ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2023, Vol. 88, No. 11, pp. 1719-1731 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2023.
Russian Text © The Author(s), 2023, published in Biokhimiya, 2023, Vol. 88, No. 11, pp. 2084-2100.
DNA Instability in Neurons:
Lifespan Clock and Driver of Evolution
Varvara E. Dyakonova
Koltzov Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119334 Moscow, Russia
Received July 17, 2023
Revised July 19, 2023
Accepted September 20, 2023
AbstractIn the last ten years, the discovery of neuronal DNA postmitotic instability has changed the theoretical land-
scape in neuroscience and, more broadly, biology. In 2003, A.M. Olovnikov suggested that neuronal DNA is the “initial
substrate of aging”. Recent experimental data have significantly increased the likelihood of this hypothesis. How does
neuronal DNA accumulate damage and in what genome regions? What factors contribute to this process and how are they
associated with aging and lifespan? These questions will be discussed in the review. In the course of Metazoan evolution,
the instability of neuronal DNA has been accompanied by searching for the pathways to reduce the biological cost of
brain activity. Various processes and activities, such as sleep, evolutionary increase in the number of neurons in the ver-
tebrate brain, adult neurogenesis, distribution of neuronal activity, somatic polyploidy, and RNA editing in cephalopods,
can be reconsidered in the light of the trade-off between neuronal plasticity and DNA instability in neurons. This topic is
of considerable importance for both fundamental neuroscience and translational medicine.
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297923110044
Keywords: nervous system, neuronal DNA, postmitotic mutagenesis, DNA repair, lifespan, epigenetics, evolution of
the nervous system
Abbreviations: DSB,double-strand DNA break; indel,small insertion or deletion; NMDA,N-methyl-D-aspartate; Parp1,poly(ADP-
ribose) polymerase1; SNV,single nucleotide variant; SSB,single-strand DNA break; TopoIIβ,topoisomerase Iiβ.
A combination of various facts indicates that it is
the brain that is the initial substrate of aging,
and in a brain cell, this substrate is DNA.”
A.M. Olovnikov, 2003
Alexey Matveyevich Olovnikov is widely known for
his outstanding theoretical contribution to the field of
biological chronometry and studies of mechanisms reg-
ulating life expectancy. He predicted the existence of
telomeres, the “counters” of cell divisions, in proliferat-
ing cells even before their experimental discovery [1,2].
After creating the telomere hypothesis of cell aging,
A. M.Olovnikov has retained his interest in the prob-
lem of biological time [3]. In 2003, he publishes a large
theoretical work on the redusome hypothesis of aging,
in which he suggested the following: “A combination of
various facts indicates that it is the brain that is the initial
substrate of aging, and in a brain cell, this substrate is
DNA”. At that time, experimental data were still sparse
and scattered; however, in recent years, the likelihood
of this hypothesis has been increased by the results of
numerous molecular neurobiology studies.
The aim of this article is to analyze experimental
data published mostly during the last decade, that have
shed light on the accumulation of damage by neuronal
DNA and relation between this process and organism’s
aging and lifespan. We will discuss factors contributing
to the accumulation of postmitotic DNA damage in
neurons and specific genome regions, where this accu-
mulation takes place. New data on a high instability of
neuronal DNA have been changing our understanding
of multiple processes in the nervous system, as well as of
the evolution of nervous system itself.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 11 2023
One of the problems with the existence of neuronal
“clock” measuring biological time in neurons is terminal
differentiation of these cells, i.e., the absence of mitotic
division in their adult life [4, 5]. Therefore, the “clock”
mechanism proposed by A. M. Olovnikov for dividing
cells monitoring the shortening of specific DNA se-
quences due to the underreplication of chromosomal
ends during mitosis [4] cannot be used for a postmitotic
neuron. Olovnikov was sure that “for the sake of clock
operation (in neurons – author’s note), nature had to
invent a mechanism that could work even in the absence
of DNA replication” [4]. In his latest publication in
2022, Olovnikov proposed the idea of epigenetic label-
ing of specialized temporal DNA [3]. Long before that,
he had suggested that such mechanism could be based
on the formation of DNA breaks (e.g., during active
transcription) and incomplete DNA repair, especially in
the terminal sections of hypothetical “clock” DNA [4].
And only ten years after publication of his work [4], the
first experimental data were obtained that demonstrated
formation of single- and double-strand DNA breaks in
neurons and their subsequent repair even in the course
of normal physiological activity of these cells.
Year 2013 has not yet been recognized by the neu-
roscience community as a year of a very important and,
perhaps, one of the most unexpected discoveries in
neuroscience, the full consequences of which would be
realized later. A group studying a mouse model of Alz-
heimer’s disease discovered a higher content of dou-
ble-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) in some brain regions
after two hours of normal activity in an open field, which
was observed not only in the diseased mice, but also
in healthy control animals [6]. After 24 h, most DNA
breaks in the control mice were repaired, while in ani-
mals with the Alzheimer’s disease, both the number of
neurons with fragmented DNA and the extent of DNA
fragmentation (assessed by the length of fluorescent
“tail” formed in the electromagnetic field by the nu-
clei with damaged DNA) remained significantly higher.
Toexclude the effect of stress caused by an open field the
authors used adrenalectomised animals with implanted
corticosterone pellets to hold their corticosterone level
constant. This operation did not decrease the content of
DSBs. Thus, stress seems not to account for the effect
of novelty on DSBs content. Moreover, sensory stim-
ulation in healthy animals led to the DNA fragmenta-
tion in the brain areas associated with sensory input.
Thus, lateral optical stimulation increased the number
of neurons DSBs in corresponding side of the visual
cortex. Optogenetic stimulation of the striatum also in-
creased the number of DSB-containing neurons[6].
Already two years later, it was demonstrated using
next-generation whole-genome DNA sequencing that
the electrical activity of neurons, their excitation, in-
duce formation of DSBs [7]. Moreover, it is the DNA
damage that links the electrical activity of neurons and
transcription of neuronal immediate early genes (IEGs),
such as Fos, Npas4, and Egr1 (it should be noted that
expression of these genes had been used as a marker of
active neurons). Formation of DSBs in the promoter re-
gions of IEGs was sufficient to activate their expression.
It was suggested that the enzyme linking electrical activ-
ity of neurons and DSB formation is DNA topoisomer-
ase IIβ (Topo IIβ). This enzyme introduces temporary
breaks in DNA and then restores two DNA strands,
leading to DNA demethylation in the promoters of ear-
ly response genes and their transcription. The knock-
out of the Topo IIβ gene abolished formation of DSBs
induced by the electrical activity of neurons and tran-
scription of early response genes [7]. In 2022, Delint-
Ramirez et al. [8] published an article that explained
how cell excitation affects the activity of Topo IIβ [8].
Calcium influx in response to the activation of excitato-
ry glutamate NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors
activates the phosphatase calcineurin. Calcineurin de-
phosphorylates Topo IIβ at S1509 and S1511 residues,
which stimulates its DNA cleavage activity and leads to
the formation of DSBs. During the electrical activity
of neurons, calcineurin interacts with Topo IIβ mostly
at the nuclear periphery, where DNA breaks occur [8].
By showing that DNA breaks and their consequences
took place in particular genome regions, the authors pro-
vided another important point in favor of the Olovnikov’s
concept. Beside involvement of calcium signaling in the
formation of DSBs, we should mention the influence
(although less specific) of intense neuronal metabolism,
leading to the generation of free radicals and reactive
oxygen species, which are commonly recognized as fac-
tors contributing to the instability of neuronal DNA [9].
The genome of neurons has been also searched for
the hotspots of single-strand DNA breaks(SSBs), an-
other type of DNA damage [10, 11]. It was found that
postmitotic human neurons derived from pluripotent
cells demonstrate unexpectedly high levels of SSBs in
particular genome regions. Using genome-wide map-
ping, it was suggested that these breaks were located at or
near CpG dinucleotides and sites of DNA demethylation
within gene enhancers [10]. Similar conclusions were
reached in 2021 by Reid et al. [12], who demonstrated
that the processes of DNA repair (and hence the initial
damage) often take place at the well-defined hotspots
adjacent to important genes. These hotspots are en-
riched with histone γH2AX isoforms andRNA-binding
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 11 2023
proteins and associated with evolutionarily conserved
regulatory elements of the human genome. These stun-
ning results required comprehension.
Year 2013 was signified by another development due
to the publication of a theoretical work by the Russian
scientist Alexei Krushinskii [13] (later, a revised version of
this article was published in an open access journal [14]).
Based on the Leon Brillouin’s negentropy principle of
information, Krushinskii suggested that to receive a new
information, the brain should pay not only with energy,
but also with a loss of original information. At present,
this hypothesis looks as a remarkably beautiful descrip-
tion of events that molecular neuroscientists encounter
in their studies of neuronal DNA, the “initial substrate”
of intelligence and aging.
Madabhushi et al. [7], who were the first to link
neuronal activity and transcription of early neuronal
genes with the formation of DSBs, made a shocking
conclusion that disruption of brain genome integrity is
anatural physiological phenomenon essential for synap-
tic plasticity, learning, and memory, since these process-
es require participation of early response genes. “If you
don’t break DNA, you can’t memorize” – this inter-
pretation has been accepted by a number of researchers
who have experimentally confirmed the need for tem-
porary DNA damage for the formation of various types
of memory and learning [15] or who have adhered to
this concept in their review [16]. Some researchers were
more wary of this new “tear, repair, remember” para-
digm of memory formation at the DNA level [17-19].
After all, DNA repair is not a 100% efficient process,
and if DNA breaks occur so often, the damage to the
brain genome will inevitably accumulate in a form of
both incomplete repair and errors (i.e., mutations).
Domutations accumulate?
Sequencing of genomes of individual mouse neu-
rons [20] revealed an unusually high frequency of post-
mitotic mutations in evolutionarily conserved genome
regions, such as exons and promoters of genes with the
highest expression levels. In other words, mutations ac-
cumulate at the hotspots, which are also the hotspot of
DNA breaks. The most common type of mutation is a
single nucleotide variant (SNV) [20] that might result
from an error in the activity of repair DNA polymerases.
A similar conclusion was reached in the analysis of mu-
tations in human neurons [21-23]. Luquette et al. [23]
used an improved primary template-directed ampli-
fication (PTA) method, which allowed to reduce the
number of artifacts in detection of somatic mutations by
DNA sequencing. Whole-genome sequencing data from
fifty-two PTA-amplified single neurons were analyzed
using SCAN2, a new genotyping method developed by
the authors to identify SNVs and small insertions and
deletions(indels). The results of analysis confirmed that
the number of somatic mutations in individual human
neurons increased with age and that mutations accumu-
lated in functional genome regions, such as enhancers
and promoters [18,22,24-26].
The table shows the data on the types of DNA
damage in neurons occurring during normal physiolog-
ical activity or induced by various physiological factors.
A strong argument in favor of the hypothesis that an
organism pays for the neuronal activity with something
truly significant was obtained in 2019 [27], when it was
found that the level of neuronal excitation directly affects
the lifespan. Zullo et al. [28] searched for the genes ex-
pressed in the human frontal cortex and associated with
healthy longevity. Differential analysis of their expression
was carried out in two groups of cognitively healthy peo-
ple who died at the age of 70-80 and 85-100 years, re-
spectively. Previously, the same group of researchers had
found an increase in the content of protein encoded by
the REST gene in centenarians [28]. The authors revealed
an inverse correlation between the level of REST mRNA
and the content of mRNAs of the genes associated with
neuronal excitation [27]. The expression level of these
genes, whose promoter regions contained the binding site
for the repressor protein REST, was significantly lower
in humans with extended longevity [27]. The authors
also studied the relation between the REST expression
and electrical activity of neurons in mice. Neurons of
REST-deficient mice accumulated fluorodeoxyglucose
F-FDG), indicative of increased neural activity. Inter-
mittent epileptiform discharges were significantly more
frequent in REST-deficient animals vs. control mice [27].
These findings suggested a link between the neuronal
excitation and lifespan in mammals, which was proven
in a model very distant from mammals– the nematode
Caenorhabditis elegans. These worms have an ortholog
of mammalian REST gene, spr-4, the protein product
of which protects cells from the damaging effects of re-
active oxygen species and some other adverse factors.
The authors used a broad arsenal of tools, from phar-
macological agents that altered (promoted or inhibited)
excitation to animals with suppressed or hyperactivated
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 11 2023
DNA damage in neurons occurring during normal physiological activity or induced by various physiological factors
of DNA damage
Organism Factor Year Source
DSBs mice (wild-type) exploratory behavior in open field 2013 [6]
mice expressing hAPP
(Alzheimer’s disease model)
exploratory behavior in open field 2013 [6]
DSBs mice (wild-type) visual stimulation 2013 [6]
DSBs mice (Adora2a-Cre) optical stimulation of striatum 2013 [6]
DSBs cultured mouse primary neurons
β-amyloid oligomers;
NMDA-dependent effect
2013 [6]
DSBs cultured mouse primary neurons
potassium chloride (KCl),
NMDA, or bicuculline
(promotion of neuronal excitation)
[7, 19]
DSBs mouse hippocampal slices NMDA receptor agonist
[7, 8]
DSBs mouse hippocampus memory reconsolidation 2020 [15]
DSBs zebrafish Danio rerio normal daily activity 2018 [32, 33]
DSBs Drosophila larvae and imagoes 2020 [75]
human neurons derived
from pluripotent cells
2021 [10-12]
(SNVs, indels)
mouse neuron clones 2016 [20]
(SNVs, indels)
human neurons
[21, 23, 24]
spr-4 gene (obtained using the CRISPR-Cas9 system),
as well as with activated or repressed groups of excitatory
or inhibitory neurons. The results clearly indicated that
neuronal excitation decreased the lifespan, while sup-
pression of excitation extended it. Why? It might seem
surprising, but the authors of this discovery, which was
published in the Nature journal, did not discuss the link
between the neuronal excitation, disruption of genome
integrity, and induction of DSBs! They did not even cite
the reports of Suberbielle etal. [6] from 2013 and Mad-
abhushi etal. [7] from 2015 that declared the role of neu-
ronal excitation in the formation of DSBs in their titles.
A deeper insight into the mechanisms underlying
the influence of neuronal excitation on the lifespan pres-
ents several possibilities. The first one suggests a direct
effect of accumulated DNA damage. Thus, it is known
that an incomplete repair of DSBs can trigger apoptosis
in neurons (see review by Boutros etal. [16]). Another
one is direct reduction of the overall viability of an organ-
ism by accumulated mutations [18, 26]. Indeed, there is
an inverse correlation between the somatic mutation
load and lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster [29] and
mammals (however, in mammals, this association was
described for the intestinal epithelium cells, as neurons
were not assessed) [30]. Moreover, the effect of muta-
tions on fitness can be greater than previously thought,
since even synonymous mutations, earlier considered as
mostly neutral, turned out to be strongly non-neutral
because they change the level of gene expression and af-
fect the organism [31].
The second option, which assumes an existence of
a neuronal chronosome [4], would explain the influence
of neuronal excitation on the rate of DNA shortening
in such chronosome. Critical shortening leads to the
neuronal death and, according to Olovnikov’s hypoth-
esis[4], has a hormonal effect on the entire organism.
Given that mitosis and excitation are the main fac-
tors of mutagenesis in dividing cells and neurons, re-
spectively, the author of the current article proposed in
2020 [5] an existence of indirect neural mutation counter.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 11 2023
Similar to telomeres that “count” cell divisions in pro-
liferating cells and indirectly determine the number of
accumulated mutations, neurons might have a “counter”
of excitations that estimates the duration of their histo-
ry of excitation and determines the lifespan of a neuron.
This counter could be a gene, whose expression gradual-
ly and irreversibly declines upon neuronal excitation and
whose product acts as a repressor ofapoptosis.
The report of Zada et al. [32, 33] indicated that the
DNA repair enzymes themselves can activate various
processes (e.g., sleep) at the organismal level. Thus, it
was found that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (Parp1),
which initiates the repair of DSBs accumulated during
the daytime activity, induces sleep in fish hatchlings and
adult mice. The activity of Parp1 increases with sleep
deprivation, while inhibition of this enzyme reduces the
nighttime chromosome movement and suppresses re-
pair of DNA damage accumulated during the daytime.
These data suggest that the DNA repair system may also
signal to the mutation counter.
The mechanisms underlying the influence of neuro-
nal excitation on the lifespan remain to be elucidated, but
the participation of neuronal DNA breaks in these mech-
anisms seems very likely. Interestingly, A. M. Olovnikov
in his 2003 paper [4] referred to an older work showing
that irradiation of the brain, leading to the DNA frag-
mentation in neurons, shortened the life of Drosophila
larvae [34]. Unfortunately, at that time, it was still un-
known that neuronal excitation affects both DNA stabili-
ty and lifespan. However, Olovnikov’s idea that “it is the
brain that is the initial substrate of aging, and in a brain
cell, this substrate is DNA” has been confirmed.
The finding that DNA of differentiated neurons
is extremely unstable could significantly change many
concepts of how the brain works and how it evolves.
The  following sections will provide examples how the
well-known facts and recent discoveries can be reinter-
preted when viewed from this perspective.
It has been long known that although cognitive
activity provides enormous benefits, it comes at a cer-
tain biological cost. For humans, this was discussed a
century and a half ago in the famous work of Cesare
Lombroso “The man of genius[35], as well as in more
modern works (for example, Gale et al. [36] and Smith
et al. [37]). A new area of psychology has emerged, cog-
nitive epidemiology, that studies the relationship between
IQ and various physiological, genetic, and social factors
in people [38]. In general, IQ positively correlates with
health and longevity, which could be explained by a sim-
ple inability of a sick body to provide a high cognitive per-
formance [38]. Obviously, social factors (e.g., access to
better food, living conditions, and medicine) play an im-
portant role in ensuring this positive connection. People
with an average and high IQ do not show an increased
predisposition to mental illness, unlike people with either
low or very high IQ that exhibit a higher predisposition
to developing bipolar disorders [36]. In recent years, this
research area has been significantly enriched by the data
of genetic studies [39, 40]. It was shown that genes typi-
cal for people with pronounced creative abilities are also
risk factors for various pathologies [39]. Later, a similar
correlation with a predisposition to neuropathology was
found for genes associated with the ability of individuals
to obtain higher education [40].
Some negative consequences of cognitive activity
have been described in mammals [13, 14, 41-45]. At the
beginning of this century, the first experimental results
were obtained indicating a high biological cost of learn-
ing, as well as selection for cognitive abilities in inver-
tebrates (flies) [46-50]. “Smart” fruit flies had reduced
stress resistance, fertility, and life expectancy. A similar
correlation between the ability to learn and susceptibility
to stress was found in two different populations of pond
snails [51,52]. However, methodological limitations and
lack of understanding of where and at what level to look
for the mechanisms providing the link between these
functions have hindered the development of this inter-
esting and important area of research. Partly, this was
also due to a simple, falsely reassuring explanation: the
brain consumes a lot of energy during cognitive activi-
ty, so that other organs or functional systems may suf-
fer from the energy deficit [49,50]. Now the situation
has changed. Recent methods of genome sequencing
and transcriptomic and epigenetic analysis of neurons
have made it possible to study the molecular basis of the
“cost of intelligence.
In previous sections, we discussed the influence of
neuronal excitation on the formation of DNA breaks.
However, there exists an epigenetic substrate of cogni-
tive functions that can also increase the susceptibility of
neuronal genome to the accumulated damage.
The statement that cognitive functions are based on
the plasticity of expression of the neuronal genome ap-
peared more than 15 years ago and has been confirmed
experimentally in both vertebrates [53, 54] and inverte-
brates [55, 56]. As a rule, the open chromatin state and
DNA demethylation correspond to higher cognitive lev-
els [57-61]. Recently, additional evidence at the genome
level has emerged indicating that not only learning and
memory, but also a new environment which stimulates
neurogenesis and learning, are associated with chroma-
tin decondensation [62]. The same effects are caused
by the motor activity (which also stimulates neurogen-
esis and memory) even in the first-generation progeny
[63-65]. Finally, according to some data, prolonged ex-
citation predisposes neuronal genome to DNA demeth-
ylation and/or heterochromatin decondensation [66-68].
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 11 2023
Theoretically, both processes reduce the protection of
DNA from possible mutations and increase the likelihood
of transposable element insertion. The above-mentioned
age-related accumulation of indels in the promoters of
neuronal genes can be associated with the activity of
transposable elements (see Dumitrache and McKinnon
[69]) and not only with the repair of DNA breaks.
In other words, it is possible that brain “pays”
for the acquisition of new information, thinking, and
plasticity with the damage of its genetic information.
Post-mitotic DNA damage in neurons is a relatively new
topic (the first data were obtained only 10 years ago).
From the evolutionary point of view, on the contrary,
itis an ancient problem that might have appeared simul-
taneously with the appearance of first neurons (approx-
imately 600 million years ago) and, one way or another,
had been resolved in the course of evolution and, prob-
ably, differently in different taxa. The following sections
of the review will discuss some possible evolutionary
solutions to the problem of minimization of mutational
cost of brain plasticity and its biological consequences.
DNA repair systems in the brain. It is obvious that
if neuronal activity poses an inherent risk to the genome
stability, one way to adapt to it would be to improve the
DNA repair systems in the brain. Indeed, the knockout
of the DNA repair genes involved in the repair of SSBs
caused multiple errors in the functionally significant
genome regions, mainly in the enhancers [10]. Theau-
thors suggested that disruptions of this system could be
associated with the development of human neurodegen-
erative diseases. Indeed, the risk of brain pathologies
should increase with any DNA repair deficiency in neu-
rons. Analysis of this relationship and studies of neuro-
nal DNA repair systems have recently received consider-
able attention of researchers (for more information, see
the review by Li etal. [25]).
The study published in February 2023 demonstrated
that in the course of evolution, neurons have acquired
specialized mechanisms for genome protection allow-
ing them to withstand for decades the effects of vari-
ous damaging factors during the periods of increased
activity [19]. A DNA repair mechanism dependent on
the neuronal activity has been identified that involved
accumulation in the activated neurons of a novel form
of NuA4-TIP60 chromatin modifier. This accumula-
tion was observed in the regions also expressing the
neuron-specific inducible transcription factor NPAS4.
By examining the pattern of DSBs caused by the brain
activity, the authors showed that NPAS4–NuA4 binds
to the damaged regulatory elements in the genome.
Disturbances in the NPAS4–NuA4 repair system result
in multiple cellular defects, including changes in tran-
scription, loss of the neuronal inhibition control, and
genomic instability, which can shorten the lifespan of
an organism. Therefore, the discovered neuron-specific
complex directly links neuronal activity to the genome
stability maintenance. These results are in good agree-
ment with the hypothesis on the improvement of DNA
repair systems as one of the important directions in the
evolution of nervous system.
Minimization of synchronism between chromatin
open state and electrical excitation? Although neuronal
excitation is often followed by the upregulation of gene
expression [66-68, 70, 71], it would be safer for the neu-
ron to avoid simultaneous occurrence of electrical activ-
ity and epigenetic processes characterized by the open
DNA state. In 1966, the first data showing that electri-
cal stimulation of mollusk neurons causes a transient
inhibition of mRNA synthesis with a strong rebound
effect (activation of mRNA synthesis above the initial
level) after cessation of electrical activity were obtained
[72,73], that were interpreted within the framework of
hypothesis suggesting redistribution of metabolism and
reduction of energy expenditures during cell excitation.
However, these data take on a new meaning with current
understanding of excitation as a threat to DNA stabil-
ity. The transient shutdown of gene expression can be
viewed as a mechanism protecting neuronal DNA.
Other data mentioned above indicate that the re-
modeling of active chromatin and DNA repair in fish
motor neurons occurred during the sleep characterized
by a shutdown of the electrical activity of these neu-
rons[32]. Several recent reviews have summarized a cur-
rent state of affairs in the studies of the gene expression
dependence on the neuronal activity in mammals and
model invertebrates [70, 71, 74], illustrating its complex
and controversial nature.
Polyploidy of neurons. Accumulation of a large num-
ber of DNA mutations in the neurons of healthy people
and animals indicates that DNA repair mechanisms are
not efficient enough to ensure the stability of the neu-
ronal genome. In this situation, an existence of “genetic
safety net” could be another effective approach for re-
ducing the biological cost of the nervous system activity.
Since mutation is a random event, simply increasing the
number of genome copies can be such safety mechanism.
However, the number of genome copies can increase in
different ways. Within a single neuron, it is a well-known
phenomenon of somatic polyploidy. The number of neu-
rons can be increased as well. Different animal taxa have
implemented different solutions. Thus, vertebrates have
an increased the overall number of cells, while some pro-
tostomes, for example, gastropods (but not only them),
use somatic polyploidy [75,76].
Giant neurons (up to 1mm in diameter) of gastro-
pods have been known for a long time. Most of cell body
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 11 2023
in these neurons is occupied by the nucleus [77, 78].
It was found that this giant nucleus contains multiple
genome copies (up to 600,000) [76, 78, 79] that are be-
lieved to be essential for the metabolism of giant cells
and associated with neuronal gigantism. With the emer-
gence of data on the DNA damage in neurons, it was
logical to assume that neuronal polyploidy reflects one
of the evolutionary solutions aimed to reduce the conse-
quences of DNA damage. Experimental data in favor of
this hypothesis have been obtained in the representatives
of another taxon– insects, in which neuronal polyploi-
dy also occurs by to a much lesser extent [75]. Several
species-specific, as well as sex- and age-related differ-
ences in the number of polyploid neurons in the brains
of three different Drosophila species were described in
detail. On average, a fraction of polyploid (mostly tetra-
ploid, 4 C) neurons was estimated as 10-15% of all neu-
rons in the adult brain. The largest number of polyploid
neurons was found in the optic lobes. It was shown that
tetraploidy was not a result of cell fusion. Interesting-
ly, the largest number of DSBs in the neurons has been
identified in the optical lobes as well. Finally, using
etoposide to induce DSBs, it was demonstrated that the
brain response to this drug involved a significant increase
in the proportion of polyploid neurons. And, perhaps,
most importantly, polyploid neurons survived after in-
duced DNA damage better than diploid neurons [75].
Therefore, this work confirmed two assumptions regard-
ing the role of neuronal polyploidy. First, polyploidy,
indeed, protects the cells in the event of DNA damage;
second, neurons have a mechanism for activation of
DNA endoreplication in response to DNA damage.
These data suggest a new look at the neuronal poly-
ploidy in human brain. The association between neu-
rodegenerative diseases and increase in the number of
polyploid neurons had been demonstrated, and for some
time, polyploidy had even been considered as a possi-
ble cause of these pathologies [80, 81]. However, it now
seems more likely that polyploidy arises in response to
DNA damage (which is apparently the main cause of
neurodegeneration) as one of the protective mechanisms
in neurons.
Altruistic neurons of vertebrates and glutamate.
Out of the two approaches to increasing the number or
genome copies (in the same cell or by increasing the
number of cells), somatic polyploidy seems to be a less
efficient solution. First, healthy copies of a damaged
gene in a polyploid cell will play their protective role
only until the “toxic” products encoded by the damaged
gene and detrimental to the cell activity are synthesized.
Second, it does not allow to sacrifice a damaged neuron
without severe consequences for the rest of the brain.
So, it seems that the vertebrate brain has chosen the
second option. Neurons that accumulate mutations and
DNA damage die, but their epigenetic and functional
clones retain the information that remains unchanged.
Such redundancy makes it also possible to distribute the
activity between the neurons, which reduces mutational
load on an individual cell and allows the body to main-
tain neurons longer. This assumption is in good agree-
ment with numerous data showing that the same task
is performed each time by slightly different populations
of neurons [82, 83].
Looking at the evolution of vertebrate brain from
this point of view, we can argue that the rapid increase
in the number of neurons in the evolution of vertebrates
has primarily served the purpose of protecting the brain
and ensuring a sufficient lifespan of an organism. At the
same time, it was also a pre-adaptation to the develop-
ment of cognitive abilities. This assumption is in good
agreement with the fact that the increase in the size of
human brain in the evolution has not been accompanied
by the development of more sophisticated tools over a
period of millions of years [84]. As well as the patho-
genesis of some neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Par-
kinson’s disease), characterized by the asymptomatic
death of up to 30-70% of neurons in particular brain
areas [85]. These data suggest an existence in human
brain of a developed “safety net” in a form of multiple
epigenetically similar and interchangeable neurons.
Adult neurogenesis might also be a subject of func-
tional revision. Previously, its activation had been consid-
ered as a mechanism for promoting cognitive activity, i.e.,
an ability to learn and memorize information in a new
environment [86]. Now, it can also be viewed as a pro-
tective mechanism triggered in anticipation of increased
cognitive load.
Recent data suggest that the increase in the number
of neurons in the evolution of vertebrate brain has been
achieved mainly due to the increase in the proportion of
glutamate neurons [87] (compare 50% in rodents vs. 80%
in humans). This seems paradoxical, since more complex
systems tend to be more diverse. However, this sugges-
tion makes sense if we assume that these additional neu-
rons had originally served as a “safety net”, a source of
genome “guardians”. Why glutamatergic neurons could
be used for this purpose was explained in several recent
publications by Moroz etal. [87-89]. To put it briefly, the
development of glutamatergic phenotype is energetical-
ly cheap and epigenetically simple (only vesicular gluta-
mate transporter has to be expressed, while glutamic acid
is already present in all cells as their main metabolite).
Another interesting finding is that vertebrates have lost
the diversity of glutamate receptors compared to other
groups and retained only the excitatory receptors [87].
It would be interesting to think about the benefits that
might have been gained from this.
Excitability at the physiological level provides con-
ditions for exit from a stable state and formation of new
ensembles of neurons. Increasing the plasticity of the
epigenome can achieve even greater plasticity and diver-
sity. Indeed, there is an evidence of intracellular cascades
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 11 2023
linking NMDA and AMPA glutamate receptors to the
heterochromatin decompaction factor Gadd45 [90], i.e.,
excitatory glutamate appears to be associated with both
functions that increase plasticity at the physiological and
epigenetic levels. This can be another advantage of gluta-
matergic phenotype. However, glutamate, through ion-
otropic receptors, stimulates formation of DNA breaks
and their repair [91], while excitation shortens the lifes-
pan [27]. If this is the case, then the emphasis on the
glutamate phenotype of neurons in the evolution of ver-
tebrates could have and should have stimulated natural
selection to promote an increase in the number of neu-
rons in order to reduce the biological cost of DNA dam-
age during glutamatergic signaling [92]. Positive feed-
back loop in the evolution of vertebrate brain?
Transition of plasticity to the RNA level in cepha-
lopods. DNA instability in neurons could be a cause of
another interesting phenomenon recently found in ceph-
alopods, namely, modification of transcripts at the RNA
level. RNA undergoes large-scale editing (or recoding)
especially in the nervous system, where almost all tran-
scripts are edited [93, 94]. Moreover, 65% of editing
sites found in the coding sequences are nonsynonymous.
Only one type of editing, replacement of adenosine
with inosine (A-to-I), occurs at more than 70,000 sites
in cephalopods vs. ~1000 sites in Drosophila and ~3000
in humans [95]. Moreover, unlike mammals, cephalo-
pods demonstrate clear evolutionary selection for the in-
crease in the number of RNA editing sites in functionally
significant genes [93, 95], the editing of which affects the
structure and function of encoded proteins [93]. In one
case (recoding of potassium channel protein transcript in
octopuses), RNA editing was found to provide an adap-
tation to different living temperatures [96].
However, the most important finding was a discov-
ery of the protective role of RNA editing in the main-
tenance of genome stability that was announced in the
title of the article “Trade-Off Between Transcriptome
Plasticity and Genome Evolution in Cephalopods”[93].
The authors assessed the distribution of mutations (de-
letions, synonymous and nonsynonymous single nucleo-
tide substitutions) and found that the DNA regions close
to the RNA editing sites accumulated the least number
of mutations. From 23 to 41% genome regions in dif-
ferent species of cephalopods were stabilized and these
stabilized regions encoded RNAs that underwent edit-
ing. The mechanisms of such plasticity transfer remain
to be explored. It can be assumed that the driver for the
plasticity transition to the RNA level is protection of
unstable DNA in neurons. Perhaps, this non-standard
solution, combined with the increase in the number
ofneurons, ensures an outstanding cognitive evolution
The main risk factors for DNA stability in neurons, identified types of DNA damage, and possible evolutionary adaptations reducing the biological
cost of neuronal DNA instability. The risk factors include high energy metabolism of neurons, formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), neu-
ronal excitation, and activation of NMDA receptors by glutamate. Activation of NMDA receptors leads to the formation of DSBs in the promoter
regions of early response genes, which induces their expression and subsequent DNA repair. This mechanism involves an increase in the intra-
cellular calcium concentration and activation of calcineurin, which phosphorylates TopoIIβ. Other risk factors include changes in the chromatin
state and chromatin decondensation, which increases DNA susceptibility to various mutagens, e.g., mobile genetic elements (MGEs). Chromatin
decondensation can also be induced by glutamate receptors via activation of Gadd45 heterochromatin. All these factors are necessary for normal
functioning of the central nervous system to provide its plasticity and cognitive functions. Accumulation of neuronal DNA damage such as DSBs,
SSBs, SNVs and indels is actively studied (table). These damages can directly or indirectly lead to the development of neurodegenerative diseases
and might determine the lifespan. Possible evolutionary adaptations that reduce the cost of DNA instability in neurons include DNA repair de-
pendent on the electrical activity of neurons (NPAS4–NuA4), Parp1-dependent repair of DSBs accumulated during the animal’s daytime activity
and activating sleep in vertebrates, neurogenesis and increase in the number of neurons in the central nervous system, somatic polyploidy (which is
especially pronounced in gastropods), mRNA editing, and transfer of plasticity from the DNA to RNA level in cephalopods
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 88 No. 11 2023
of cephalopods, which rank first among protostomes in
terms of their mental abilities.
The understanding that the post-mitotic DNA in-
stability in neurons is a cost of their electrical activity
and high genome plasticity is changing the theoretical
landscape not only in neuroscience, but in biology as
well. As Olovnikov suggested, neuronal DNA can be
the “clock” determining the lifespan of an organism.
Numerous accumulated data have significantly in-
creased the likelihood of this hypothesis. In addition,
the instability of neuronal DNA seems to have promoted
the search for various ways to reduce the biological cost
of brain functioning in the evolution of Metazoa and
has become a driver of this evolution. Various phenom-
ena, such as sleep, increase in the number of neurons
in vertebrate evolution, adult neurogenesis, distribution
of neuronal activity, somatic polyploidy, and RNA edit-
ing, have received a new meaning and new understand-
ing when considered in the light of the resolution of
the “plasticity vs. neuronal DNA instability” trade-off.
Thetopic is very important not only for basic neurosci-
ence, but also for translational medicine. The main risk
factors, types of neuronal DNA damage, and possible
evolutionary adaptations that reduce the biological cost
of DNA instability are shown in the figure.
There are still many problems that require exper-
imental verification and represent today’s challenges
inmolecular neurobiology, which is especially true for
the neurobiology of invertebrates as organisms that pro-
vide unique experimental opportunities. There are also
other unsolved urgent problems.
(i) Verification of the assumption that neuronal
excitation affects not only DSB formation, but also ac-
cumulation of DNA damage and mutations in neuronal
DNA. This can be done in C. elegance and D. melano-
gaster using optogenetic approaches or by electrophysi-
ological stimulation in gastropods whose giant neurons
can be easily identified and isolated for electrophysio-
logical studies with microelectrodes. For these species,
DNA sequencing can be done for neurons with a sig-
nificant baseline difference in their electrical activity or
for the same neurons with and without electrical stimu-
(ii) The search for specific genetic and epigene-
tic changes that predispose animals with higher cogni-
tive abilities to shorter lifespans, reduced stress toler-
ance, and reduced fertility. The existing studies [46-52]
should be continued at the level of neuronal DNA and
epigenetic regulation of neuronal genome. In particular,
do “smart” invertebrates express more actively the genes
associated with neuronal excitation or chromatin open
state? Do “smart” animals accumulate more mutations?
Is the biological cost (stress intolerance, low fertility,
and lifespan) in “smart” animals a direct consequence
of accumulation of mutations?
(iii) It is easier to search for the chronomeres or
other intracellular neuronal substrates responsible for
the regulation of lifespan in invertebrates.
(iv) In the light of new data on the influence of neu-
ronal activity on the damage of neuronal DNA, we can-
not provide a convincing explanation or justification of
the benefits of cognitive load on the brain health, which
is now given so much importance. One can only as-
sume a preconditioning for the cognitive load, similar to
hypoxic or ischemic training. The exact mechanisms of
this cognitive preconditioning still have to be discovered.
Funding. This work was supported by the Russian
Science Foundation (project no.22-24-00318).
Acknowledgments. I express my gratitude to
A. I. Kal mykova, I. A. Olovnikov, and I. S. Zakharov
for advice and comments during manuscript editing
and to D.D. Vorontsov for help in preparing the figure.
Ethics declarations. The author declares no con-
flict of interest. The work does not contain description
of studies involving humans or animals performed by
the author.
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