMA-IR/respiration (succ.+ADP) no no no no
r = 0.94
p = 5e-5
r = 0.882
p = 0.004
r = 0.925
p = 0.0001
r = 0.674
p = 2e-5
r = 0.453
p = 0.045
r = 0.472
p = 0.001
HOMA-IR/respiration (succ.+ADP+gluc.) no no
r = 0.448
p = 0.047
Fig. 6. Cardiolipin content in skeletal muscle mitochondria of young healthy volunteers (HV), young (YP), middle-aged (MP), and
elderly (EP) patients, for all groups n=8. a)Representative thin-layer chromatogram: 1-3)young patients, 4-6)elderly patients.
FFA,free fatty acids; CL and MLCL,cardiolipin and monolysocardiolipin; FA,phosphatidic acid; PE,phosphatidylethanolamine;
PI,phosphatidylinositol; PS, phosphatidylserine; PC and LPC, phosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylcholine. b and c)Aver-
aged values of the content of cardiolipin and monolysocardiolipin, normalized to the content of phosphatidylcholine.
The study examined the influence of physical inac-
tivity/chronic inflammation in young people, as well as
age in patients with arthrosis of the knee/hip joint on
the regulation of mROS production in human skeletal
muscle. For the first time, an association of an age-de-
pendent increase in the production of hydrogen per-
oxide by mitochondria with a decrease in the propor-
tion of hexokinase-2 associated with mitochondria was
shown for human muscle tissue. This is confirmed by
data on an age-dependent change in the distribution of
hexokinase-2 between the mitochondrial and cytosolic
fractions and a decrease in the rate of coupled respi-
ration of isolated mitochondria and respiration upon
stimulation with glucose– the substrate of hexokinase.
These observations are in good agreement and com-
plement our previous data on the production of mROS
by tissues of long- and short-lived rodents[15].
It can be assumed that the age-dependent de-
crease in the efficiency of coupled respiration of skel-
etal muscle mitochondria that we described (Fig.4d) is
associated with an increase in energy deficiency in ag-
ing muscle, which was previously shown in studies on
rodents and primary human myoblasts (for a review,
see [48, 49]). A pronounced age-related decrease in the
sensitivity of isolated mitochondria to ADP (Fig. 4d)
confirmed the effect of a decrease in the ADP-induced
decrease in peroxide production in permeabilized
muscle fibers of elderly people compared to young
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
people shown by G. Holloway and colleagues [50].
At the same time, the lack of effect of the addition of
hexokinase on respiration and peroxide generation
in the cited work can be explained by the fact that,
firstly, to maintain the microcompartment in an intact
state during mitochondrial fractionation, the presence
of Mg
ions in the medium is necessary; secondly,
when isolating mitochondria, reassociation hexoki-
nase with the outer membrane does not undergo mir-
rored dissociation and requires special conditions;
thirdly, the added enzyme is approximately ten times
less effective, in comparison with the adsorbed one, in
stimulating the respiration of ADP, formed during the
phosphorylation of glucose [39, 51].
Pathological conditions of skeletal muscles caused
by oxidative stress are especially pronounced during
aging, leading to apoptosis, atrophy, and muscle dys-
function [52-54]. Increasing evidence in the literature
points to a link between oxidative stress caused by ex-
cess mROS production by hyperpolarized mitochondria,
and hyperglycemia [13, 15, 44, 55]. Our data confirm
this observation and, in part, explain the mechanisms
responsible for these changes [52]. Hexokinase  II, un-
like other isozymes of this enzyme, has a second (non-
catalytic) glucose binding site. Occupation of this site
caused by hyperglycemia blocks chaperone binding
to it HSP7C (Heat shock cognate 71, encoded by the
HSPA8 gene), inducing proteolytic degradation of hex-
okinase [44]. This leads to an increase in the intracel-
lular content of hexokinase  II and the accumulation of
glucose-6-phosphate, which has a solubilizing effect
and causes desorption of hexokinase from the surface
of mitochondria. Apparently, these events underlie
the age-dependent destruction of the outer membrane
microcompartment, including hexokinase  II, observed
by us and other authors [14, 15], which leads not only
to an increase in membrane potential, increased pro-
duction of mROS and oxidative stress, but also may
induce apoptosis by binding the proapoptotic protein
Bax to VDAC1 [56].
We found an age-correlated decrease in cardio-
lipin content in skeletal muscle mitochondria (Fig.  5,
Table  2). It is known that ADP/ATP translocase1 (ANT),
which is part of the microcompartment and local-
ized in the inner membrane, is part of the proteolipid
complex of mitochondrial contact sites [57], which in-
cludes 3 molecules of tightly bound cardiolipin; in this
case, the oxidation of cardiolipin leads to disruption of
the structure of this complex [58,  59]. It was previous-
ly shown that disruption of ANT conformations leads
to the destruction of its complex with VDAC1 and mi-
tochondrial contact sites [60]. It can be assumed that
the age-dependent decrease in cardiolipin content in
human skeletal muscle mitochondria that we discov-
ered, which correlates with the amount of bound hex-
okinase, the production of mROS and phosphorylating
respiration, is part of the general mechanism of im-
paired soft depolarization of skeletal muscle mitochon-
dria during aging. This assumption opens up prospects
for further research into the mechanisms underlying
age-dependent disruption of the structure of mitochon-
drial contact sites, which are associated with remod-
eling cardiolipin during oxidative stress. The study
of these mechanisms seems promising for the search
for pharmacological/physiological approaches to the
correction of age-related skeletal muscle pathologies
caused by disturbances in glucose oxidation and mROS
Supplementary information. The online version
contains supplementary material available at https://
Contributions. M.Yu.V., A.Yu.E., D.V.P., and V.P.S.
concept and management of the work; M.Yu.V., M.A.V.,
V.V.Ph., Ya.R.B., M.V.M., O.A.G., T.F.V., N.S.K., and L.A.M.
conducting experiments; M.Yu.V., M.A.V., A.Yu.E., D.V.P.,
and V.P.S. discussion of the research results; M.Yu.V.,
A.Yu.E., and D.V.P. text writing; M.Yu.V., A.Yu.E., and
D.V.P. editing the text of the article.
Funding. The work was supported by the Russian
Science Foundation (grant no.21-15-00405, study with
healthy volunteers, experiments with mitochondrial
respiration) and by the State Assignment of Lomonosov
Moscow State University (study with patients, clinical
and histological studies).
Ethics declarations. All studies were conducted
in accordance with the principles of biomedical eth-
ics as outlined in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and
its later amendments. Each participant in the study
provided a voluntary written informed consent after
receiving an explanation of the potential risks and
benefits, as well as the nature of the upcoming study.
The authors of this work declare that they have no
conflicts of interest.
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