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Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 83(2), 2018

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REVIEW: Activation of Yeast Mitochondrial Translation: Who Is in Charge?

K. S. Derbikova, S. A. Levitsky, I. V. Chicherin, E. N. Vinogradova, and P. A. Kamenski
87/141 [Abstract]

REVIEW: Retrograde Signaling as a Mechanism of Yeast Adaptation to Unfavorable Factors T. A. Trendeleva and R. A. Zvyagilskaya
98/155 [Abstract]

Influence of a Single Point Mutation in the Constant Domain of the Bence-Jones Protein bif on Its Aggregation Properties M. A. Timchenko and A. A. Timchenko
107/166 [Abstract] [Full Article] [Reprint (PDF)]

Negative Cooperativity in the Interaction of Prostaglandin H Synthase-1 with the Competitive Inhibitor Naproxen Can Be Described as the Interaction of a Non-competitive Inhibitor with Heterogeneous Enzyme Preparation I. S. Filimonov, A. P. Berzova, V. I. Barkhatov, A. V. Krivoshey, N. A. Trushkin, and P. V. Vrzheshch
119/212 [Abstract]

Comparison of Methods of Detection of Exceptional Sequences in Prokaryotic Genomes I. S. Rusinov, A. S. Ershova, A. S. Karyagina, S. A. Spirin, and A. V. Alexeevski
129/225 [Abstract]

Comparative Action of Cardiotonic Steroids on Intracellular Processes in Rat Cortical Neurons A. V. Lopachev, O. M. Lopacheva, K. A. Nikiforova, I. S. Filimonov, T. N. Fedorova, and E. E. Akkuratov
140/238 [Abstract]

2,5-Diketopiperazines: A New Class of Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase Inhibitors D. K. Nilov, K. I. Yashina, I. V. Gushchina, A. L. Zakharenko, M. V. Sukhanova, O. I. Lavrik, and V. K. Švedas
152/251 [Abstract]

Presence of Old Individuals in a Population Accelerates and Optimizes the Process of Selection: in silico Experiments V. A. Chistyakov, Y. V. Denisenko, and A. B. Bren
159/259 [Abstract]

Myoglobin: Oxygen Depot or Oxygen Transporter to Mitochondria? A Novel Mechanism of Myoglobin Deoxygenation in Cells (review) G. B. Postnikova and E. A. Shekhovtsova
168/269 [Abstract] [Full Article] [Reprint (PDF)]