Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 70 (2005), Issue 10
Page numbering for English/Russian version
REVIEW: Arabinogalactan Proteins: Involvement in Plant Growth and

Computer-Aided Analysis of Spatial Structure of Some Hydrolytic Enzymes

Effect of External Superoxide Anion on Apoptosis in
Coleoptiles of Wheat Seedlings

Molecular Characteristics of OmpF-Like Porins from Pathogenic

Functional Role of the N-Terminal Domain of Bacteriophage T4 Gene
Product 11

Formation of Bacteriochlorophyll Form B820 in Light Harvesting 2
Complexes from Purple Sulfur Bacteria Treated with Dioxane

Location of the Bases Modified by M.
BcoKIA and M.
Methylases in the Sequence

Effect of Calcium Ions on Enteropeptidase Catalysis

Orientation and Mobility of Actin in Different Intermediate States of
the ATP Hydrolysis Cycle

Effect of Nucleotides on the Orientation and Mobility of Myosin
Subfragment-1 in Ghost Muscle Fiber

Thermodynamic Characteristics of Plasminogen Activation by Indirect

Binding Sites for Transcription Factor SF-1 in Promoter Regions of Genes
Encoding Mouse Steroidogenesis Enzymes 3
betaHSDI and P450c17

Enhanced Activity of DNA Polymerase Iota in Mouse Brain Cells Is
Associated with Aggressiveness

Further Characterization of a Sarcoplasmic Serine Proteinase from the
Skeletal Muscle of White Croaker (
Argyrosomus argentatus)

Role of Two Chloride-Binding Sites in Functioning of Testicular
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme

Reactions of Peroxynitrite and Nitrite with Organic Molecules and

Codon 12 Region of Mouse
K-ras Gene Is the Site for
vitro Binding of Transcription Factors GATA-6 and NF-Y

Gerontological Aspects of Genome Peptide Regulation (by V. Kh. Khavinson
and V. V. Malinin, KARGER, 2005, 104 p.)