Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 74 (2009), Issue 12
Page numbering for English/Russian version
REVIEW: Cell Transfection by DNA-Lipid Complexes – Lipoplexes

Electrostatic Binding of Substituted Metal Phthalocyanines to
Enterobacterial Cells: Its Role in Photodynamic Inactivation

Vanillic Acid as a Novel Specific Inhibitor of Snake Venom
5′-Nucleotidase: a Pharmacological Tool in Evaluating the Role of
the Enzyme in Snake Envenomation

Characterization of Physical Interaction between Replication Initiator
Protein DnaA and Replicative Helicase from
tuberculosis H37Rv

C-Terminal Fragment of Human Laminin-Binding Protein Contains a Receptor
Domain for Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis and Tick-Borne Encephalitis

pH-Dependent Urea-Induced Unfolding of Stem Bromelain: Unusual Stability
against Urea at Neutral pH

Bacterial Synthesis, Purification, and Solubilization of Membrane
Protein KCNE3, a Regulator of Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels

Microbial Origin of Phenylcarboxylic Acids in the Human Body

Recombinant TNF-Binding Protein from Variola Virus as a Novel Potential
TNF Antagonist

Effect of Solute Hydrogen Bonding Capacity on Osmotic Stability of

Heterogeneous Set of Cell Wall Teichoic Acids in Strains of
subtilis VKM B-760 and VKM B-764

Melittin-Regenerated Purple Membrane

Membrane Bound Pyrophosphatase and P-Type Adenosine Triphosphatase of
Leishmania donovani as Possible Chemotherapeutic Targets:
Similarities and Differences in Inhibitor Sensitivities

Identification of Complexes Formed by Ceruloplasmin with Matrix
Metalloproteinases 2 and 12

Novel Family of Human Transposable Elements Formed Due to Fusion of the
First Exon of Gene
MAST2 with Retrotransposon SVA

New Data on Biochemical Mechanism of Programmed Senescence of Organisms
and Antioxidant Defense of Mitochondria

Biological Evolution Based on Nonrandom Variability Regulated by the
December 5 is the 65th anniversary of the Editor of the English version
of our journal (Biochemistry (Moscow)), prominent American biochemist Richard H. Lozier.
It is hard to overestimate his contribution to
Biochemistry (Moscow) as a popular international journal with a citation
index exceeding unity long ago. At the beginning of 1991, he together with
his wife, biochemist Irina Svinukhova, organized and headed the translation and preparation
of electronic print-ready copy of the English version
of the Journal for Plenum Publishing Co. Due to his efforts the Journal
produces a high-quality English version. In parallel, he is involved into
another important aspect of the Journal's life — preparing the best articles
for preliminary publication (ahead of the hardcopy) on the site of the
Journal (Papers in Press version).
Richard is an extremely sympathetic, intelligent, and kindhearted person
with an inexhaustible supply of patience and benevolence.
We wish him many years of happy life, good health, and new achievements in his work!