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Trehalose Accumulation in a High-Trehalose-Accumulating Mutant of Saccharomycopsis fibuligera sdu Does Not Respond to Stress Treatments

L. K. Liang1,2*, X. K. Wang2**, K. L. Zhu2, and Z. M. Chi2

1Department of Biochemistry, Yantai University, Qingquan Road, No. 30, Yantai, 264005, China; E-mail: liang6903103@yahoo.com.cn

2UNESCO Chinese Center of Marine Biotechnology, Ocean University of China, Yushan Road, No. 5, Qingdao, 266003, China

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

** This author contributed equally to the first author of this work.

Received March 23, 2006; Revision received July 24, 2006
The isolation of high-trehalose-accumulating mutant A11 from Saccharomycopsis fibuligera sdu has been previously described. In this paper, accumulation of trehalose under various stress conditions in S. fibuligera A11 was investigated. Neither activation of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (SfTps1) nor change in trehalose content was observed under stress exposure of S. fibuligera A11 cells. A fragment of the Sftps1 gene in this strain was also cloned by degenerate PCR using the CoDeHOP strategy and multiply-aligned Tps1 sequences. This sequence allowed us to investigate the expression of the Sftps1 gene, which was also kept constant under the various stress conditions. Altogether, these results indicate that trehalose metabolism in S. fibuligera A11 in response to stress conditions clearly differs from that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and most other fungi. The expression of the Sftps1 gene was not responsive to different stress treatments.
KEY WORDS: trehalose, accumulation, stress, response, yeast

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297906120017