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Selection and Characterization of Phage Miniantibodies to Actins of Different Origin

N. V. Kostesha1, A. G. Laman2, A. O. Shepelyakovskaya2, I. S. Zaitseva1, V. P. Orlov1, L. A. Dykman1, F. A. Brovko2, and O. I. Sokolov1*

1Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Entuziastov 13, 410049 Saratov, Russia; fax: (8452) 970-383; E-mail: sokolov@ibppm.sgu.ru

2Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Institutskaya 6, 142290 Pushchino, Russia; fax: (095) 310-7007; E-mail: brovko@fibkh.serpukhov.su

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received March 30, 2004; Revision received November 17, 2004
Single-chain miniantibodies (scFv's) to actin were obtained by the phage display method. A naive combinatorial phage display library of murine scFv's (containing 2*108 independent recombinant clones) was used to select miniantibodies. After three rounds of selection two clones producing miniantibodies to chicken smooth muscle actin with affinity constants of 1.4*107 and 1.2*106 M-1 were chosen. The isolated miniantibodies could specifically detect various plant and animal actins.
KEY WORDS: actin, phage display of miniantibodies, affinity selection, single-chain miniantibodies, colloidal gold, dot-blot assay