Biochemistry (Moscow), Volume 64 (1999), Number 5
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Some Properties of Dissimilatory Nitrate Reductases Lacking Molybdenum
and Molybdenum Cofactor
DNase II in Spermatozoa of the Loach
Misgurnus fossilis L.
Nucleotide Sequence of the Gene and Features of the Major Outer Membrane
Protein of a Virulent
Rickettsia prowazekii Strain
Photoelectric Responses of Oxygen-Evolving Complexes of Photosystem II
Cellular Signalling and Free-Radical Modulating Activities of the Novel
Peptidomimetic L-Glutamyl-Histamine
Structure of a Neutral O-Specific Polysaccharide of the Bacterium
Providencia alcalifaciens O5
REVIEW: Biochemical Predetermination of the NO Synthase and Nitrite
Reductase Components of the Nitric Oxide Cycle
Age-Dependent Changes of Lipid Composition in
Daphnia magna
Opioid Agonist Modulation of Cytoplasmic Free Ca
2+ Level in
Concanavalin A-Stimulated Mouse Lymphocytes
Do Protein Molecules Have a Native-Like Topology in the Pre-molten
Globule State?
Phosphorylation of a Low-Molecular-Weight Polypeptide in Rat Liver
Mitochondria and Dependence of Its Phosphorylation on Mitochondrial
Functional State
Investigation of Sialic Acids and Sialyltransferase Activity in Blood of
Patients with Systemic Scleroderma
The Anion-Carrier Mediated Uncoupling Effect of Dicarboxylic Fatty Acids
in Liver Mitochondria Depends on the Position of the Second Carboxyl
Structural Organization of Membrane and Soluble Forms of Somatic
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme
A Site-Specific Endonuclease from the Thermophilic Strain
Species F4
Phosphorescence of Intermediates of the Terminal Stage of Chlorophyll
Biosynthesis in Plants
Myoglobin: What Is It for?
Comments to the Paper of A. D. Vinogradov "Myoglobin: What Is It
Molecular Biology of Steroid and Nuclear Hormone Receptors
Oleg Borisovich Ptitsyn