Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 68 (2003), Number 10
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REVIEW: RNA Interference. An Approach to Produce Knockout Organisms and
Cell Lines

REVIEW: Cross-Talk between Reactive Oxygen Species and Calcium in Living

DNA-Hydrolyzing Antibodies from Sera of Autoimmune-Prone MRL/MpJ-

Effect of Membrane Phospholipid Composition and Charge of the Signal
Peptide of
Escherichia coli Alkaline Phosphatase on Efficiency
of Its Secretion

Guanidine Hydrochloride Denaturation of Glycosylated and Deglycosylated
Stem Bromelain

Proton-Translocating ATP-Synthase of
Paracoccus denitrificans:
ATP-Hydrolytic Activity

A Theoretical Graph Method for Search and Analysis of Critical Phenomena
in Biochemical Systems. I. Graphical Rules for Detecting Oscillators

A Theoretical Graph Method for Search and Analysis of Critical Phenomena
in Biochemical Systems. II. Kinetic Models of Biochemical Oscillators
Including Two and Three Substances

Halogenating Enzymes in the Biosynthesis of Antibiotics

In Rat Liver Mitochondria All Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase of the Outer
Compartment Is Associated with the Outer Surface of the Outer Membrane

Hydration Properties of the Molecular Chaperone
in the Bovine Lens

Peptide Derivatives of Antibiotics Tylosin and Desmycosin, Protein
Synthesis Inhibitors