Cell Growth and Oncogenesis (P. Bannasch, D. Kanduc, S. Para, J. M.
Tager, eds., Birkhauser Verlag, Basel-Berlin-Boston, 1998, 328 p.)
Rapid progress has been made in our understanding of the molecular
mechanisms of cell growth and oncogenesis during the past decade. This
book comprises recent results on the regulation of cell growth in
normal and neoplastic tissues by growth factors including hormones, and
by the activation of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes,
respectively. Special attention has been given to the presentation of
the frequently neglected close correlation between changes in signal
transduction and metabolic pathways during oncogenesis. Rapid progress
has been made in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of cell
growth and oncogenesis during the past decade. This book comprises
recent results on the regulation of cell growth in normal and
neoplastic tissues by growth factors including hormones, and by the
activation of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, respectively.
Special attention has been given to the presentation of the frequently
neglected close correlation between changes in signal transduction and
metabolic pathways during oncogenesis.
P. Bannasch