BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
berecommended for treating AMD in humans. The re-
sults obtained in our previous studies and results of
the current study indicate that the mechanisms of
therapeutic effects of SkQ1– active compound in Viso-
mitin eye drops– are multifaceted and are associated
with its effect on redox-dependent signaling pathway,
including decrease of activity of the MAPK-dependent
signaling pathways.
Contributions. N.A.M. concept of the study, con-
ducting experiments, discussion of the results of the
study; A.Zh.F. ophthalmological examination of ani-
mals; A.A.Zh. histomorphometric analysis of retina
samples; A.Zh.F., A.A.Zh., N.A.M., and N.G.K. prepara-
tion and editing of the paper text.
Funding. This work was financially supported
by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research, grant
Ethics declarations. All applicable international,
national, and/or institutional guidelines for the care
and use of animals were followed. The authors of this
work declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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