ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 2, pp. 269-278 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2024.
Organ Frame Elements or Free Intercellular
Gel-Like Matrix as Necessary Conditions
for Building Organ Structures during Regeneration
Vasily N. Manskikh
Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
119991 Moscow, Russia
Received September 14, 2023
Revised November 2, 2023
Accepted November 15, 2023
AbstractOver the past decades, an unimaginably large number of attempts have been made to restore the struc-
ture of mammalian organs after injury by introducing stem cells into them. However, this procedure does not lead
to full recovery. At the same time, it is known that complete regeneration (restitution without fibrosis) is possible
in organs with proliferating parenchymal cells. An analysis of such models allows to conclude that the most im-
portant condition for the repair of histological structures of an organ (in the presence of stem cells) is preserva-
tion of the collagen frame structures in it, which serve as “guide rails” for proliferating and differentiating cells.
An alternative condition for complete reconstruction of organ structures is the presence of a free “morphogenetic
space” containing a gel-like matrix of the embryonic-type connective tissue, which exists during embryonal devel-
opment of organs in mammals or during complete regeneration in amphibians. Approaches aimed at preserving
frame structures or creating a “morphogenetic space” could radically improve the results of organ regeneration
using both local and exogenous stem cells.
DOI: 10.1134/S000629792402007X
Keywords: regenerative medicine, regeneration, embryonic connective tissue, morphogenetic framework, stem cells
The notion that regeneration of organs after in-
jury is one of the most important and still unresolved
problems in biology and medicine hardly needs justifi-
cation. Some aspects of this problem, such as roles of
various cytokines, stromal and stem cells, have been
investigated in great detail, while others have not
practically been discussed in the literature. This work
is devoted to consideration and justification of the ap-
proach to full regeneration (restitution) of organ struc-
tures, which has never been considered as a general
key requirement, although several examples of suc-
cessful realization of this approach in experimental
models have been reported. It seems that non-compli-
ance with this requirement is the reason for regular
failures of the attempts to regenerate organs both in
experiments and in clinic through introduction of var-
ious growth factors and stem cells.
First attempts to achieve complete regeneration
of organs in mammals and humans by introduction of
stem cells (initially embryonic stem cells) after organ
injury have been made very long ago [1-16]. However,
the results of these attempts were discouragingly in-
significant. Although it was assumed at the beginning
that the cause of failures was incompatibility of donor
embryonic stem cells with the host organism, use of
induced autologous pluripotent cells did not improve
the situation [8]. At the same time, there is no doubts
that in many cases formation of new differentiated
cells (even formation of areas of the uniformly struc-
tured tissues such as, for example, myocardium) from
the transplanted pool of stem cell has been observed
[1-16]. However, the complex organ structures (such
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
as nephrons) as well as whole organs was not possi-
ble to regenerate. Obviously, in this case the suggested
initial concept implying that the pool of stem cells is
the main component required for organ regeneration
contradicts the available experimental data. Contradic-
tions of this concept to two other groups of the facts
also exist: (i) pool of stem cells is always present in
many organs such as skin, gastrointestinal tract, liver,
kidneys; (ii)proliferation of the relatively differentiat-
ed elements plays the main role in reparative regen-
eration under natural conditions because stem cells in
normal tissues are present in very small numbers (less
than 0.1% of population) and they divide quire rarely,
but regeneration occurs within a relatively short time.
Hence, stem cells are more important for self-mainte-
nance of cell population, than for reparative regenera-
tion itself [17].
Unsuccessful attempts of using stem cells resulted
in the shift of research direction towards investigation
of the role of ‘stem-cell niches’ and cytokines in regen-
eration [16, 18-22]. But not much attention has been
paid to the group of facts indicating that the organs
with their own pool of proliferating parenchyma cells
are capable in a number of cases completely regener-
ate their structure after damage.
Such parenchymatous organs in mammals as liv-
er and kidney are capable of complete regeneration of
their structure in the case of certain types of damages.
In particular, complete regeneration of liver structure
is possible under the action of thioacetamide causing
apoptosis (but not necrosis) with active proliferation
and hypertrophy of the remaining hepatocytes [23, 24]
(Fig. 1, a and b). It is well-known from clinical obser-
vations that outcome of the acute (contrary to chronic)
kidney failure in the vast majority of cases (upon re-
covery) consists of complete restoration of the nephron
structure without the development of chronic kidney
failure [25-27]. Obviously, this is associated with the
fact that these organs have their own pool of low-dif-
ferentiated cells (including stem cells) without which
regeneration is impossible, similar to impossibility
of regeneration after myocardium infarction [3, 14].
However, presence of the pool of stem cells in these or-
gans does not necessary leads to regeneration of the
damaged organ. Moreover, failure of regeneration is
observed in most cases of damages especially under
chronic infectious hepatitis and toxic liver damage,
which results in liver cirrhosis or under pyelonephri-
tis and infarctions leading to development of rough
scars in kidneys [25]. Comparison of the conditions
leading to these two outcomes could be very useful for
understanding the mechanisms of complete regener-
ation. In this respect the case of acute toxic damages
of kidneys that results in mass death of epithelial cells
in renal tubules and their removal with urine without
destruction of basement membranes is very interest-
ing. As has been mentioned above, acute kidney fail-
ure developing during intoxication, as a rule, ends
with complete restoration of the nephron structure.
However, in the rare occasions, when the acute kid-
ney failure leads to the development of chronic kidney
failure with fibrosis (such as in the cases of mercury
compaunds poisoning), it is necessarily accompanied
by not only death of epithelia in renal tubules, but
also by tubulorrhexis with basement membrane dam-
age, appearance of urine components and residues of
necrotised cells in interstitium, and development of
inflammation [25]. Similarly, if not the small doses of
thioacetamide are used to induce experimental liver
damage, but other damage-inducing agents causing
necrosis (but not apoptosis) of hepatocytes with devel-
opment of inflammation, liver fibrosis is observed in
these experiments [23, 24, 28] (Fig.1, candd).
Another remarkable example is regeneration of
testicle. Following exposure to moderate radiation
spermatogenic cells are almost completely killed, but
basic three-dimensional structure of the testis tubules
is maintained, therefore, organ structure is completely
restored after certain time; in the case of mechanical
damage or chemical necrosis the affected part is sub-
jected to resorption with time, and its space is filled via
elongation of the preserved testis tubules growing in
the direction away from testicular network [29].
These examples imply that not only the organs
with own pool of stem cells are capable of complete
regeneration (restitution), but also provide indications
of the particular conditions that make this regenera-
tion either possible or impossible.
It is important to note that although the elements of
stem system (primarily induced pluripotent stem cells)
have very wide potential for differentiation, this does
not mean that the possibility for building of complex
and ordered organ structures from these cells are equal-
ly as wide in a post-fetal organism. Architectural poten-
tial of stem cells is clearly visible in the case of tumor
growth especially of highly differentiated neoplasia.
In this case mass of tissue structures could be formed
such as plates, globules, alveoli, tubules, rosettes, and in
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Fig. 1. Development of complete (restitution) or incomplete (substitution) lever regeneration depending on the type of injury.
aandb)Regeneration of the C57BL/6 mouse liver after administration of thioacetamide: a)after 48h (mass apoptosis without
inflammation; verified using TUNEL-method (black nuclei in inset)); b) after 12days (complete regeneration of lobules with
signs of hepatocyte hypertrophy). candd)Regeneration of the C57BL/6 mouse liver after cryodamage: c)after 48h (necrosis and
inflammation, TUNEL-negative nuclei– see inset); d)after 12days (site of inflammation and fibrosis). In all images damaged
regions are shown with black stars. Scale bars and magnification: a-d)200µm, magnification– 100×, (inset in panela,20µm,
inpanelc,15µm; magnification– 1000×); staining with hematoxylin and eosin (insets in panels aandc,TUNEL-method). Images
made by the author[24].
special cases, such as nephroblastoma, primitive renal
glomeruli[30]. However, at this point the processes of
morphogenesis ends, and renal lobules or nephrons
are never formed from these cells. Even in the benign
teratomas the cited primitive elements are formed,
but not the complete organ fragments [31]. Cell-pre-
cursors behave similarly also in the cases, when the
organ “needs” to enhance its functional capabilities.
Inparticular, in the case of vicarious (replacing) kidney
hypertrophy there is no formation of new nephrons,
but rather increase of length of the existing tubules oc-
curs [24], which can be seen in histological images as
dramatic increase of the surface area occupied by the
tubules with sparsely distributed glomeruli (Fig. 2a).
In the case of kidney regeneration after acute necrot-
ic nephrosis, the non-damaged basement membranes
of tubules served as peculiar “guide rails” along which
the proliferating cells could rebuild the destructed el-
ements of nephrons form glomeruli to collecting tu-
bules; that is why tubulorrhexis makes nephron re-
generation impossible [25]. Exactly the same situation
takes place in the liver lobules, which only increase
in size in the case of liver hypertrophy, but are nor
formed de novo, and in testis, where after damage the
existing tubules elongate, but new ones are not formed.
Hence, stem cells present in the regenerating tis-
sues or introduced exogenous stem cells are capable
of incorporation into already existing structures (as
during physiological regeneration), but they are not ca-
pable of building new structures due to the absence of
required embryonic morphogenic gradients. Further-
more, the processes preventing regeneration along the
organ frame very often occur in the damaged tissues.
From the abovementioned examples, as well as
from many others, it seems obvious that the most im-
portant cause explaining impossibility of restitution is
disruption of architectonic of organ frame structures.
Frame elements include such formations of extracel-
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Fig. 2. Tissue responses upon hypertrophy and formation of new organ structures. a)BALB/c mouse kidney in the case of vi-
carious hypertrophy after ischemia of the second kidney (relative decrease of the number of glomeruli (shown with arrows)
on the background of the large surface area occupied by only tubules in the slice, marked with stars); b)kidney of a newborn
Chinchilla rabbit, subcapsular area of the cortex (metanephrogenic blastema and forming new nephrons are marked with stars);
c)“embryonic” connective tissue in the kidney medulla of the newborn Chinchilla rabbit (sparse amount of collagen and loose
reticular stroma; main unstructured substance of the connective tissue (marked with stars) fills the space between the forming
tubules); d) spontaneous adenocarcinoma of the Chinchilla rabbit uterus (metachromatically stained myxoid stroma resem-
bling embryonic connective tissue marked with stars). Scale bars and magnification: a)200µm, magnification– 100×; b)50µm,
magnification– 400×; c)20µm, magnification– 1000×; d)100µm, magnification– 200×. Staining techniques: aandb– hematox-
ylin and eosin staining; c– impregnation according to Gordon–Sweets followed by staining with Twort mixture (neutral red
light green); d– thionine staining.
lular matrix that not only ensure mechanical stability,
but also have ordered structure corresponding to ar-
chitectonic of the organ, and it is exactly this architec-
tonic is provided by these components. At least three
types of such structures could be mentioned.
1)  Complex three-dimensional structure compris-
ing totality of basement membranes (mostly based on
type IV collagen in epithelia, and types III and V in
muscles, as well on perlecan, laminin, and numerous
components [31-34]), which together form a contour
basis of an elemental unit of a certain organ (hepatic
lobule, nephron, etc.); such frame structures are es-
sential for the organs with parenchyma made of epi-
thelial tissues and for muscle-based formations; role
of these structures is not only to provide stability, but
also to ensure ordered arrangements (for epithelia) or
support for combining elements into one mechanical
structure (for muscles).
2)  Three-dimensional network formed by reticu-
lin fibers (based on typeIII collagen), which comprise
frame structures in hematopoietic organs and organs of
immunogenesis (thymus, spleen, lymph glands, bone
marrow) or filling the space between the organ struc-
tures separated by basement membranes (in kidneys,
liver, etc.); reticulin formation allow compartmental-
ization of an organ (for example, they comprise the
basis of spleen follicles and lymph nodes) and at the
same time, they do not prevent locomotion of mobile
cells and even support them [31,32].
3)Special types of frame structures such as myelin
sheaths of axons in nerve cells, elastic membranes,
and various collagen fibers in vessel walls, main sub-
stance in eye cornea consisting of the type I collagen
fibers, and others.
It is very important to mention that the frame
structures arise during embryogenesis as a one system
for the whole organism simultaneously with formation
of all its compartments, which provides correspond-
ing morphogenic positioning effect on all differentiat-
ing cells. Such positioning information is maintained
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
in an adult organism likely with the help of described
frame elements; that is why destruction of these ele-
ments prevents rebuilding of organ structures.
It must be noted that the frame structures of extra-
cellular matrix undoubtedly could affect intracellular
signaling pathways and most important cellular reac-
tions (prevent anoikis, induce specific cell differenti-
ation, etc.) [34, 35]. In particular, it is known that the
composition of laminins in the basement membrane
determines direction of differentiation of epithelial
cells (for example, laminin composition determines
what epithelia would develop in a particular section
of intestine) [36], development of reticulin fibers and
elastic framework predetermines compartmentaliza-
tion of lungs in embryogenesis [37], and reticulin fibers
and even type I collagen fiber bundles predetermine
branching of the developed ducts in mammary and
salivary glands [38-40]. It seems, however, that these
and similar effects are only an important addition to
the role of “guiding rails” during reconstruction of or-
gans in regeneration.
If we accept the hypothesis that maintenance of
frame structures is the main condition for complete re-
generation of a damaged organ in adult mammals, we
can identify the factors preventing such regeneration.
Typical in fibrosis transformation of fibroblasts into
myofibroblasts actively secreting collagen and associ-
ated with this formation of scar tissues in mammals
should be mentioned in the first place [33,34]. On the
one hand, it appears that such tissues fill the space of
the organ making development of parenchymatous el-
ements impossible (due to mechanical and metabolic
reasons such as avascularity), and, on the other hand,
frame components of the organ are damaged in the
process. Fibroblasts and myofibroblasts are signifi-
cantly less demanding on conditions for survival and
proliferation in comparison with parenchymatous ele-
ments, and they fill the space of defect in tissues with
collagen much faster than the latter ones [25,41]. They
secrete matrix metalloproteases, which destroy colla-
gen of the organ frame structures and basement mem-
branes [33,34], and produce a large amount of fibrotic
collagen, which eventually leads to disruption of archi-
tectonics of the organ frame. It should be mentioned
that the key role of preserved guiding frame elements
has been recognized for the case of regeneration of
conductive structures in nervous system (nerves, spi-
nal cord) [42-44] and as inducer of bone tissue differ-
entiation [45-47], but, obviously, it has not been fully
considered in the cases of regeneration of parenchy-
matous organs (liver, kidney, myocardium, various
glands). On the other hand, this particular princi-
ple is used nowadays for creation of artificial organs
invitro, when for their construction decellularized col-
lagen scaffolds are used, which are seeded with stem
Another negative condition revealed through the
further analysis of available information is inflamma-
tion, which often leads to fibrosis even without mor-
phological signs of damage in the tissues [25]. This is
facilitated by the so-called M2-macrophages, or macro-
phages of the second phase of inflammation, cytokine
profile of which (primarily secretion of TGF-β) pro-
vides conditions for incomplete reparative regenera-
tion of the substitution type (scar) [53-55]. Moreover,
under conditions of inflammation the cells-effectors,
neutrophils and macrophages, could themselves de-
stroy frame structures by the secreted proteases (colla-
genases), and in some cases the caused damage could
be even more significant than the damage causing tis-
sue necrosis. For example, it was shown in our stud-
ies that in the photothrombosis-induced kidney dam-
age argyrophilic structures and basement membranes
of the affected renal tubules do not have clearly pro-
nounced changes, and fibrosis development in this
model is associated with the following inflammatory
infiltration of the zone of necrosis [56].
In its turn, one of the conditions of inflammation
development after injury is release of the ligands of
Toll-like receptors and other damage-associated mole-
cules(DAMPs) from the cells subjected to necrotic death
[25, 28, 57-59]. Although, in the case when phagocyto-
sis of apoptotic bodies is delayed for some reason (for
example, when there is at very large number of apop-
totic cells), there is a possibility of their secondary
necrosis accompanied by the development of inflam-
matory response [60], and, consequently, of fibrosis.
Hence, the type of cell death and fate of the dead cell
residues represent another factor determining com-
pleteness of regeneration. And in the case of necrosis
the process usually ends with the development of fi-
brous tissues, rather than regeneration of initial organ
It must be emphasized that in the case of preserva-
tion of the organ frame structure, organ regeneration
in many cases does need neither exogenous stem cells,
nor even stimulation with growth and differentiation
factors, although these are exactly the key elements
considered essential in the majority of studies devoted
to stimulation of reparative regeneration [16, 18-22].
Itmust be noted that contrary to the conditions asso-
ciated with the state of proliferating parenchymatous
elements, existing in vivo frame structures have not
been discussed in detail in the literature devoted to re-
parative regeneration.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
Alternative path for building new organ struc-
tures seems also possible, which does not require the
pre-formed organ frame. As is well-known, practical-
ly complete regeneration of organ structures occurs
in newborn animals in the case of non-traumatic kid-
ney injury (for example in experimental ischemia)
[60]. Examination of morphology of neonatal kidney
reveals that new nephrons are still actively forming
from the subcapsular blastema (Fig. 2b). What at-
tracts attention in this case is the cortical area densely
filled with non-differentiated metanephrogenic tissue
containing forming elements of nephrons, as well as
special character of the connective tissues filling the
space between the still sparsely located tubules grow-
ing in the direction from cortex to pelvis. This tissue
consists of mesenchymal-like cells with outgrowths be-
tween which there is almost no collagen but only very
sparse network of reticulin fibers (Fig. 2c). The main
fraction of this tissue comprises a structure-less main
substance, which is clearly visible during staining
with neutral red, thionine, or fast green-FCF(Fig.2c).
It is worth mentioning that very similar tissues have
been observed in the larva of tail-less amphibia, which
apparently provides the possibility of different rear-
rangements during metamorphosis, and also allows
regeneration of lost limbs [61] (it cannot be ruled out
that such differentiation of fibroblasts is indeed a crit-
ical condition providing the possibility of complete
(epimorphic) regeneration of organs and limbs from
blastema in the tailed amphibia). Hence, formation of
new nephrons in kidneys of newborn animals occur
not only in the presence of non-differentiated blaste-
ma, but also in the presence of particular embryonic
connective tissues, which is similar to gelatinous con-
nective tissue within the umbilical cord – Wharton’s
jelly. This tissue featuring abundance of the main sub-
stance and very few rigid fibrous structures, on the
one hand, provides wide-volume space of the organs
(otherwise, in the case of rigid capsule, there would
be mechanical obstacles for formation of new struc-
tures), and on another hand creates three-dimensional
frame, which allows branching and growing in dif-
ferent directions ends of collecting tubules to reach
metanephrogenic blastema without any hurdles, and
increasing length of renal tubules of the new-formed
nephrons [62]. Hence, in this case morphogenesis is re-
alized not in the rigid pre-existing morphogenic frame,
but in a specific free ‘matrix’, which provides possi-
bility of three-dimensional growth of new elements of
parenchyma. Very similar situation is observed invitro
during recreation of organ structures in Matrigel [63].
In the post-fetal period volume of a kidney is filled, in-
stead of matrix, with tubules and with rigid collagen
structures, which makes formation of new nephrons
Based on the information presented above several
possibilities facilitating complete regeneration (restitu-
tion) of the damaged organ but not substitution (devel-
opment of fibrous tissue) could be suggested.
First of all, these possibilities include all measures
targeting preservation of the organ frame structure.
1.  Switch the type of cell death from necrotic to
apoptotic (using even paradoxical proactive method
such as addition of apoptosis inducers triggering death
of the cells that under normal conditions would die
by necrosis). Unfortunately, in this respect there are
no particular instructions to certain therapeutic ap-
proaches that would be effective.
2.  Activation of phagocytosis of apoptotic bodies
by macrophages and parenchymatous cells with the
goal of their fastest resorption and prevention of sec-
ondary necrosis and inflammation development. Re-
moval of dead cells occur rather efficiently in kidney
tubules, but is very problematic in liver, where masses
of dead cells could accumulate together with calcium
deposits, which prevents regeneration. Removal of
dead cells is especially important in the case, when it
becomes possible to switch cells from necrotic death to
apoptotic pathway, and the latter one would be mas-
sive. Unfortunately, this approach, as well as the first
one, should be considered at present only as hypothet-
ical. It must be taken into account that fast resorption
of dead tissues could result not in regeneration but at-
rophy of the organ part, if this process is not accompa-
nied with just as fast regeneration or filling of the free
space with matrix.
3.  Inhibition of inflammatory response. For this
purpose, there is a wide range of pharmaceutical
preparations that have been used in clinical practice
for a long time including the cases of alternative pa-
thologies such as coronary heart disease[64]. First of
all, these include new generation of non-steroid an-
ti-inflammatory drugs, as well as inhibitors of proin-
flammatory signaling pathways and cytokines such as
TNFα [64-66]. Although these preparations have not
been investigated with regard to their effects on pres-
ervation of frame structures, there are no directions
for the optimal combination or regime of administra-
tion; at the same time, it is known that some of them
could stimulate fibrosis as a side effect [66].
4.  Inhibition of fibrosis. This pathway has been
considered for a long time, and several approaches
have been suggested including inhibition of fibroblast
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
proliferation and their differentiation to myofibro-
blasts (for example, by affecting signaling pathways
associated with TGF-β), slowing down differentiation
of M2-macrophages, and suppression of collagen syn-
thesis. This seemingly attractive approach is extremely
difficult to implement due to physiological versatility
of molecular mechanisms, which should be suppressed
for this purpose. However, relatively recently first ex-
perimental data have been reported on pharmaco-
logical agents form this group capable of suppressing
development of fibrosis under experimental condi-
A different way could be associated with creation
of a morphogenic space in which the exogenously in-
troduced (such as in the case of myocardium) or endog-
enous (in kidney and in liver) stem cells could recreate
organ structures. Such approach could have at least
two strategies.
1)  Creation of artificial cavities and columns with
gelatinous matrix and differentiation factors in the
organ itself. The experimentally tested scaffolds and
‘bioreactors’ with hyaluronic acid could be consid-
ered as close examples (although primitive) of such
approach [52, 67-73], which resulted, for example, in
successful regeneration of limbs in the adult tail-less
amphibia (in which it does not occur naturally, con-
trary to the tailed amphibia)[70].
2)  Strategy associated with changing differenti-
ation of stromal fibroblasts in such a way that they
produce not the fibrous collagen but a ‘matrix’ embry-
onic connective tissues similar to the type of stroma
in the liver of a newborn animal or Wharton’s jelly.
The possibility of using the cells of the latter for the
purposes of regenerative medicine have been consid-
ered, but only from the point of view of production
of pluripotent stem cells [74, 75]. It would be very im-
portant to identify factors inducing differentiation
of such cells and ways of its pharmacological regula-
tion. Existence of the possibility of “Wharton’s” differ-
entiation in the post-fetal tissues is corroborated by
the fact of its appearance under condition of tumor
growth – in the case of myxoma and myxoid stroma
of tumors (Fig. 2d). The latter case is especially inter-
esting, because in this case changes in differentiation
occur in non-tumor cells, and this is often observed
exactly in the differentiated tumors of the adenocar-
cinoma type, which grow via elongation and forma-
tion of new tubules (while the tumors with fibrous
stroma – scirrhous tumors– usually are formed from
the poorly-differentiated tumor cells with extremely
primitive morphogenic processes)[76,77]. These types
of scenarios could serve as models for investigation
of factors inducing ‘myxoid’ stroma in the post-fetal
organism. Induction of differentiation of embryonic
stroma, on the one hand, would allow filling the space
of resorbed dead tissues with the matrix and to pre-
serve this part of the organ from collapse and atro-
phy, and on another hand, to create a foothold for re-
vealing morphogenic potential of local or introduced
Information presented in this paper allow sug-
gesting that the general reason of failed attempts to
regenerate organ structure after injury by introducing
stem cells or growth factors is destruction of organ
frame elements, which in the majority of vertebrate
animals develop only at the stage of embryonic onto-
genesis. Preservation of these structures is a sufficient
condition for the organ cells capable of proliferation
to rebuilt the organ structure without any external
factors. Another path could be creation of the space
in the organ filled with gelatinous matrix, similarly to
the way it occurs during embryogenesis, by either ar-
tificial introduction or by changing differentiation of
stromal cells and switching their metabolism to syn-
thesis of respective components of intercellular sub-
stance. Creation of organ structures without the pres-
ence of organ frame could be expected in this space,
similarly to the processes occurring in embryogenesis
or reconstruction during amphibia metamorphosis.
However, while the strategies for preservation of or-
gan frame structures seem quite achievable via the al-
ready known methodological approaches, realization
of the second suggestion is at the stage of planning fu-
ture research.
Development of approaches suggested in this re-
view could likely allow to achieve not only complete
regeneration of organ structures from the organism’s
own proliferating and stem cells, but also to succeed
in the cases (heart, nerve tissues), when the necessary
introduction of exogenous stem cells did not yet result
in clinically significant outcomes.
Funding. This work was supported by ongoing in-
stitutional funding. No additional grants to carry out
ordirect this particular research were obtained.
Ethics declarations. This work does not contain
any studies involving human and animal subjects.
The author of this work declares that he has no con-
flicts of interest in financial or any other sphere.
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