* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received May 31, 2011; Revision received June 21, 2011
The interaction of actin and myosin powers striated and smooth muscles and some other types of cell motility. Due to its highly ordered structure, skeletal muscle is a very convenient object for studying the general mechanism of the actin–myosin molecular motor. The history of investigation of the actin–myosin motor is briefly described. Modern concepts and data obtained with different techniques including protein crystallography, electron microscopy, biochemistry, and protein engineering are reviewed. Particular attention is given to X-ray diffraction studies of intact muscles and single muscle fibers with permeabilized membrane as they give insight into structural changes that underlie force generation and work production by the motor. Time-resolved low-angle X-ray diffraction on contracting muscle fibers using modern synchrotron radiation sources is used to follow movement of myosin heads with unique time and spatial resolution under near physiological conditions.
KEY WORDS: actin, myosin, muscle, ATPase, structure, X-ray diffractionDOI: 10.1134/S0006297911130086