Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 77 (2012), Issue 6
Page numbering for English/Russian version
REVIEW: Structure of Human DNA Polymerase Iota and the Mechanism of DNA

REVIEW: Ribosomal Proteins: Structure, Function, and Evolution

REVIEW: Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor p21
Contemporary View on Its Role in Senescence and Oncogenesis

mechanism of Intermolecular interactions of microsomal cytochrome P450s
CYP17 and CYP21 involved in steroid hormone biosynthesis

Activity of Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase α (NDPK α) Capable
of Binding to Outer Mitochondrial Membrane Accounts for Less than 10%
of Total NDPK Activity Present in Cytoplasm of Liver Cells

Rapid and Massive Green Fluorescent Protein Production Leads to
Formation of Protein Y-Bodies in Plant Cells

Structure of a Peptidoglycan-Related Polysaccharide from
alcalifaciens O45

comparison of experimental and theoretical data on
hydrogen–deuterium exchange for ten globular proteins

Hybrid System Based on Quantum Dots and Photosystem 2 Core Complex

Two-Stage Method for Purification of Ceruloplasmin Based on Its
Interaction with Neomycin

Hemostatic Interference of Indian King Cobra (
Ophiophagus hannah)
Venom. Comparison with Three Other Snake Venoms of the Subcontinent

SkQ1 Slows Development of Age-Dependent Destructive
Processes in Retina and Vascular Layer of Eyes of
Wistar and OXYS Rats

Nanoantibodies for Detection and Blocking of Bioactivity of Human
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A

Mitochondria-Targeted Antioxidant SkQR1 Ameliorates Gentamycin-Induced
Renal Failure and Hearing Loss

Cerebral Ischemia–Reperfusion Induces GAPDH S-Nitrosylation and
Nuclear Translocation

Phosphatase Activity in Barley Proteins Tightly Bound to DNA and Its
Development-Dependent Changes