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REVIEW: Mathematical Modeling of Bioassays

D. V. Sotnikov, A. V. Zherdev, and B. B. Dzantiev*

Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Research Center for Biotechnology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119071 Moscow, Russia; E-mail: dzantiev@inbi.ras.ru, zherdev@inbi.ras.ru

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received September 11, 2017; Revision received September 19, 2017
The high affinity and specificity of biological receptors determine the demand for and the intensive development of analytical systems based on use of these receptors. Therefore, theoretical concepts of the mechanisms of these systems, quantitative parameters of their reactions, and relationships between their characteristics and ligand–receptor interactions have become extremely important. Many mathematical models describing different bioassay formats have been proposed. However, there is almost no information on the comparative characteristics of these models, their assumptions, and predictive insights. In this review we suggested a set of criteria to classify various bioassays and reviewed classical and contemporary publications on these bioassays with special emphasis on immunochemical analysis systems as the most common and in-demand techniques. The possibilities of analytical and numerical modeling are discussed, as well as estimations of the minimum concentrations that may be detected in bioassays and recommendations for the choice of assay conditions.
KEY WORDS: bioassay, immunoassay, analytical modeling, numerical modeling, theoretical detection limit

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297917130119