* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received April 5, 2000; Revision received June 22, 2000
Kinetic regularities of the enzymatic acyl group transfer reactions have been studied using ampicillin synthesis catalyzed by E. coli penicillin acylase as an example. It was shown that ampicillin synthesis proceeds through the formation of an acylenzyme-nucleophile complex capable of undergoing hydrolysis. The relative nucleophile reactivity of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) is a complex parameter dependent on the nucleophile concentration. The kinetic analysis showed that the maximum yield of antibiotic being synthesized depended only on the nucleophile reactivity of 6-APA, the ratio between the enzyme reactivities with respect to the target product and acyl donor, and the initial concentrations of reagents. The parameters characterizing the nucleophile reactivity of 6-APA have been determined. The algorithm of modeling the enzymatic synthesis has been elaborated. The proposed algorithm allows the kinetics of the process not only in homogeneous, but also in heterogeneous (aqueous solution-precipitate) systems to be quantitatively predicted and described based on experimental values of parameters of the reaction. It was shown that in heterogeneous aqueous solution-precipitate systems PA-catalyzed ampicillin synthesis proceeds much more efficiently compared to the homogeneous solution.
KEY WORDS: penicillin acylase, ampicillin synthesis, kinetic characteristics, nucleophile reactivity of 6-APA, mathematical modeling