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To the Authors and Readers of Our Journal

Dear Friends!

I am glad to inform you that we have succeeded in getting the permission of our Publishers to disseminate the materials of the journal Biochemistry (Moscow) through the Internet channels. The following materials have been recently made accessible for the public at large (free of charge):

1) Biochemistry (Moscow) contents in 1996, as well as the contents of the issues already published in 1997 or still in the press;
2) article summaries with key words and authors' addresses;
3) complete texts of 20% of the papers (the best articles which have been given the highest scores by the reviewers) with figures, tables, and references;
4) instructions for the authors;
5) information concerning the Editorial Board;
6) subscription terms and conditions.

The address of our Web site is http://www.protein.bio.msu.su/biokhimiya

Using keywords and author names, any Internet user will be able to find the article summary (or the whole article if it belongs to the lucky 20%) of interest, and this will be free of charge. All relevant information will be transferred to the Internet system as soon as the electronic version of the original journal issue is available, i.e., before the hard copy is published.

Our leading biochemical journal has finally become part and parcel of the collective memory of the planet! Congratulations!

I wish to thank most sincerely the Minister of Science of Russia V. E. Fortov and the Deputy Minister responsible for biology A. M. Egorov for the financial support provided by the Ministery which has enabled us to purchase the necessary equipment.

Best thanks to Dr. R. D. Ozrina, the Executive Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, Dr. R. Lozier, the Editor of the English version, and Dr. I. A. Adzhubei, a staff member of the School of Biology of Moscow State University, whose supreme qualification and enthusiasm have enabled us to achieve this breakthrough.

Professor V. P. Skulachev
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences