2To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submitted November 28, 1996; revision submitted April 1, 1997.
The polypeptide composition of liver and Zajdela hepatoma mitochondria is compared. Polypeptides of mitochondria and submitochondrial fractions (the outer and the inner mitochondrial membranes, the intermembrane and the matrix spaces of mitochondria) were separated by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. The percentage content of each polypeptide was evaluated after scanning gels using a differential spectrophotometer-densitometer. Significant changes of several proteins of the hepatoma mitochondria and submitochondrial fractions as compared with normal liver preparations have been found.
KEY WORDS: liver mitochondria, hepatoma mitochondria, outer and inner membranes, intermembrane space, polypeptide composition, protein electrophoresis.