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Transcription Factor GATA-3 Is Involved in Repression of Promoter Activity of the Human Interleukin-4 Gene

G. T. F. Schwenger1, V. A. Mordvinov2*, and C. J. Sanderson1

1Curtin University School of Biomedical Sciences and the Western Australian Institute of Medical Research, Molecular Immunology Group, Level 5 Rear 50 Murray Street, Perth 6000, Western Australia; fax: (618) 9266-1650; E-mail: c.sanderson@curtin.edu.au

2Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Lavrentieva 10, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia; fax: (7-3833) 331-278; E-mail: mordvin@bionet.nsc.ru

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received March 31, 2005; Revision received May 16, 2005
GATA-3 was shown to bind to two sites of the IL-4 gene promoter in human T-cell lines PER-117 and Jurkat. A motif located in the region of position -860 and responsible for GATA-3 binding was detected for the first time. Mutation or deletion of this site increased the promoter activity. The findings suggest a direct involvement of GATA-3 in regulation of the human IL-4 gene transcription as a repressor of the promoter activity.
KEY WORDS: T-cells, transcription factor GATA-3, interleukin-4, promoter, repressor