* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received December 22, 1999; Revision received August 7, 2000
The effects of some metal ions on the activity and activation of Thiocapsa roseopersicina hydrogenase have been studied. Inhibitory effects of Ni2+ and Cd2+ on the catalytic activity of the enzyme were reversible and competitive with respect to methyl viologen (MV) in the reaction of hydrogen oxidation. The affinity of these metal ions to the enzyme increased significantly with increasing pH, suggesting that their interactions are determined by electrostatic forces. Cu2+ and Hg2+ irreversibly inhibited the hydrogenase activity. A decrease in absorption of hydrogenase at 400 nm in the presence of these metal ions is indicative of the destruction of the FeS cluster in the enzyme.
KEY WORDS: hydrogenase, metal ions, hydrogen, inhibition, activation, FeS cluster