2Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Kosygina 4, 119991 Moscow, Russia; fax: (495) 651-2191; E-mail: icp@chph.ras.ru
3Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Akademika Semenova 1, 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia; fax: (496) 522-5636
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received April 1, 2009; Revision received June 8, 2009
The coherent 11-cis-retinal photoisomerization dynamics in bovine rhodopsin was studied by femtosecond time-resolved laser absorption spectroscopy at 30-fs resolution. Femtosecond pulses of 500, 535, and 560 nm wavelength were used for rhodopsin excitation to produce different initial Franck–Condon states and relevant distinct values of the vibrational energy of the molecule in its electron excited state. Time evolution of the photoinduced rhodopsin absorption spectra was monitored after femtosecond excitation in the spectral range of 400-720 nm. Oscillations of the time-resolved absorption signals of rhodopsin photoproducts represented by photorhodopsin570 with vibrationally-excited all-trans-retinal and rhodopsin498 in its initial state with vibrationally-excited 11-cis-retinal were studied. These oscillations reflect the dynamics of coherent vibrational wave-packets in the ground state of photoproducts. Fourier analysis of these oscillatory components has revealed frequencies, amplitudes, and initial phases of different vibrational modes, along which the motion of wave-packets of both photoproducts occurs. The main vibrational modes established are 62, 160 cm–1 and 44, 142 cm–1 for photorhodopsin570 and for rhodopsin498, respectively. These vibrational modes are directly involved in the coherent reaction under the study, and their amplitudes in the power spectrum obtained through the Fourier transform of the kinetic curves depend on the excitation wavelength of rhodopsin.
KEY WORDS: rhodopsin, photorhodopsin, bathorhodopsin, femtosecond time-resolved laser absorption spectroscopy, coherent reaction, wave-packetDOI: 10.1134/S0006297910010049