* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received July 13, 2007; Revision received October 8, 2007
We have reproduced the model system containing A2-rhodopsin, NR-PE, A2-PE, and ATR-dimer-PE in order to study photosensitized damage of rhodopsin within photoreceptor membranes of rod outer segments. We have demonstrated that irradiation of such a system with visible light (400-700 nm) distorts the most important functional property of native visual pigment--its ability to regenerate after addition of 11-cis-retinal in the dark. We have also shown that all-trans-retinal bound to membrane phospholipids and rhodopsin has less photosensitizing activity that free all-trans-retinal.
KEY WORDS: visual pigment rhodopsin, all-trans-retinal, photosensitizers, photodamageDOI: 10.1134/S000629790802003X