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REVIEW: Direct Determination of the Structure of Single Biopolymer Molecules Using Nanopore Sequencing

Anna K. Berkovich1,a*, Olga A. Pyshkina1, Anna A. Zorina1, Vladimir A. Rodin1, Tatyana V. Panova1, Vladimir G. Sergeev1, and Maria E. Zvereva1

1Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia

Received June 30, 2023; Revised August 21, 2023; Accepted September 1, 2023
This review highlights operational principles, features, and modern aspects of the development of third-generation sequencing technology of biopolymers focusing on the nucleic acids analysis, namely the nanopore sequencing system. Basics of the method and technical solutions used for its realization are considered, from the first works showing the possibility of creation of these systems to the easy-to-handle procedure developed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies company. Moreover, this review focuses on applications, which were developed and realized using equipment developed by the Oxford Nanopore Technologies, including assembly of whole genomes, methagenomics, direct analysis of the presence of modified bases.
KEY WORDS: nanopores, nanopore sequencing, pore-forming proteins, nanopore sequencing technology

DOI: 10.1134/S000629792414013X