Progress in Inflammation Research; Cellular Mechanisms in Airways
Inflammation (Page, C. P., Banner, K. H., and Spina, D., eds.,
Birkhauser Verlag AG, Basel-Berlin-Boston, 2000, 376 p.)
Airways inflammation is a complex biological phenomenon resulting from
the recruitment and activation of numerous cell types. Airways
inflammation contributes to the pathophysiology of airways disease. An
understanding of the mechanisms that regulate inflammatory cell
function is essential for the development of novel anti-inflammatory
drugs for the treatment of common respiratory diseases such as asthma
and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). This book provides a
collection of valuable reviews on the major inflammatory cells involved
in airways disease and examines the pharmacology of current
anti-inflammatory drugs used in the treatment of airways disease.
Moreover, an insight into the development of emerging drug therapies is
also highlighted.
This book is a must for the library of any researcher or clinician
interested in the pathophysiology of airways disease.
A. V. Medvedev