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REVIEW: Olovnikov, Telomeres, and Telomerase. Is It Possible to Prolong a Healthy Life?

Yegor E. Yegorova

Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991 Moscow, Russia

Received July 20, 2023; Revised August 29, 2023; Accepted August 31, 2023
The science of telomeres and telomerase has made tremendous progress in recent decades. In this review, we consider it first in a historical context (the Carrel–Hayflick–Olovnikov–Blackburn chain of discoveries) and then review current knowledge on the telomere structure and dynamics in norm and pathology. Central to the review are consequences of the telomere shortening, including telomere position effects, DNA damage signaling, and increased genetic instability. Cell senescence and role of telomere length in its development are discussed separately. Therapeutic aspects and risks of telomere lengthening methods including use of telomerase and other approaches are also discussed.
KEY WORDS: telomeres, telomerase, aging, carcinogenesis, Olovnikov, telomere crisis, cell senescence, inflammatory aging, genetic instability

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297923110032